While they were on guard, they went into the woods. The poisonous bees were buzzing, but none of them ever came to attack them.

Soon, they went through the dark ancient woods and came to the bottom of the cliff.

"Sister, I'll carry you." There were no other friars around, Dashan boasted, "I'm a good climber."

Luobei wanted to come by himself, but seeing Dashan so happy, he really went up to his broad back with a smile.

The mountain roared like an ape and ran up a long way.

LAN Jingyu was dressed up with a smile. He shook his hand and waved a vine. He entangled a little protrusion and rose with the help of his strength.

Mu Aoxing stood at the bottom of the valley and looked at them calmly. When he was nearly halfway through the line, he suddenly stamped his foot, and the whole person suddenly flew into the sky and directly passed the three people. The tip of his foot lightly touched a small shrub rooted in the rock wall and looked down proudly.

Luobei looked dumbfounded: "don't you think Xiaozhou mountain can't fly with spiritual power?"

"Stupid!" Mu Ao star despises her, "this is bounce, do you understand?"

Luobei Don't you rely on your own cloud boots? Hum, if she takes out the puppet, she can also jump.

Seeing Mu Aoxing blink of an eye, he snatched the first place. The mountain roared and speeded up in an instant, and swept up a virtual shadow on the cliff. LAN Jingyu stretched out his other hand, two vines alternately, not to be outdone, and quickly approached.

Luobei embraces Dashan's neck and looks at the three of them showing their skills. He is very envious. Although she realized that she could get on the cliff successfully, if she didn't use the puppet, she would be inferior in terms of speed, and the one who was properly at the bottom couldn't be at the bottom any more.

The three of them chased each other. When they looked up from the bottom, the towering cliff was trampled under their feet.

In the distance, there are many mountains. The peaks are almost shrouded in white fog, without revealing their true appearance. It's the same on both sides. Only behind is a deep pit that stretches for more than ten miles. I don't know what it was that year. It's so powerful.

Luobeibei looked back and saw that the huge trees at the bottom of the valley now looked like a piece of grass, which was far away.

After writing down the location of the pit, the four walked through the wasteland with a height of more than one person to the woods in front of them.

In principle, trees on the ground surface should enjoy more light than those in the deep pit, and they should be able to grow higher. However, in front of us, except for a few big trees that can only be surrounded by a few people, many others seem to have grown up in recent decades. And there are so many thorns that almost all the gaps between the trees are intertwined. Some of the thorns are even as thick as arms, and the sharp thorns on them look very dense.

Luobei looked up and couldn't help spitting out: "so many thorns! It's not a forest. It's a thorn forest. "

Mu Aoxing's eyebrows were on the tip of a cluster. Before he spoke, LAN Jingyu whispered: "be careful, everyone. Most of these thorns are poisonous."

Luobei surprised: "toxic?"

LAN Jingyu said solemnly, "well, have you noticed that there are only insects in this forest, but there are few birds singing?"

Luobei immediately launched a spiritual search, and found that if so, she even saw a few spines with the dead birds on them.

"How strange!" Luobeibei frowned and took out the map. "Five years ago, it should have been just an ordinary forest. Although it was close to the deep pit transmission array, it had already become a place where monsters could not avoid. But there should be some ordinary wild animals. How could it be so quiet?"

LAN Jingyu judged: "this thorn forest should have grown in five years."

"How long is this bush?" Luobei asked, her goal is to go to Yuanguo, not to experience. Since we can't go here, let's go around.

LAN Jingyu has not answered, Mu Aoxing has seen through her mind, suddenly said: "ten days!"

Er She almost forgot! Luobei immediately understood.

Although the area of xiaozhoushan is small, if they can walk in a straight line, they can run from one end to the other in one day at most. However, for one thing, there are many rivers, mountains and gullies in the middle, and the ups and downs add up to a lot of distance. For another thing, if you think about it with your toes, you know that the monsters here will not let them pass easily. In addition, you have to search carefully for the fruits of the land, and the time required is even more unpredictable.

But they only have ten days in total. If they want to make a detour every time they encounter obstacles, I'm afraid it's not enough to give her a month, but how can they get by?

"Sister, don't worry. I'll see my brother make way for you." Dashan, with a smile, stepped forward, raised his sword and slashed it.

As the blade pointed out, a stream of air swept the Gula straight forward, and there was a constant click along the way. When the trees broke and the thorns broke, even the withered branches and leaves on the ground were swept to both sides, and a crack of three or four feet long was suddenly opened up. Then he jumped to the other end and waved his knife again. Only a few seconds later, a straight path was shown.WOW! It's simple, rough and effective.

Luobeibei couldn't help laughing and didn't dissuade him from saving his strength. You know, Dashan doesn't know how many knives he has to cut every day when he exercises. It's just a small idea to open a road in the forest.

The mountains cut down the land in joy, and the people moved quickly. All the way through, they didn't even hook the corners of their clothes.

As he walked, LAN Jingyu spread out his spiritual knowledge: "there are so many spiritual grasses in the forest! It's a pity that they are all low-level and have little value. "

"Brother Jingyu, it's on the edge of the teleportation array. How can there be a good elixir left for us to pick?"

"Also..." The tip of LAN Jingyu's nose suddenly stirred slightly, and he looked at a place. "Eh, there is a good elixir in that tree hole."

"What is the elixir?" Luobei asked curiously.

"It's a piece of grass It's just mature It's strange. How can there be grass here? "

"Shape grass?" Luobei's eyes suddenly brightened, "so coincidentally, I just want to find Huaxing grass?"

"Then I'll pick it for you." Before the words were heard, LAN Jingyu had already floated up, with her toes gently on the bush. Her body was like an orchid swaying from left to right, but she didn't touch a transverse thorn.

Luo North surprised slightly opened a small mouth, "careful" two words are too late to spit out.

Mu Aoxing snorted: "he is the spirit root of the wood system. What is he afraid of?"

Luobei blinked his eyes, then pursed his mouth and laughed. He also glanced at him with his eyes full of banter. This mu elder brother, can't tolerate her to praise others, as if no one can be more powerful than him.

Mu Aoxing was slightly embarrassed by her and snorted.

Just for a while, LAN Jingyu had already picked up the transformed grass and came back with a mass of soil at the root, which was very complete.

The plant is about feet high. Its long snake shaped leaves are very uniform, like a green flower. There is a light purple fruit in the center surrounded by the leaves. It is just at the time of ripening and the best efficacy, and the seeds may be planted.

I didn't expect that just when I got to xiaozhoushan, I got a piece of grass. Hu Yaoyao's kindness was paid off.

Luobei happily thanks, takes out the special jade box and carefully puts it away: "brother Jingyu, can you help me pay more attention to this kind of grass by the way?"

"No problem," Lan Jingyu was also very happy when she saw that she liked her things. She accepted them at once, and then asked casually, "but this kind of shape transforming grass has a single effect. Besides helping demons transform their shapes, it doesn't seem to have any special effect. What do you want this kind of shape transforming grass to do, Beibei?"

Mu Ao star smell speech, in the eyes appeared a smile, as if to say: eh, you have not told this boy you are a small half demon, it seems that your relationship is not so good?

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