"No, no seal!" Luo song almost sat there, looking at Rodin despairingly.

"Seal No more?! " Rodin couldn't help but stare at Luo song and said, "brother You mean The seal was sealed by the two of them Stolen? "

"Or else?" Rosang looked at Rodin with his head down and said to her.

"Brother Are you sure? " Rodin couldn't help asking, "did you look for it?"

"Yes. I've looked for them all. We didn't find it... " Luo Song said dejectedly.

"Do you know where Park Min Ho put the seal? Are you sure you can't find it? Maybe He put it in a secret place, but you didn't even find it... " Rodin could not help comforting.

"No way It's impossible... " Luo song was extremely depressed. "In that password drawer, there are all the most important things for President Park Even all the gifts Luo Xiwei gave to park Min Ho were in that drawer. President Park has always regarded Luo Xiwei's things as treasures. Even the things Luo Xiwei sent are in that drawer. He certainly won't put the seal in other places. It must be in this drawer. What's more, once I saw President Park put his seal in this drawer You said, how could President Park's seal not be in this drawer? "

"But Can they break the code of the drawer so quickly? " Rodin looked at him suspiciously and said to him.

"It looks like..." Luo song can't help but look at this drawer, he suddenly felt Unless Xue can knew the password in advance, he would not be able to decipher such a complex password in a short time. Although Xue can was Park Min Ho's assistant before, he also knew the password of Park Min Ho's drawer, but since Park Min Ho went to the United States, the password of this drawer has been changed twice, and he has not told Xue can. The password of this drawer is almost known only by park Min Ho and Luo song. Then, Luo song suddenly felt very surprised, "yes! Only President Park and I know the password of this drawer. How could he know? "

"Or Do you call President Park and ask him where he put the seal? " Rodin can't help but say to Luo song.

"This How can this work? " Luo song couldn't help saying, "if he knew the seal was gone, wouldn't he be so busy when he arrived in the United States?"

"But If you don't ask, it's no way to think about it like this. You'll be sleepless all night. " Rodin said to rosang.

"I'm sure I can't close my eyes all night." Luo song can't help but say to Rodin.

"Let's fight one." Rodin couldn't help but say to him, "I have a hunch that the seal has not been stolen by them. Brother, if you don't dare to fight, I'll help you! " With that, Rodin took the mobile phone from Luo song's hand, and even dialed the phone.

"Rodin!" Rosong looked at Rodin anxiously, trying to stop it. However, Rodin did not let. Park Min Ho is on the phone.

"What's the matter, Roxon?" On the other end of the phone came the familiar voice of Park Min Ho.

Rodin did not speak and looked at rosong quietly. Luo song didn't dare to speak. He looked at Rodin in a daze and winked at her angrily.

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