"President Park, what we are talking about here is yanmiao group. What do you do with my family affairs? It's not very kind of you to do so? Yes, Mr. Dong has been aboveboard all his life. If it is a real thing, I will not deny it. President Park Minho, what you said just now is true, but if you expose my privacy, it is disrespectful to me! " Mr. Dong couldn't help feeling a little excited.

"Mr. Dong, I don't mean to say that casually." Park Min Ho looked at Mr. Dong calmly and said to him, "I just find out some motives for you to be bribed by park Zhihao. The dividend of yanmiao group has already filled the debt owed by your son. Your son owed more than 10 million gambling debts last month, and the money you can get in yanmiao group all year round is no more than 10 million. But, last year's more than 10 million has been spent almost, you can't take so much money now. And those who have been owed money have chased your son for three times and have declared that if they can't get so much money, they will start to cut off your son's hand! So, for your son, you without money You have to take the step of being bribed by Pu Zhihao... " Park Min Ho slowly analyzed.

"President Park Minho, I admit that what you said about my son is correct. My son is such a loser and has a huge gambling debt Mr. Dong couldn't help but take a look at Park Minho and said to him seriously, "but Mr. Dong has been aboveboard all my life, and I have always done those shady things behind my back. I was not bribed by President Park Chi ho. But my son refused me. I just want to say a fair word and really consider it for you. I don't want to watch my money and everybody's money float. So I think we should decide who to choose today. I choose President Park Zhihao as chairman of the board of directors

"Mr. Dong!" Park Zhihao couldn't help being out of control. He looked at Mr. Dong in a daze and said to him, "have you forgotten what you just said? You said that anyone could be bought by money. If it is not successful, it must mean that the money bought is not enough. If 100000 is not enough, then a million or even 10 million can't buy a person. Therefore, if you say that you have not been bribed by park Zhihao, are you not slapping yourself in the face? " Park Min Ho could not help but analyze.

"I said that." Mr. Dong said, "but he couldn't help but look at the matter seriously I'm different from you. I'm 71 years old, and I've lived for so many years. I've never done a single thing that I feel guilty about. All my life, I have always been clear about my love and hate, and I hate evil as a foe. Everyone knows my reputation. I'm not the kind of person who can be easily bought off. If a hundred people out of a hundred can be bought, then I am the one hundred and one. I'm not an ordinary person. "

"You are not an ordinary man?" Park Chi ho sneered and said, "Mr. Dong, you are so humorous. For the first time, I heard someone say in front of me that he was not an ordinary person. I don't think anyone has the guts to say that. Even I dare not say that about myself

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