Brother Jingyu was so worried about himself that he was accidentally caught.

Luo Beibei was moved in his heart. He threw a gentle glance at him and comforted him: "brother Jingyu, don't think so much about it. Maybe your elders have set up automatic protection on you. You will automatically protect yourself when you are in danger."

After that, a year suddenly flashed in my heart. Perhaps, his self-protection was like the white protective circle when she fell into the lake. Were these two related to their previous lives?

LAN Jingyu knew for the first time that she still had such abnormality, but she didn't think too much about it. On the contrary, she felt that what she said was reasonable. She nodded and said, "you're right. My grandfather loves me most, and he's also a spirit root of wood. Maybe my grandfather is protecting me secretly."

He felt embarrassed when he was so old and protected by his elders. He could not help being shy.

Luobei comforted him: "as elders, we always feel that no matter how old we are, we are still children."

Mu Aoxing sneered again: "do you think you are very big?"

"I mean in the future, even if we all grow up, our elders will treat us as children." Luo Beibei was angry in his heart, but he turned back and gave him a sweet smile. "As for now, of course, I'm just a child. Brother Mu is only two years older than me. Although he is tall, he is still younger than brother Jingyu."

Mu Ao star's face suddenly brush the ground black, fortunately the cover up is still in, it still looks like a pair of expressionless appearance, only a pair of eyes can convey the real emotion.

Damn two years old! Damn Fourteen! Why couldn't he have been born a few years earlier? Think of this year has been 19 years old, in the eyes of all people have been completely an adult cloud cold early, Mu Aoxing's mood is even worse incomparable.

He slightly narrowed his eyes, staring at Luobei: you can say it again!

Feeling the chill coming out of his eyes, Luobei turned his head a little guilty.

She didn't know that he hated being treated as a minor, but she didn't want to be treated as a weak little girl! Don't do what you don't want to do to others. What's more, she just found a word to comfort brother Jingyu. Why does he have to sneer at him?

Think like this, Luo North in the heart again rightfully strong, but again go to provoke somebody what of is dare not.

For a moment, the atmosphere was calm, even the demon bird under the seat felt it, quietly closed its beak, and did not dare to make a sound.

After flying for a while in silence, one turned a hill and saw a big pit covered with white steam several miles away. Thick white steam was rushing up one after another. Looking at the height, it was at least a few feet higher.

Some of them fell back to the ground, while others floated into the woods with the wind and woven into pieces of sparse or dense white yarn.

With the approaching of the demon birds, the air gradually becomes hot, and the woods gradually become sparse. Obviously, many trees can't stand the heat.

Luobei is bored. Most of his eyes naturally look down at him. He sweeps past at will. Suddenly, he seems to see something. When he sees a thin figure beside a rock, he leans forward subconsciously. He bumps Mu Aoxing and indicates to him: "I just saw a familiar person."

Mu Aoxing's eyes searched for a while, but he didn't find anything: "who did you see?"

"It's the strange man with the dwarf. Hasn't the city LORD done anything to them?" Although it was just a flash, Luo Beibei believed that his eyes could not be mistaken. "How did he get into xiaozhoushan?" Not everyone who enters xiaozhoushan will be strictly checked?

"The dwarf was very calm. He didn't do anything before we came in. Situ didn't do anything to him in order not to scare the snake. Now it seems that he was careless." Mu Aoxing frowned, and immediately took another breath Fu, and directed the demon bird to go around from the side, and took out a strange short tube and put it on one eye, "it seems that he is in the same direction with us."

"He's going to the pit, too, ah He didn't come to look for diyuanguo, did he Luobei is worried and confused, and his imagination is enriched all of a sudden.

Mu Ao star instinctively feel sheep bubble eye ugly man should have another purpose, but it is not good to say die: "do not rule out this possibility."

Luobei was anxious: "let's catch up and have a look."

Mu Aoxing patted the neck of the demon bird and ordered them to follow quietly.

Mu Ao star saw a little meeting, that strange thing, give Luo north.

Luo Beibei took it over, learned from him and put it on his eyes. I found that the woods in liansansili were as clear as if they were near my eyes. I couldn't help but praise this thing in my heart. It's really amazing, but I don't have time to play now. I quickly and carefully searched for the tall and thin ugly man with sheep's eyes.

The ugly man with sheep bubble eyes is hiding all the way, acting stealthily, obviously tracking something. Luobeibei moves the camera forward, and soon sees the figure of the girl master and servant.Luobeibei suddenly thought of the action of the ugly man with sheep bubble eyes in the inn outside Yecheng. What did he want to do with the two girls? Who are those two girls? They are walking towards the pit now. Are they passing by, or are they going to the pit specially?

Just looking at, the short tube was taken back by Mu Aoxing: "first follow up and have a look."

Although there is a breath hold sign on the demon bird, the air flow caused by the huge wings may be detected. In order to avoid the ugly man with sheep's eyes finding out, they jumped down the demon bird early and quickly under the cover of a big tree, and let the two demon birds fly forward without stopping.

When the demon bird flew over the forest where the ugly man was, he was very vigilant to hide and carefully observed the two demon birds for a while. After feeling no different, he continued to move forward. Luobeibei and others took the opportunity to shorten the distance. LAN Jingyu's wood system played a very good role in concealment at this time. The ugly man had never noticed anything It's different.

Suddenly heard the woman's scream, but the voice only half out, suddenly stopped, sheep bubble eyes immediately heard the sound no longer hidden, immediately accelerated to move forward.

They all followed quickly and cautiously. As expected, they saw that the master and the servant had been caught in a big net.

Obviously, they were caught in a conspiracy and had no time to pull out their swords.

The maidservant's face was expressionless, and she didn't struggle. She only had a pair of shining eyes with unyielding intention. The girl with a sweet face kept opening and closing her ruddy mouth, as if she was cursing something, but no voice came out. Instead, it was the net on their body. On the contrary, the more they struggled, the tighter they were. If it wasn't for the girl's hand blocking her face Before, I was afraid that even the smooth little face would be pulled out.

Obviously, the cloaked accomplice of the ugly sheep bubble eye captured them and immediately set up a noise shield.

"What do we do now?" Luobei asked Mu Aoxing at a loss whether he should be saved or not.

"Listen to what they're saying first."

"But how do we listen? They've put in noise barriers. "

Mu Aoxing takes a look at LAN Jingyu.

LAN Jingyu said, "I have a way."

Then he took out a seed, squatted down and pressed it on the ground. After a short meeting, he suddenly got up and waved. A soft thin stem quickly grew out of the soil. The tip was like a flower bud, and then the flower bud slowly opened into a trumpet shape, and there was a slight strange sound in the hair. , the fastest update of the webnovel!