"Yunmin said he was pregnant." Park Min Ho stood there in a long time.

Luo Xiwei bent down to pick up the mobile phone, and then handed it to park Min Ho: "Anshan?"

"Well." Park Min Ho nodded and said to Luo Xiwei, "she asked me to help her chase Anshan back. But how could that be possible? Anshan has been with Su Mengjiao. Su Mengjiao left her marriage for Anshan. She paid such a high price to be with Anshan. How could she leave Anshan casually? Yunmin is really stupid. Knowing that Anshan doesn't like her, he still helps him silently behind his back, helping him contact the publishing house and publishing books at his own expense. Now he has finally become a popular writer, but also let Yun min pregnant, but also like the husband of Su Mengjiao. What is all this? That Anshan must not be a good man. Otherwise, why do you like a woman about ten years older than him? What normal boy doesn't like little girls? This Anshan must be a love cheat

"Anshan He's not that kind of person. " Luo Xiwei suddenly and seriously looked at Park Min Ho, mouth murmured, said.

"How do you know he's not that kind of person?" Park Min Ho said, "he now pregnant Yun min, and other women together, I do not know how to help Yunmin!"

"Min Ho In this Is there any misunderstanding? " Luo Xiwei said to park minhao.

"Misunderstanding? How could it be a misunderstanding? Yunmin is pregnant. Apart from explaining that Anshan is teasing her, what misunderstanding can there be? He must have been with Yunmin with an attitude of no refusal and irresponsibility! " Park Min Ho said indignantly, "I really hate this man! He is even more hateful than Charlie, at least Charlie is seriously when Yunmin's boyfriend, and when breaking up, he always wanted to recover Yunmin. But this Anshan Let's Yunmin pregnant for him, have not been able to take the initiative to come forward, but also my brother to help them. What a scum Park minhao was very angry. He hated the man named Anshan and thought that he was an irresponsible bad man, which led to the situation of Yunmin.

"Min Ho, it's better to..." Luo Xiwei thought and said to park minhao, "in fact To tell you the truth Anshan is my childhood. He left Jiangchuan for the United States only after he went to junior high school. I had some friendship with him when I was a child. From what I know about Anshan, he is not that kind of person. Or I'll talk to Anshan sometime. I'll ask him what's going on. I'll go around and see how he plans to solve this problem. "

"What's the situation? Is it that he bullied my sister and didn't want to be responsible and be with other women? " Park minhao clenched his fist angrily and said to Luo Xiwei, "Weiwei, even if you and Anshan were friends when you were children, even if you know him very well, but that's all a matter of childhood. Children, what can you do? But now the situation is different. Now Anshan is not a child in his twenties, but a man in his twenties with normal needs. Can you guarantee that his personality will not be defeated by his own needs and become an irresponsible and interest obsessed man? Weiwei, I'll take care of Yunmin. You need to talk to him. I'm afraid you are involved, and even you will be hurt. "

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