"You What are you talking about? " Mr. Dong looked at Park Min Ho with some displeasure and said to him, "I think Mr. Dong was also a teacher at all times. He was honest all his life. He loved and hated clearly. How could I be bribed by money? As a small shareholder of yanmiao group and the oldest shareholder of yanmiao group, I didn't want to attend such boring meetings. After all, I was not interested in such meetings at all. What's more, I don't really understand business matters, and I'm too lazy to participate in it. But this time about the life and death of yanmiao group, so I had to participate in, and very responsibly said a few fair words in front of everyone. Although I don't know how to do business, I understand and judge people very well. I think we'd better choose President Park Zhihao, because he can bring us and yanmiao group an infinite bright future

Just as everyone nodded and agreed with Mr. Dong, park minhao suddenly said to Mr. Dong, "Mr. Dong, I think Did you have to come out to speak for PU Zhihao for your son who didn't strive for success? "

"President Park Min Ho, what do you mean by that? I don't understand! " Mr. Dong said, pretending to be angry.

"Since you don't understand, I'll help you analyze it." Park Min Ho said to Mr. Dong with a smile, "you are 71 years old and your son is 46 years old. Your son has married three wives. The first wife is wise and virtuous, but he can't stand your gambling son. He divorced your son two years later. Your son's second wife is your school colleague's daughter. In the first month of marriage, your son's gambling habit was discovered by your daughter-in-law. After two months of quarrel, it ended in divorce. Your son's third wife is very powerful. Knowing that your son is a gambler, he is willing to marry him, so that your son once thought that he had met with true love, so on the day of marriage, he gave all his money to this woman, and transferred the marriage room you gave your son to her name. However, after marriage, this woman is not willing to do husband and wife affairs with your son. Three days later, your son was going to divorce because of this, but your daughter-in-law refused. Later, your son appealed, but your powerful daughter-in-law took out a lot of evidence of your son's gambling, and finally made a hard blow at the time of divorce. Before that, your daughter-in-law has transferred the common property of their husband and wife. One after another, your third daughter-in-law married your son for three days, but got more than two million funds and a suite. And you are just a retired teacher, almost all your money has been invested in the son's marriage. Since then, you have been destitute. You can only rely on this small investment of yanmiao group and live a relatively poor life. Although yanmiao group's money is not too much, but it is absolutely quite a lot, but you have always been a generous person, is a person who upholds justice. You should not only support your son who is fond of gambling, support his wife who is paralyzed in bed, and even support your uncle's family. Because your uncle and his wife are old and have no children, you have to take care of them. Although it doesn't take much money to support a person, when does your gambling son come back from debt and ask for money from you? "

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