"Min Ho, no Anshan, he is really not that kind of person What harm can I get... " Luo Xiwei explained with great effort. She doesn't believe that an Shan is the kind of person that park Yunmin said. There must be some misunderstanding, just as Yunmin misunderstood her before, "besides, Anshan is far away in the United States, how can I be hurt? I just want to talk to him online and ask him what's going on with him. "

"That won't work either!" Park Minho said categorically, "I don't allow you to do this. Now it is not clear whether Anshan is an enemy or a friend. Before making clear about Yunmin, I won't allow you to have any contact with Anshan, so as not to let you get hurt. "

"Well..." Luo Xiwei is very helpless to look at Park minhao that worried appearance, then no longer people's heart, let him worry more. So she nodded and agreed, "OK. However, you must notarize. If Anshan is really the kind of person Yunmin said, I can even cut off contact with him in the future. But if there is any misunderstanding, you can't hurt Anshan, after all, he was my good friend when I was a child

"Good." Park Min Ho took a look at Luo Xiwei and said to her, "don't worry. I'm not a unreasonable bad man. If it's really Yunmin's nonsense, I'm sure I won't target Anshan. " Park Min Ho knew that there would be no misunderstanding among them. It was just a good speech. Yunmin is pregnant, what misunderstanding can you have? In fact, it's a scam like Yunmin. Either Yunmin talks nonsense in order to get Anshan. However, park minhao thinks that this possibility is very small. After all, his sister, park Yunmin, has been so cute since childhood. Even when he grew up, he always encountered ups and downs in emotional matters, and never listened to his brother's persuasion, but he firmly believed that Yunmin was kind. Yun min can't make up such shameless lies about being pregnant with an Shan child, unless it is an established fact. At the thought of this, park Min Ho's heart suddenly ached. Yunmin was spoiled by his brother when he was young. How can Anshan Hede get the favor of Yunmin, but he still doesn't look up to Yunmin. It's just the anger of man and God!

Suddenly, park Min Ho raised his head, but accidentally saw a familiar figure in the crowd! A young man and And Luo song's ex-wife Su Mengjiao!

Oh, my God! Park Min Ho suddenly felt as if someone had given him a heavy hammer! That's not Isn't it Anshan? He has investigated Anshan. Park minhao has seen all the public photos of Anshan. Therefore, Anshan knows him even if he turns to ashes! Therefore, park Min Ho walked forward three steps at a time.

"Anshan!" Park Min Ho suddenly stopped an Shan's way.

See an Shan and Su Mengjiao hand in hand, looks like a very loving look, like all the little lovers in love.

"You are..." An Shan took a serious look at Park Min Ho and thought about it carefully. He didn't seem to know him, though he looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere. He looked at Park Minho inexplicably, wondering if he was a fan of his own. However, this fan seems to be very domineering, which makes Anshan feel a little strange.

Without saying a word, park Min Ho suddenly swung his fist and hit an Shan's face

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