"Rodin, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Rodin's tears pattering down, Cheng Xiaofeng's heart felt particularly distressed. He couldn't help looking at Rodin and saying, "what's going on?"

Gradually Rodin began to breathe. She couldn't help looking at the scattered clothes on the ground and said to Cheng Xiaofeng, "have you seen all these clothes on the ground? These are all your masterpieces Luo Dan hate to look at Cheng Xiaofeng, said to him.

"You mean Last night we... " Cheng Xiaofeng looked at Rodin stupidly and could hardly speak.

"It's not what we did." Rodin quickly corrected, "but what you have done to me, I am not willing, you forced me!" Rodin said bitterly.

"What?" Cheng Xiaofeng immediately felt remorse and remorse, "I I actually I did that to you Cheng Xiaofeng is full of hatred! He didn't expect that he would turn his relationship with Rodin like this overnight! At the moment, his eyes suddenly saw the bright red rose on the sofa, which realized It turns out that what I hurt last night is a very pure girl! Rodin as she said, she is still a big girl! However, it is such a beautiful and pure big girl of yellow flower that she was destroyed by him! Cheng Xiaofeng couldn't help feeling very upset.

"Or else?" Rodin hatefully said, "is it difficult or I sent it up myself?"

"Sorry, Rodin..." Cheng Xiaofeng felt extremely sorry. He looked at the bright red rose silently and said to Rodin, "I If you don't mind, I'll be responsible for you. No matter what kind of conditions you put forward, I will promise you! Rodin, I just hope you can be happy and happy... "

"If something like this happens, my whole life will be ruined. Can I still be happy and happy?" Rodin looked at Cheng Xiaofeng with some hateful eyes and said to him.

"I'm sorry I I will try to make you the happiest woman in the world Cheng Xiaofeng can't help but swear secretly.

"No more." Luo Dan can't help but look at Cheng Xiaofeng contemptuously. Is he trying to be responsible for her? What does he want? Be her boyfriend or marry her? He wants it well! If you can marry her if you have violated her, then if those who pursue her had known this, would they not regret that they had not violated her? Is it too easy to get a woman in this way? Luo Dan said nothing to let Cheng Xiaofeng succeed! If you can't catch up with her, you'd better marry her? Cheng Xiaofeng thought too beautiful! Rodin couldn't help thinking. She glanced at Cheng Xiaofeng in silence. He was writhing in the kitchen. Soon she handed over a cup of brown sugar and ginger water.

"Drink it Cheng Xiaofeng could not help saying to Rodin, "now your body is very weak, you need this cup of brown sugar ginger water. I I just wanted to pour you boiled water just now. I just looked for it to see if there was brown sugar and ginger water. Then I saw that there was really one, so I made a cup for you

Rodin clubbed in silence and did not speak.

"Rodin, if you find me annoying, I can leave right away. I've done something I'm sorry for you, and I swear that I'll come and go as soon as I can. " Cheng Xiaofeng looked at Luo Dan seriously and said to her, "it's just Please don't be stubborn, don't feel sorry for your body You must drink it

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