"I..." Anshan suddenly became more flustered. He had never seen such a scene. So he could not help feeling afraid.

"Enough for you!" At this time, Su Mengjiao had already put on her clothes. She was coming out of her bedroom and went to the door. "It's immoral for you unscrupulous reporters to intrude into private houses. Are you still willing to interview us here? This is not a public place. You don't have the qualification. " Su Mengjiao overbearing full of reporters said.

"Miss Su." When other reporters were silent and embarrassed, the 30-year-old man couldn't help laughing, then walked up to Su Mengjiao and said to her, "it seems that this is not a residential house, is it? This is the hotel. You can come and live here. Naturally, we journalists can also come and book rooms. And I interviewed you because we met you. Who made you famous and met us good journalists? " With that, the man seemed a little proud.

"Even if it's not a private house, is it a private place?" Su Mengjiao said to the male reporter, "I haven't asked how you came in! Who gave you your room card? " Su Mengjiao asked angrily.

"No one gave us the room card!" The man can't help but say, "it's you who sleep without closing the door. Miss Su, I think Can't it be that you have been writing for many years and have not been popular, so you can take the opportunity to stay with an Shan, a famous new writer, and then deliberately send an anonymous SMS to US reporters, so that we can help you create some news, so as to attract eyeballs and become popular in this way? "

"This reporter friend." Although Su Mengjiao had been angry for a long time, she still pretended to be very calm and said to him, "this reporter friend, your imagination is really rich, at least much more abundant than those of US writers. I think it's a pity to be a journalist with your talent. You should be a writer. I believe you can create some novel and thrilling stories. Maybe, with your talent, you can win the Nobel prize! "

"Is Miss Su satirizing me?" However, the reporter said, "Miss Su has been writing for ten years. She can't help but write lipstick. I think it's time for you to change your profession, too

Ann is dressed by this time. He could not help but take a breath of cold air, and then told himself in silence: be calm! Don't panic! He can't just watch Su Mengjiao being interrogated by so many people outside. Anshan thinks that since Su Mengjiao has become his woman, he must strive to protect her, no matter whether she has the ability to face these reporters, and whether he can cope with all this, as long as he is around to return Su Mengjiao, he thinks, he has the responsibility and obligation to take such responsibility on his own initiative. Even if she is younger than Su Mengjiao, Anshan thinks that he should stand by Su Mengjiao's side, protect her, be the man she can rely on and trust, and be her man for life! Anshan doesn't want to let Su Mengjiao down on him, let alone let himself down on himself.

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