Sure enough, the brother and sister immediately looked at the parrot king with hope.

Parrot King see their expression, red beak up a Yang, will pinch the king's shelf.

Mu Aoxing raised his hand and made a gesture.

Parrot king immediately angrily suddenly lowered his head to avoid his empty move, angrily opened his red beak and made a few bird whistles.

Not for a moment, a gust of wind came, and an adult horned Eagle grabbed a small horned eagle and flew into the hall.

With a cry, the eagle flapped its wings to the mountain as soon as its shackles were released.

"Little horn!" Dashan also cheered and hurried to meet them. One person and one carving quickly hugged each other and rubbed each other's heads intimately.

"It's Xiaojiao, Xiaojiao, sister. I smell Xiaojiao." The little demon awoke suddenly.

Luobei can't help but let it out with a smile.

As soon as she landed, the little demon was ready to sniff where the little horned eagle was. However, she found that the little horned eagle was already with Dashan. She couldn't help but stay. Then she chirped to the little horned Eagle twice with joy.

Xiaojiaotoudiao also poked his head out of Dashan's arms and turned back to him twice. Xiaoyao awkwardly looked back at luobeibei with joy: "elder sister, xiaojiaotoudiao said that he was not hurt." Then he looked at her eagerly and begged her forgiveness. He didn't look at Mu Ao Xing on the throne.

"Do you dare to put your sister in the second place next time?" Luobeibei deliberately face to scare it, but embarrassed to let Mu Aoxing know that she is jealous, good to make fun of her, did not really make a sound, just secretly communicate with the little demon.

The little demon suddenly shook her head like something: "no, baby likes her sister best. She likes her sister best..." Said, flattering to a grin, showing a flattering smile.

Luobei couldn't help laughing, and finally extended his hand to it: "I remember, not next time?"

The little demon jumped into her arms and rubbed her chest contentedly: "the baby likes her sister best, and always likes her sister best."

"It's a good mouth. I don't know who I'll see when I look back, but I'll jump on it again." Luo North North angry a, canthus but secretly aimed at Mu Ao star one eye, a little worried that he only a voice can put small demon embarrassed to call in the past, quickly added a sentence, "see no, now people already have their own spirit pet."

The little demon blinked. Limited by intelligence, it didn't know the meaning of the words behind the master very well. It just followed the master's eyes and simply looked at the parrot king.

Parrot king is as early as when it just came out of the round staring at it: "I click! It's really a living little demon Then, as soon as his wings unfolded, he flew to xiaoyaoban and solicited him carelessly, "I said xiaoyaoban, you have a strange skeleton, and you have great potential for talent. I appreciate it very much. How do you want to join our king? You can rest assured that I will cultivate you well in the future. "

The little demon was confused, because he only vaguely understood one or two points, but he didn't understand the others at all. He thought it was showing off. Now he looked at it with disdain, and calmly went to luobeibei's arms to rub warm.

Isn't it just a talking bird? I've seen a lot of babies. It's nothing rare.

"Hello! Little demon, I see clearly. I'm a demon, a demon. It's not those silly demon birds outside. It's a demon. Do you understand? " The parrot king suddenly feels that the majesty of the king has been seriously violated. He claps his wings around the little demon and wants to stretch out his claws to pull his head.

Luobeibei didn't know the weight of its claws, so he quickly stepped back two steps. It should be noted that although the little demon can influence and even control the monsters, his body is more fragile than most of the monsters, and he dare not take risks.

"Stop croaking." There was a exclamation from the throne, "I see you haven't been a demon for several years. Tell me, how did you become a demon?"

Parrot King's eyes dribbled: "you let my men go first, and then I'll consider whether to tell you."

Mu Aoxing '.

With his action, a piece of fluff floated down leisurely.

"If you have something to say, don't do it!"

The vulture is stubborn and looks like he's going home to death. He's not afraid of beating his wings twice and struggling to get a few more feathers. The parrot king, who loves his first general, screams in a hurry, and suddenly comes up with the words of the river.

Luobei chuckled again. Before, she was a little sorry that Xiaoyao couldn't communicate with her very well. Now think about it, it's not a good thing to have a lingpet who can speak and blossom lotus.

To see her smile mercilessly, Mu Aoxing couldn't help but draw the corner of his mouth again. His eyes coldly stare at parrot king. This shameful guy, he now has a little regret to be favored by this guy.The parrot king felt his mood and immediately changed his words: "master, Xiao Nan is wrong. If you can let it go first, Xiao Nan will immediately say..."

This silly parrot, unexpectedly for his subordinates all of a sudden so flexible, let people some surprise.

Mu Aoxing snorted and hooked his finger. The black halberd immediately came back to him, floating behind him like a merciless killing God.

The parrot King quickly whistled to the vulture, as if telling it not to act rashly.

The vulture calls back. Even if he doesn't understand the bird's voice, he can still hear the indignation in his voice, but he doesn't struggle anymore.

Parrot King flew back to the armrest of the huge throne and told his story.

It likes exaggeration especially, and when it boasts, it often goes on and on. Mu Aoxing scolds it several times, and arranges the content of its words by himself, then draws out the key points.

It turns out that the parrot king who dominates Pingdingshan is not an aborigine in xiaozhoushan, but a few years ago.

At that time, it had just taken a spirit fruit, which inspired a little demon nature. When it was excited, it flew around. Then, somehow, it felt that it hit something and fell on a vulture's back. Later, it conquered the vulture with great power.

Later, it spent some time exploring here and found that it was a closed small world. The edge was covered by a mysterious force. It could not rush out, so it had to stay in this small world for the time being.

Later, I saw that although there were many demon birds and beasts here, there was no demon, so I was ambitious to take all the demon birds in the small world under my command. But before it started its own business, it found that there were more people in Xiaozhou mountain.

Although these human accomplishments are not high, there are always some tricky methods. Many monsters and birds are not their opponents. Even the highest level monsters often die under their cooperation.

Fortunately, it seems that human beings can not stay here for too long. After a lot of slaughter and treasure hunting, they ravaged xiaozhoushan and left.

Parrot King learned from vultures and other demon birds that these humans would come to plunder once in a while.

Since the parrot king has made himself king, he has the responsibility to protect his people. Of course, he can't tolerate human being's recklessness. Therefore, in the past five years, he has been working hard to train his demon birds, and is ready to teach them a great lesson, so as to scare them not to come again next time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!