"Brother Yun is Brother Yun. You can see it at a glance." Luobeibei looked at him admiringly, "but his highness 19 said that although this move is domineering, if I can master it and control it more accurately, in fact, the loss of spirit will not be so great."

"Younger martial sister, you need to know that spirit attack is not a means that can be used at will." Seeing that she didn't pay much attention to her, Yun hanchu could not help reaching out and stroking the top of her hair, and gently warned, "although your move has some deterrent power, if you can't defeat the other party in time after using this move, the other party's spirit will be stronger than you. When he comes back, you just need to stop drinking, and your mind will be damaged, your vitality will be greatly damaged, and even you may be hurt Something more serious happened. "

Brother Yun touched her head! Brother Yun touched her head!

Luobei opens his eyes wide and looks at Yun hanchu's soft eyes. He shouts wildly in his heart and nods his head for a moment.

Her stupidity in Yun hanchu's eyes inevitably adds a bit of childishness, which makes Yun hanchu a little uneasy and tells him again: "so, remember elder brother Yun's words, be sure to use them carefully, you know?"

"Well, I see, Brother Yun." As soon as Yun hanchu's hand touched it, luobeibei's mind finally recovered. He added, "Your Highness 19 told me the advantages and disadvantages before he taught me. It's just that I'm not very lucky in drawing lots. I'm several layers short of my opponent's cultivation, and I can't use high-quality magic tools in the competition. With my current cultivation, even if I know the opponent's weakness, I may not be able to seize the opportunity. If I don't have such unexpected tricks, I'm afraid I won't win the competition. "

In order to reassure Yun hanchu, Luobei quickly took out a yellow stone to show him: "Brother Yun, can you recognize what this is?"

Yun hanchu took it and looked at it carefully: "this Is it the stone that the devil used to set up the battle? "

"Yes, even that kind of stone, I don't know what it contains, which can nourish my spirit," said Luo Beibei. "So when your highness 19 said that he had to have a good skill in spirit to learn, I thought I would learn it."

"Then I'm much more relieved." Yun hanchu returned the stone to her, and her heart was really at ease.

According to the rules of Yecheng in the past years, the competition in the middle and later stages of gas refining was originally conducted separately. The younger martial sister had been practicing the sword technique that he had made for the younger martial sister. He also had the help of the puppet who was a medium-grade weapon and the spirit Talisman specially prepared by the master. In addition, he had personally guided for a few days, so the chance of winning was still great.

According to the rules of Yecheng in the past years, the competition in the middle and later stages of gas refining should have been conducted separately. The younger martial sister has been practicing the sword technique that he tailored for the younger martial sister. Besides, with the help of the puppet who is a medium-quality weapon and the spirit Talisman specially prepared by the master, and with his own guidance for a few days, the chance of winning is still great.

I don't want to change the system suddenly this time. I want to mix the middle and later stages of gas refining to compete together, and it was not announced until the day before yesterday. In this way, the difficulty is directly increased by a large part, and the time left for people to deal with it is also very limited. His previous preparations are not enough.

Because of this reform, my younger martial brothers and sisters all want to ask him for further guidance. Mu Aoxing says that there are special reasons for him not to come here easily. In addition, he tries to find out about the situation of the younger martial sister's opponents here. He didn't have the chance to see her until the day before yesterday.

To tell you the truth, he felt a little guilty at the bottom of his heart.

"By the way, little younger martial sister, I managed to meet that Li Dang. He is Shuimu shuanglinggen. His cultivation has reached the eighth level of refining gas. He should be the most difficult one among your opponents. Fortunately, you will meet him on September 4th. I still have time to find out more about him..."

"Thank you, Brother Yun. I have his information." Luobeibei was a little happy to interrupt. She didn't fight that Li Dang until September 4, which means that she has two more days to practice. When the time comes, she should be a little more confident, right?

"What do you have?" Yun hanchu was a little stunned, and then he understood, "also, the news of the 19th prince should be better than me."

"Yes, not long after the draw the day before yesterday, his Highness the 19th got their information." Luobeibei took out the two folded books and showed them to Yun hanchu. Then duzui complained, "but there's another man who is No. 111. I don't know if it's because he's too strong. His 19th highness deliberately didn't tell me. Brother Yun, do you know him..."

"It's not good for you to know too much." A voice suddenly inserted in, two people turn a look, Mu Ao star is lazy to come over, "cloud childe, you say?"

Cloud cold beginning looked at him, the vision flashed for a while, then light tunnel: "yes."

"Well, since you all say so, I won't ask. I'd better concentrate on the two known people?" They made it clear that they wanted to hide it from her, and luobeibei could only accept it very leniently.

"That's good. We won't prevent you from entering the secret place." Mu Aoxing raised his hand and rubbed her hair. Compared with the spring breeze like touch in the beginning of cloud cold, his strength was completely impolite. The head of Luobei was shaken by the belt.

Luobei clapped his hand and glared at him: "Your Highness, brother mu, I'm only two years younger than you. Don't treat me as a child, OK?""You're still a child." See her this time take off is mu elder brother, didn't first shout 19 what of again inflexible turn, Mu Ao star in the heart that because see two people stand in a place to speak of sour taste son immediately be diluted a lot of, joint ground see cloud cold beginning all pleasing to the eye a bit, but pleasing to the eye return to pleasing to the eye, some words he still want to say. So, the 19 highness turned to Yun hanchu with a smile and asked, "you ask elder brother Yun, are you still a child or have you become a big girl?"

Cloud cold beginning light a smile: "everyone can turn adult from the child."

Mu Ao star made up a knife: "so the cloud childe means that although you will grow up in the future, you are still a child."

Luobei slightly some color change, as if there are some hidden deep careful thought, was slightly stabbed, can't help but sneer at Mu Aoxing: "I'm a child, you are not much better than me."

Mu Aoxing doesn't mind her attitude, but smiles more brightly: "at least I'm two years older than you, and I'll always be two years older."

"Yes, I will be two years older than me in the future," Luo Beibei made a grimace at him and hit back with a curse. "And I will always be two years older than me."

"No, that's maturity!" Mu Aoxing stretched out two fingers and shook them. "My son, the genius of heaven, will marry Dan early in the future. Sister Luo wants to see your elder brother Mu grow old. I'm afraid it's possible to wait for hundreds of years at least."

Luobei didn't bother to pay attention to him. He turned his eyes and asked Yun hanchu, who had a calm face: "by the way, Brother Yun, you just said that the number of matches has come out?"

Yun hanchu just nodded, and the mountain on one side gave a sound. He was embarrassed and handed over a piece of paper: "sister, I forgot to give it to you."

"It's OK, brother. Now I know it's the same." Luobei glanced at the ranking on the paper. Today is the first day of September, and the preliminary competition starts from the second day of the third day. She will fight Wang linnian on the 807th tomorrow afternoon, and the 11th the day after tomorrow. On the last day, she will fight Li Dang on the fourth day of the fourth day.

Dashan and muaoxing also have one game every day. The difference is that Dashan is in the morning, while muaoxing is in the afternoon. The two games are earlier than Luobei, and one is later than her.

Seeing that she has been looking at the competition schedule and staring at Li Dang's name, Yun hanchu comforted her gently: "still, you just need to practice hard these days. Don't have any psychological burden. Brother Yun will try to find a way to deal with the rest."

Mu Ao star is lazy way: "don't worry, this guy's luck is not very good, draw a is also refining gas eight hard bone, at that time will be enough for him to chew."

Looking at his expression, listening to his tone, luobeibei suddenly felt that his sentence seemed to contain something, strange really relieved.

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