Luo Dan quietly lying on the sofa, tears, she looked at Cheng Xiaofeng face that very self reproach expression, suddenly felt that she did not understand him. He said he loved her so much, but he hurt her again and again.

"Rodin..." Seeing Rodin lying there without talking, tears from the corners of her eyes kept flowing, which soaked her hair. Her eyes were almost full of despair. Cheng Xiaofeng realized that he might have hurt Rodin again. So he faltered to Rodin and said, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to But I really I really like you so much So I didn't control myself Sorry... "

"You go!" Rodin was very depressed. His eyes were empty and weak. She didn't even want to take a look at Cheng Xiaofeng who disgusted her. She was too lazy to turn her eyes. Then she said in silence, "I don't want to see you again."

"Rodin Let me explain I really don't mean to you I just love you so much That's why I didn't control... " Cheng Xiaofeng once again strongly explained, "Rodin, don't be sad, OK? I will be responsible for you. If you like, I can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate and get married with you immediately. "

"Go away! Go away Rodin suddenly growled with emotion.

"Rodin You look like this I'm really worried about leaving you at home alone... " Cheng Xiaofeng said anxiously, "just let me accompany you, OK?"

"Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid." Rodin said coldly, "as long as you leave my house, everything will be better for me. So please get out of here

"All right, then." Cheng Xiaofeng looked at Rodin very reluctantly and said to her, "take care of yourself Don't take it too hard. Get up tomorrow morning and pick you up for work With that, Cheng Xiaofeng left here.

Rodin's tears couldn't stop. She also knew that as long as she cried, she would be very tired the next day. But she couldn't stop herself from crying. After a while, her hair seemed to have just been washed. Thinking of his life was destroyed by Cheng Xiaofeng, Rodin's heart can not help feeling extra pain, all of a sudden all return.

At this moment, Rodin suddenly felt someone open the door at the door. She was not much surprised because her brother, roson, had the key to her home.

"Rodin! How are you doing? " Luo song came to Rodin with great concern and asked.

"What are you doing here?" Said Rodin coldly.

"Xiaofeng has already told me." Roson said to Rodin, "he doesn't trust you, so let me see you."

"Come to see my jokes?" Rodin felt cold in his heart.

"No, Rodin. Xiaofeng is worried about you, so he called me to see you. She said you don't want to see him, and since what happened between him and you just now, he's worried that you can't take it easy, so let me come here. " Roxon said, "Rodin, don't do this. Since you and Xiaofeng are male and female friends, it is normal for such a thing to happen. Xiaofeng Xiaofeng, although it is not a matter of your own free will, it is not a matter of your own free will to be with your girlfriend? Rodin, my brother knows that you have always been a good conservative girl, but you are at this age, not an 18-year-old girl. You should try to accept this. This is what happens between men and women. Of course, it's his fault to force you, but as a girlfriend, you can't hang him all the time. After all, he is your boyfriend. And a man loves a woman not only to get her heart, but also to love a woman with heart and body. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!