It turns out that this fragrance is the fragrance of Huichundan! Huichundan has always been famous and precious, not to mention it was refined by the Emperor himself. No wonder that even the 19 prince who had a proud voice with him coveted it so much!

Luobei couldn't help laughing, but there was some movement in the smile.

Elder brother Wei San is the personal bodyguard appointed by the Emperor himself to Mu Aoxing. He has a wide range of knowledge. Needless to say, even he is so greedy for this rejuvenation pill, and he can directly repair the spirit. It can be seen that it is by no means an ordinary elixir. There's another move, maybe it's the secret of the royal family Mu Aoxing is really good to her

In a flash, luobeibei's heart suddenly flashed many fragments. Although Mu Aoxing likes to play tricks on his brother and sister, he really hasn't bullied them. On the contrary, he has been helping them. He is generous to Dashan and never dislikes Dashan's large food

"By the way, sister, I'll give it back to you." Dashan took out the lingchong bag and put it on her hand. He cleverly turned it into a microphone. "Brother Wei San said that his sister would sleep a little longer if she wanted to absorb the medicine, so I couldn't disturb her. I was afraid that the little demon would make trouble to play with her sister, so I took it. Please calm it quickly. It was noisy all night last night."

"Thank you brother, brother is more and more intelligent and considerate now!" Luobeibei knew Dashan always had some inferiority in his intelligence, so when he got the chance, he praised him heartily to help him build up his confidence, and then quickly appeased the little demon who was about to be furious.

Dashan blooms her teeth, which are getting whiter and whiter due to the establishment of good hygiene habits, and smiles brightly.


This morning, luobeibei was obedient and didn't take a step away from the hospital. She had been practicing this move taught by Mu Aoxing. However, if she was obedient, she was not completely obedient, because the focus of that move was the impact of mind. If she didn't deserve the attack of mind when practicing, even if she could stab hundreds of swords in a flash, it was just empty shelf.

As for the object of practice, naturally the best is Dashan.

Mu Aoxing said before he taught him that if she could learn this move, she would be able to frighten the monks of seven or eight levels of refining gas for a moment. Brother Dashan's way of cultivation is very special, which can't be measured by common sense. But if she can make brother Dashan's mind stand still for a moment, her move will be a success.

As for whether it will affect Dashan's spirit Luobeibei knows that even if he underestimates himself too much, he can only be startled by Dashan's thick nerves at most. When he comes back, he will not be affected and will not cause deep damage at all. As for the spirit lost during the practice, there are some yellow stones in her earrings that can repair the spirit!

With yesterday's experience, the worries have been solved. In addition, the spirit has been strengthened. When luobeibei practices again, it feels much easier. After trying three moves, Dashan was stunned for the fourth time. She took the opportunity to push her out of the circle. Although she could not help shaking, she succeeded at last.

Dashan Putong fell back to the ground and woke up. A big man was so surprised that he spat out his tongue at luobeibei: "sister, you were so fierce just now!"

Luobei's spirit is consumed a lot, and he is dizzy. He smiles when he hears his "Tongyan Tongyu". In a moment, he obviously feels that his spirit is relaxed, and he is no longer as miserable as he was just now.

Eh, is it the joyful mood that helps the spirit to repair?

Luobei felt a move in her heart, but at this time her spirit was shaking like a candle that was about to go out. She had no time to guess. After confirming that Dashan had no real-time damage, she quickly went back to the room and took out the yellow stone to repair it.

This time, she used ten yellow stones to recover seven or eight points. The remaining two or three points can only be made up by natural sleep, which can not be achieved by forced use of external objects. Therefore, after lunch, she extravagantly let herself take an hour's nap.

When I woke up in the afternoon, my spirit had recovered completely.

Mu Aoxing, who went out early in the morning, still didn't come back. Luobei continued to practice. This time, she practiced the cooperation between the puppet and the swordsmanship that Yun hanchu had instructed.

She is very clear that although the spirit attack has unexpected effect, it has the major defect of consuming too much time and being too short. The puppet and the sword technique she has been practicing are her basic reliance.

This practice lasted for a long time. It was not until Dashan's stomach sent out the hungry thunder on time that Luobei stopped.

Just about to take a good bath in Jingfang, Yu Guang suddenly finds a man standing at the corner of the corridor not far away.

He has a long body in white, looks like ice jade, has a cool temperament, but his eyes are peaceful and distant. Who else can he be?

"Brother Yun!" Luobei exclaimed joyfully, quickly put away the flying sword and ran to the past.

"Little younger martial sister," there was a faint smile in Yun hanchu's eyes, "you are making rapid progress."

"It's all under the guidance of Brother Yun." Luobei stood in front of him two steps, a little shy, pinched the corner of his clothes, suddenly remembered his sweating appearance at this time, immediately embarrassed and hurriedly applied a cleaning technique, in the heart secretly cry bad, his smell just now, must have passed into Brother Yun's nose."The preliminaries will start tomorrow. Are you nervous?" Cloud cold beginning rushed to follow to come over of big mountain to nod, gentle ground asks her.

"When his highness 19 just gave me the information about his opponent, I was really a little nervous, but yesterday his highness 19 taught me a very powerful move, and I feel more confident." Luobeibei looked up at him with a smile. The weak sunset reflected on her face through the flower window on the corridor. Her bright eyes were very lovely.

Yun hanchu nodded: "that's good, fighting with others, momentum is very important, no matter who the other party is, you can't lose to yourself first."

"Well, Brother Yun, I remember. By the way, Brother Yun, look at the move I just learned." Luobei stepped back two steps and held the sword in his right hand. Then his temperament changed abruptly and more than 50 swords were stabbed in a flash. Each sword was attacked with merciless thought.

At the beginning of cloud cold, he felt that there was a dark cloud in front of him, and there were still lightning flashes in the dark cloud. It was like cold snakes opening their fangs and biting them quickly. Even though his mind was always very calm, he almost wanted to dodge.

It's such a move!

The bottom of Yun hanchu's eyes was shining. He felt quite shocked. In just one day, did his younger martial sister learn such a powerful sword move?

"Hee hee, Brother Yun, don't tell me that you are scared by me?" After a blow from Luobei, he immediately suffered dizziness and locked Yun hanchu's expression. Seeing that he was so rare that he was slightly stunned, his heart suddenly became proud.

"The 19 princes really taught you this move?" After all, the difference between the two is not just a little bit. What's more, the little younger martial sister's move is obviously only half hanging.

"Yes, Brother Yun, what do you think?" Luobei is smiling, but yunhanchu is worried, so he doesn't take pills immediately.

"It's really special..." Yun hanchu nodded his approval, but did not say the second half of the sentence.

For some reason, he always felt that this move was familiar, as if he had seen similar scenes somewhere. Of course, its power could not be compared. Where on earth have you seen it? This life must have never been experienced. Is it the previous life mentioned by Lian Yue?

"Hee hee Even Big Brother Yun says it's special. I'm sure I can win in the future. " Luobei's self-confidence soared.

At the beginning of cloud cold, some divergent thoughts returned instantly. Looking at the little girl's pale face, he could not help frowning slightly: "little younger martial sister, I think this move is too much for the loss of spirit. We can only do expedient measures in extraordinary times. Little younger martial sister still has to use it carefully." , the fastest update of the webnovel!