Luo North dark embarrassed, pretending not to feel his eyes strange, busy guilty to vague in the past: "this is someone else entrusted me, I did not ask."

"Oh," Lan Jingyu nodded doubtlessly.

After all, the number of people who can enter xiaozhoushan is limited every time. Indeed, many people will ask those who are qualified to come in to help them find some appointed elixirs. Even if they don't need to take them for others, they can get a lot of elixirs if they take them to the outside elixir shop to change them.

Afraid that he would ask for details, Luobei said: "brother Jingyu, let's go on. Brother Dashan is waiting for us."

There is Dashan, the "mountain axe" in front of the road, a tangled forest for luobeibei and other three people is just like flat ground, only a short run, they have come to the depths of the forest.

Suddenly, LAN Jingyu stopped: "stop."

Luobei asked, "what's the matter, brother Jingyu?"

"Something's wrong," Lan Jingyu frowned, "let Dashan go back first..."

Before the words fell, the ground under their feet suddenly sank.

Mu Ao star reaction is the quickest, a buckle Luo Beibei's shoulder, instantly will she lift forward a jump. LAN Jingyu also wanted to go to the north of Laluo, but he was half late and had to catch up.

Luobei wants to say let me go and let me do it by myself. This little problem can't defeat me.

But others have already picked her up. Looking at the mountain in front of her, she can't help but smile when she hears the movement. It seems that it's not so easy for her to make a move along the way.

"What's the matter?" Dashan quickly ran to Luobei, and the three tacit understanding surrounded her in the middle.

The place where the subsidence is located has been emptied into a soil cave several feet deep, and many roots at the bottom of the cave are rapidly retracting. It is obvious that some kind of plant has just caused the accident.

Luobeibei replied, "a tree has become a spirit and wants to attack us."

Just then, the top of his head clattered, and all the thorns loosened. The twining trees interlaced into a large thin net, and his head covered them with cold light.

Dashan didn't even think about it, so he slashed up with his knife!

Many thorns were cut off immediately and fell down one after another. However, more thorns were quickly mended and soon covered the sky, leaving only a faint dusk.

"These thorns move so freely. They don't seem to be controlled by external things. They must be the essence of the body." LAN Jingyu said that the spirit of man Kai tried to find the essence of thorns.

"You, take care of her." Mu Aoxing orders LAN Jingyu, and then points out two light blue flames, one at this end and the other at that end.

Two small flames seem to be only a little bit big, but as soon as they fall on the barbed net, they spread into a fire dragon, quickly engulfed a large area of thorns, and burned them to nothing. Moreover, they continue to spread around and above, soon burning a big hole in the middle.

The light came in again.

At the same time, luobeibei seems to hear a shrill scream, all the thorns suddenly shrink back, while also shaking out a full body of stings to shoot at them.

Stinger ding ding to shoot on the shield, lost the follow-up force, all fell down.

The thorns retreated quickly, as if they stopped as soon as they were sure that they were not rivals, so as not to cause more losses. They even opened a way out, as if they were eager to leave.

Mu Aoxing sneered: "although the means are low-level, but also some fun."

"Brother mu, as long as they don't stop us, let it go?" As soon as Luobei heard LAN Jingyu say that the essence of thorns had become essence, he felt pity.

At the end of the law, it's very difficult for a monster to become a demon. It's many times more difficult for a plant to become a demon. Now, it's rare for a plant to become a spirit. The demon has gone a step further. She really doesn't want to kill it like this.

LAN Jingyu also said: "I think what Beibei said is reasonable. When Dashan came all the way, it should have done it out of self-protection." He was born with pure wood property. He had always been close to plants. Previously, he thought that these thorns were just ordinary thorns, but now when he found out that they were actually a bramble spirit that had sprouted spiritually, luobeibei had the meaning of guarding. Naturally, he quickly agreed and secretly conveyed his own thoughts to bramble spirit.

"Childish!" Mu Ao star slanted them one eye, take the lead to go forward.

Luobei secretly asked LAN Jingyu, "brother Jingyu, can you communicate with the bramble spirit?"

LAN Jingyu should have said: "this bramble is not long ago. It can barely understand some simple meaning. It has promised not to attack us any more."

Luobei was secretly pleased, and said: "brother Jingyu, you can't tell it that it is too weak now. It's better to hide it. If you are afraid of being cut, you should take the initiative to open a path to avoid conflict with human beings. In the end, it's it."

LAN Jingyu agreed and praised her sincerely with yourong: "Beibei, you are so kind. It's the first time I've seen a human monk treat these plant spirits so well."That's because I am not only a demon, but also live with all kinds of plant spirits since I was a child! Luobei North black line, but not good, now tell their true identity, had to vague things to mix in the past.

This time, until out of the woods, the bramble essence did not make any small moves.

Outside the thorn forest is a large lake.

But it's a lake, rather a river, because from the map, although the width of this lake is only four or five li, it's very long, and its two ends extend more than 30 Li. Moreover, under the calm surface, there are often very turbulent waves, and many demon beasts live in it, which has been verified by many predecessors.

The whole terrain of Xiaozhou mountain is a bit like an eagle catching its prey and spreading its wings.

The deep pit where the transmission array is located is at the tail of the eagle to the west by Southwest. The long lake in front of us runs through the slightly short talons of the eagle in the southeast and most of the right wing spreading to the northwest. Along the deep pit are the slightly longer body and head of the eagle, with the left wing from the southwest above. The place where the two wings intersect is the famous Xiaozhou mountain.

If luobeibei wants to get to the place he wants to go, he must go through the lake first.

There are secret rules in Xiaozhou mountain. Although birds can fly, monks can't fly with the help of magic weapons. They can only do 20 or 30 low altitude point sweeps at most. At this distance, many water animals in the lake can attack when they jump out, so it's hard to get through.

Of course, it's OK to have a demon bird that is strong enough to carry people, but the problem is that the horn head carving is too small to bear the load, and there is no trace of the rank demon bird at this end of the lake.

Therefore, it is better for them to have a strong ship that can resist water animals.

There are ships, but the problem is not the ships, but the danger under the lake. It is said that the lake is unfathomable. So far, no one has been able to reach the deepest part of the lake. But there are not a few friars planted in this beautiful and peaceful deep lake.

Luobeibei made a visual inspection and found that the lake in front of him was the widest part as marked on the map. He couldn't help thinking about going around the lake again.

Mu Ao star one eye saw through her idea, the vision Piao came over: "do you want to cross the lake together with other people?"

When Luobei thinks about it, it's true. They are one step ahead now, but it's only one step. The people behind will surely catch up soon. I also hope that the little demon can play some role. What should I do if I am seen by others?

At present, she denied: "I'm thinking about how to live in this flower field!"

Yes, the most important thing they need to do now is the colorful flower field between the lake bank and the woods.

There is only one kind of flower in the flower field. Although the colors are different, there is only one type of flower.

These flowers are mostly four, three soft stretch, a single piece in the middle, curling, will protect the Yellow stamen in the middle, but the rod is almost as thin as silk, looks very delicate, as if as long as a little larger wind, can destroy these delicate flowers.

However, this seemingly extremely weak flower has a very domineering: Enchanting flower. , the fastest update of the webnovel!