"Brother, that's very nice of you." Rodin sneered and said to him, "is this your man's love?"? In fact, you get the voice of men? So, brother, I want to ask you, do you love my sister-in-law more, or do you love that American woman Lucy more? If you love one of them, what is the other? If you love both, what is your love? Or You just want a woman's body? "

"Rodin, we are talking about you and Cheng Xiaofeng. How can I get involved?" Luo Song said with embarrassment, "yes, I cheated. I'm sorry for Meng Jiao and my face brother and child, and I'm sorry for Lucy, but it doesn't mean that my brother doesn't understand love. Besides, isn't dream Jiao with others? So I'm even with Meng Jiao... "

"Even? Brother, I'm sure my sister-in-law would never have been with another man without you and that American woman! " Rodin said with some excitement.

"Good, good! Even if you're right. " Luo song was defeated in a hurry. He was unwilling to discuss his own problems. He changed the topic and said, "Rodin, brother really doesn't want to argue with you. Maybe my brother really doesn't know women, but don't I know men? What's more, Xiaofeng has been my good friend for 20 years! He has loved you for many years, and he has not made a girlfriend for so many years. Now it's not easy to be with you, he wants to get you, that's a natural thing! If a man has no idea about his girlfriend, he doesn't love her at all

"Do you mean that rosang forced me to do something like that with him because he loved me?" Rodin could not help but sneer, "your man's love, I really can't understand."

"Rodin, don't be stubborn, will you? Besides, Xiaofeng has assured me that he will be responsible for you Luo Song said.

"I'm not rare!" Rodin fiercely bit his teeth and recalled that he was insulted by Cheng Xiaofeng, whom she didn't love just now.

"Rodin!" Luo song looked at Luo Dan with a look of hate iron but not steel, and said to her, "what's wrong with Xiaofeng? Since you have accepted him as your boyfriend, and you have been so close to him, he is willing to be responsible for you. You are so old, why do you like park Min Ho again? Rodin, park minpick has already flown to the United States to accompany the Rockwood bridge, where the "black" can be "black" with a "black" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "fine" with a "with a" with a "with a" with a "with a" with a "with a" with a "with a" with a "with a" with a "with a" with a "with a" with a "with a" with a "with a" with the two of them will never be separated in their whole life. You'd better not be wishful thinking. Rodin, listen to brother's advice, you'd better accept Xiaofeng! At the bottom of my heart, I really accept him. "

"Go, brother." With a tear in his eyes, Rodin said to him, "I don't think you're here to comfort me, but you're trying to piss me off. What's the matter with me? Am I as old as you? Don't you have a partner now? You can't keep your marriage even though you are married. You are still here to educate me! "

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