"So, now you are in charge of xiaozhoushan?" Listening to parrot King chattering so much, Mu Aoxing felt a little roar in his ears for the first time, and then decisively interrupted him when he bragged about how powerful his men were.

"Of course!" The parrot king held his head high and said triumphantly, "don't you see that all the people outside are under his command?"


"Well It's my people, my people... " Parrot King quickly corrected his name, and by the way flattered, "of course, now it's also your master's hand."

That's not bad. If he didn't see that it could at least control these birds and greatly improve the search efficiency, he wouldn't have chosen such a frivolous and boastful bird demon as his pet!

Mu Aoxing was slightly satisfied in his heart, but he looked at it with a smile on his face: "do you only have these stupid birds outside? What about the animals at the foot of the mountain and the water animals in the lake? Can you control it? "

"Well That's, "parrot King hesitated for a moment, but immediately felt lucky and held his head high." I'm the only demon here, and all the monsters here naturally regard me as king. "

"To be honest." Mu Ao star bent his fingers and knocked on the throne with warning.

Parrot king immediately raised a wing to protect his head. Seeing that he didn't really do it, he said, "I can command some of the animals in the mountain, those in the lake Also I haven't dealt with him yet... "

Mu Aoxing sneered: "have you never dealt with me? Is it because they don't pay any attention to you? "

The Maodun on the parrot King's head stood up and said angrily, "that's because I've been here for a short time. After a few years of cultivation, those things that don't slip in autumn will only hide in the water like a bastard. Sooner or later, a Japanese king will make them obedient."

Voice just fell, was caught by Mu Ao star in the past, knock knock ground knocked two head.

The parrot King screamed in pain and quickly corrected: "I It's me It's me... "

"In the future, I will call myself little in front of the prince, and forget once..." Mu Ao star's vision Piao one eye its tail, "pull out a hair."

"No!" The parrot King shivered with fright, and his wings fluttered twice before he stood firm. He immediately gave Mu Aoxing a flattering smile, "I remember, I remember Master, you and your guests have come all the way. You must be hungry after all the hard work? Please allow me to prepare dinner immediately. "

"Well, if you have anything new, just bring it up Don't use your mouth Mu Aoxing lazily went back.

What? Let birds not use their mouths. What else can they use?

Parrot King stiff for a while, originally want to protest, but looking at Mu Ao star that pair of smile not smile of Mou son, immediately flatter ground should voice is, quickly flew out.

Luobeibei and others have time to chat with Mu Aoxing: "brother mu, why is this parrot so poor? If you only listen with your ears, you think it's human? "

"Before it became a demon, it was mostly mixed with human beings all the time, and then it was infected with this bad habit." Mu Ao star corner of the mouth micro hook for a while, "there will have to adjust."

"I think it's lovely, as long as it doesn't lie and boast all the time." Luobei pursed a small smile, "I didn't expect that on the first day of entering xiaozhoushan, brother Mu received such a special spirit pet. Congratulations, brother mu?"

"Do you like it? Why don't we change? " Mu Aoxing looks at the small demon in her arms. There is a wisp of narrow in her handsome eyes.

"Ah? No change. " Luo North North immediately vigilant ground hugged small demon embarrassed, return to turn half body not to let small demon embarrassed see him.

Looking at her rare childish action, Mu Aoxing smiles again.

"Your Highness, Beibei," Lan Jingyu finally found a chance to cut in and quickly asked, "there are so many birds under this parrot. They must be very familiar with the terrain in Xiaozhou mountain. Do you think it is possible for them to know where Diyuan fruit grows?"

This words a ask, Luo North busy turn round again to expect ground stare at Mu Ao star.

Mu Ao star lightly asked: "if you usually see no master's talent and treasure, what will happen?"

LAN Jingyu thought about it and said, "I should go and pick it."

Luobei nodded, indicating that she was of the same mind.

Mu Aoxing then asked LAN Jingyu, "do you think natural resources and local treasures are important to monsters?"

"Of course, it's important. If some monsters have to take advantage of natural resources, they are likely to develop into demons through their intelligence..." As soon as LAN Jingyu finished answering, he suddenly said, "Your Highness means that if those demon birds outside knew that there was such a magic medicine, they would have been desperate to fight for it, right?"

Mu Aoxing didn't pay any attention to him, just closed his eyes and began to nourish his spirit.

LAN Jingyu thought that he just thought it was too naive. He was embarrassed to say anything more. However, luobeibei felt that he had asked for the point. He said, "brother mu, please ask your parrot for me. There must be a more powerful monster guarding diyuanguo. Maybe the parrot really knows that it just can't get it all the time It's possible, or even though it hasn't seen diyuanguo, it knows what's special, and even it can't go in and explore it. ""Yes, yes, Beibei is right." LAN Jingyu quickly agreed, but he didn't know how annoying he was.

Mu Ao star heart chagrin, is not willing to pay attention to him, but can't rival Luo Beibei that pair of bright big eyes with hope wings, has been begging to look at himself, as if to say "brother mu, you help, OK", then reluctantly hummed: "I will ask."

With his words, Luobei immediately burst into a smile.

At this time, the parrot king also flew back, followed by two big birds, both wings flat and half swept in, on the spacious back wings spread a few big leaves, and on the leaves piled a lot of fresh fruit. Then the two monkeys came forward respectfully, carried the fruit down and put it on the stone table. It was obvious that they had been caught from the foot of the mountain temporarily to be strong men.

The little demon awoke for a short time and was hungry. Seeing that the case was full of fruit, she could not help but squeak to the two monkeys.

Two monkeys suddenly become frightened, at a loss to look at the parrot king.

Parrot king "Hey", directly turned his head.

Xiaoyao looked back at luobeibei wrongly: "sister, the baby is hungry."

Luobeibei touched its head and took out a lingzhi. The little demon ate it happily. By the way, he looked at the parrot King contemptuously and squeaked twice.

The parrot Wang suddenly became angry and his hair exploded. For the first time, he didn't spit out words. Instead, he made a series of bird calls composed of many notes. He called and flapped his wings.

Mu Aoxing looks at Luo Beibei, with a question in his eyes.

Luobei shook her head slightly, indicating that she didn't know what they were saying. After all, xiaoyaobei didn't say it to her directly, and she could only guess.

Mu Aoxing didn't have to know what lingchong were quarreling about. He chose a plump and mature pear and cleaned it with a small magic. Then he bit it. He made do with it when he felt it was OK.

In the face of parrot King's hair explosion, the little demon is calm, holding two front paws to eat Lingzhi, and throwing the remaining roots in the direction of parrot king.

Although he didn't succeed in throwing it on parrot king, parrot King obviously felt greatly offended, and the vulture trapped in the big net struggled again, which was really loyal.

Parrot king called at it, seemed to appease it for a while, then glared at the little demon awkwardly, and immediately flew out.

Muaoxing doesn't care about it.

After a long time, luobeibei and others were almost full. Parrot King flew back. He grabbed a lingzhi with fresh soil and sent it to the table in front of Mu Aoxing.

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