When Cheng Xiaofeng woke up, it was already daybreak. Open the hazy eyes, the face seems not to be familiar with the environment. Cheng Xiaofeng realized that this is not his home! He couldn't help looking around, and he remembered that this was Rodin's home! It's just He looked at himself without any clothes, just covered with a blanket, and suddenly felt a little strange. He suddenly stood up, but saw his clothes scattered on the ground, as well as Rodin's clothes

"My God Cheng Xiaofeng could not help patting his head, quickly picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on, "I and Rodin should not have done something stupid last night? I I don't seem to be drunk How You can't control yourself when you get here? I Why can't I remember anything? What happened? And Rodin? " Cheng Xiaofeng couldn't help thinking.

Dressed neatly, Cheng Xiaofeng could not help looking for Rodin's figure. Finally, he found Rodin in the bathroom! The bath in the bathroom is very hot, and there is a very hot smell in the bathroom. It's just Rodin But it seems that she has nothing to wear. She squats quietly on the ground

See Luo Dan such appearance, Cheng Xiaofeng can't help but be scared to retreat out! Men and women are different. He dare not see Rodin like this. He left the bathroom door ajar, then turned his back to the door and said to Rodin, "Rodin, are you ok?"

Rodin did not speak.

"Rodin, you Are you all right? " Cheng Xiaofeng said to Luo Dan with some uneasiness, "what happened last night, can you tell me?"

Rodin still had no voice, even a sigh or cry! Cheng Xiaofeng can't help worrying. He knocked at the door and continued, "Rodin, can you hear me? If you can, can you give me an answer? I don't feel at ease that you are so silent

Silence, another silence. Rodin did not make any sound. This can not help but let Cheng Xiaofeng feel very worried. At the moment, he wanted to rush in, but he was afraid of something wrong. So he couldn't help saying again, "Rodin, if you can hear me, squeak. Otherwise I I rushed in Because I don't know if something happened to you I'm worried about you Well, I'll count to three. If you don't say anything, I'll come in and see you. But don't worry, I won't be rude to you. 1 2 3... " Cheng Xiaofeng carefully counted, when he counted to "3", but still did not hear any sound inside. Under this, Cheng Xiaofeng thoroughly flustered! He quickly opened the bathroom door, and could not help but gently touched Rodin, but she still did not move. What's more, she exudes a chill.

Cheng Xiaofeng is scared! He quickly picked up Rodin! When he got to the living room, he covered Rodin's body with a blanket! Just as he picked up his cell phone to make an emergency call, Rodin suddenly woke up.

"Rodin!" Cheng Xiaofeng can't help but look at Rodin, who seems to be weak all over, and can't help feeling more nervous.

"Don't come here!" The first words of Rodin with white lips turned out to be this! This can't help but let Cheng Xiaofeng daydream. So what did he do to Rodin last night? Cheng Xiaofeng's heart is full of wonder.

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