Su Mengjiao so slowly closed her eyes, her face is full of smile. This night, Su Mengjiao sleep very sweet.

However, when Su Mengjiao opened her eyes the next day, she saw a scene of extraordinary terror!

Anshan is still lying beside her, sleeping, snoring. He is still dating Zhou Gong. Su Mengjiao see everything in front of her eyes, can't help but immediately drill into the quilt and wear clothes in a hurry.

Su Mengjiao's movement wakes Anshan. Anshan suddenly feels a cold wind coming from the quilt! For a long time, he found that it was su Mengjiao moving around in the quilt.

"What's the matter, Jiaojiao?" Anshan is sleepy, but he still feels sleepy. He didn't sleep the night before yesterday and needs more time to replenish his sleep. He yawned lazily and lifted the quilt in front of Su Mengjiao. "Jiaojiao, what are you doing? There's no one outside. Why are you covering your body with a quilt? Are you still afraid of me when we are so close? " Finish saying, an Shan suddenly sat up from the quilt, will cover on their body quilt completely open!

The quilt is thus abandoned by Anshan on the floor!

"Anshan! Are you crazy? " Su Mengjiao can't help but scream! Her eyes looked at the door and said to Anshan, "look at the door!"

At the same time, Anshan heard the "click" sound of cameras coming from the door, and the voice of several people whispering! Anshan looked at everything in front of him inexplicably and couldn't help feeling dazed! It's like a dream! There were about a dozen Chinese journalists standing in front of them, most of them Chinese journalists, and two American journalists with blonde hair and blue eyes. Anshan didn't know what was going on in the end. He was stunned!

"You..." Anshan side flustered to pick up the quilt from the ground, the quilt tightly wrapped in Su Mengjiao's body, and then covered himself with a corner of the quilt! He couldn't help shouting, "who are you? Why are we being photographed? When and how did you get in? Oh, my God! Is there any royal law? How can you break into a hotel? And ran to my room? "

"Excuse me, are you an Shan, a new writer who suddenly rose in China recently?" One of the young female reporters, holding a microphone, said to Anshan, "excuse me, is Su Mengjiao, a little writer of Jiangchuan, lying beside you? She is only famous in Jiangchuan, and few literary and artistic young people know her when she goes out of Jiangchuan. Moreover, she is so much older than you. Are you really in love, or It's just a one night couple? "

"Mr. Anshan, Su Mengjiao has a husband. Do you know?" A man about 30 years old, with a look of happiness and joy on his face, said to Anshan, "and I heard that Su Mengjiao's husband is the assistant to the president of yanmiao group, and he is a popular man beside Park minhao. If you offend Luo song, maybe he will find many people to beat you The tone of a man's voice is like that of threatening a child under ten years old. Perhaps in the eyes of this 30-year-old man, Anshan, who was just in his early twenties, was originally a little hairy boy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!