"Cheng Xiaofeng! You are so good! " Rodin couldn't help shouting! She suddenly cheered, like a sweet child. She couldn't help flashing light in her eyes, "I didn't expect you would do this again!"

"As a man, I still have the basic ability to repair water and electricity. Otherwise, how to set up your own family and protect your beloved woman? If a man doesn't even have this ability, do women have to do all these things? Women are not fit for such rough work. " Cheng Xiaofeng couldn't help smiling at Rodin and said to her, "but Rodin, let's leave here quickly! All the lights in the corridor are on. Maybe the lights in the corridor upstairs are on. If your two colleagues find that the light is on, go downstairs and find us. It's too bad

"Let's go, then." Rodin said as he put away his cell phone and was about to go back. It's just that As soon as she turned back, she seemed to have run into a man! Rodin couldn't help but exclaimed, "ah," and the whole person shuddered.

"Shh!" From the man's mouth a soft hiss, "Rodin, it's me!"

Rodin suddenly took a look, that person is not others, it is she just called for help Luo song!

"Brother Rodin was ecstatic. "We just fixed the circuit. Brother, let's go upstairs and stop them! "

"Good!" As he said this, Luo song ran forward quickly.

Park Min Ho's office was dark and the door was closed. Roson remembers that when he left during the day, the shutters were open. Now, the blinds are off. Luo song looked at the voice control lights in the corridor. The dark corridor did not seem to make the two people in park Minho's office realize anything. So, Luo song can't help but tell Luo Dan and Cheng Xiaofeng to leave, and then, he can't help hiding his feet.

The voice lights are on. Roxon didn't want to scare people because he wanted to investigate Jessica further, but he didn't want them to find out that he was suspicious of Jessica, so that they would not be on guard. Luo song only wanted to catch big fish in a long line. So, after the lights in the corridor were turned on, roson quietly hid in the next room.

"The light outside is on!" Xue can't help being surprised! He quickly took Jessica's hand and said to her, "come on! We have to get out of here

As time goes by, Xue can quickly takes Jessica out of here and rushes downstairs.

At this time, Luo song returned to park Min Ho's office and searched for the trace of the seal.

Not found!

Luo song suddenly felt a bolt from the blue! He can't help looking at the seemingly empty office, suddenly feel that he can't explain to park minhao! What should I do? In the past, park Min Ho always put his most valuable things in the password drawer, but when Luo song opened the drawer, there was no seal except for the gifts Luo Xiwei had given him! finished! finished! It's all over! Luo song suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe! He is simply ashamed of Pu minhao's entrustment!

At this time, Rodin suddenly came over! Looking at a confused face of Luo song, Luo Dan's heart can not help sinking! She looked at Rodin and asked, "brother! What's up? Is the seal gone? "

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