Luobeibei's hearing is very good. A little attentive, he found that it was the voice of the ugly man with sheep's eyes. This strange flower had the effect of transmitting sound. He was surprised to cast a glance at LAN Jingyu.

LAN Jingyu seems to feel that this kind of means is somewhat dishonorable, some embarrassed to avoid her side.

She wanted to move him deliberately, but suddenly she heard a word from the ugly man with sheep bubble eyes. She was attracted to Leighton, listening and watching the scene not far away.

"I've heard that all the disciples in Shuiyue cave are as beautiful as flowers. I don't see much." The ugly man with sheep bubble eyes was so ugly that he was so picky that he made a circle around the master and servant and made such comments on the maiden master and servant whose beauty was superior.

As soon as the four words "Shuiyue Dongtian" came out, the girl with a sweet face suddenly opened her eyes, but her maidservant immediately rebuked: "what Shuiyue Dongtian is, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't you know?" Sheep bubble eye ugly man suddenly took out a crescent shaped wooden card and shook it in front of them.

Luobei, who peeps in the dark, almost raises his hand to touch his earrings. There is a similar brand there.

Is this ugly man with sheep bubble eyes and the four people who planned to hijack Baoge baomei in the middle of the road?

Seeing this sign, the maid's pupil suddenly shrank, her face was not calm, but the sweet girl screamed angrily, "where's my sister? What have you done to my sister?"

"Your sister is much more beautiful than you. Naturally, we don't have enough time to love her. How can we be willing to treat her?" Sheep bubble eye man sympathetically smile, the tone is full of obscenity.

"Asshole! I'll kill you The girl was so angry that she forgot for a moment that the more she struggled, the more she shrank. She struggled to earn twice. As a result, they were suddenly strangled again and were unable to move.

"Yin'er, calm down! Don't listen to their nonsense! Don't fall for them. " The maidservant quickly cheered, two lightning like eyes straight at the sheep bubble eye ugly man and the cloak man, "who are you in the end?"

"People may come here at any time, and you're talking nonsense to them." The voice of the cloak man was a little low and vague. He was not only very strict, but also trying to cover up his original voice.

"I don't need your orders." Sheep bubble eye ugly man cold tunnel, but having said that, he or carefully look around.

Luobeibei subconsciously dodges, but mu Aoxing doesn't mean to dodge at all. He just hangs the short tube down, and then looks at it with the magic farsighted mirror.

He was so unscrupulous that he had something to rely on. He didn't look like he was easy to be found. Luobei was relieved and continued to stare at him.

Just listen to the cloak man has the same cold way: "I just remind you."

"I don't need your warning!" Sheep bubble eye man is very irritable tunnel, went to two girls, with thin ugly fingers just broke their chin, forced a person to feed a medicine.

They tried their best to resist, but the net not only trapped them, but also seemed to restrain their spiritual power. They couldn't resist at all. For a while, they closed their eyes and calmed down.

After carefully confirming their condition, the cloak man put away the big net that trapped them. As soon as the big net shrank, it turned into a small net pocket, which was obviously a good magic weapon.

The cloak man put away his net pocket and took out a small bright red bag.

As soon as the bag was taken out, the ugly man's eyes were fixed on it and snorted heavily.

The cloaker ignored him and went directly to the master and servant. He opened the small bag and pointed it at the maidservant. He could not help but recite the mantra vaguely. After ten breath, he pointed at the maidservant. The small bag suddenly became bigger and swallowed the soft maidservant on the ground.

Then the cloak man pointed like a girl with a sweet face, and the girl was taken in.

It turns out to be a bag of money.

Is there such a magic weapon in the world? Luobei north pole for shock to see to Mu Ao star, but see his brow twist up, obviously also unexpected.

The cloaker's ability obviously couldn't control the magic weapon very well. When he restored the big red pocket to the pocket size, he immediately swallowed a few pills and immediately sat down to exercise.

That sheep bubble eye ugly man Yin measures ground to look at him, ugliness of sheep eye continuously twinkle light.

"If you want to go out smoothly, you have to rely on me. I advise you not to make any wrong ideas." The cloaker seemed to see through his thoughts, and closed his eyes to remind him coldly.

Sheep bubble eye ugly man sneered: "you look too high on yourself, do you think I have to rely on you to go out? As long as I control one of them, I can go out anytime, anywhere. "

"Don't forget that it's not a matter of ten percent certainty," the cloak man calmly reminded him. "If you fail, you come back to me again. No matter how easy I am to talk, I'm not a clay figurine. You can take whatever you want. If you annoy me, you will lose both sides."Sheep bubble eye ugly man suddenly smile: "why so excited? I'm just joking. You and I are on the same boat now. We should be in the same boat. "

Obviously, the cloak man didn't believe a word of his lies, but he didn't pay any attention to him. Instead, he took the time to concentrate on breathing.

Luobei listen to the sound of the flowers no longer out of the sound, the two people are also motionless, they quietly asked Mu Aoxing: "what do we do now?"

Mu Aoxing said: "naturally, let them go."

"Let them go? Is that all right? " Luobei hesitates.

"What else? Are you going to save them? " Mu Ao star sneered at her, "you don't look for the yuan fruit?"

"Of course." Luo North busy way, "just..."

She wanted to say that it's only the next day, so she should have some time to help them, because the ugly man with sheep bubble eyes is obviously not a good man. Mu Aoxing has given her a white eye: "it's so hard to change after repeated education! I ask you, if after solving this problem, you happen to meet another person who needs your help, will you help or not? "

Luobei is silent.

"If you are careless, you have to bear the consequences. If you don't have the consciousness, you shouldn't come here to experience." Mu Aoxing made a vicious comment.

Luobei pursed her lips and didn't speak.

"Don't ask me what I'm going to do if you're caught, stupid question." Mu Ao star squint a Piao, that pair of clearly grow very good-looking handsome Mou inside just want to send out the kind of hateful eyes that make people teeth itch.

"I didn't want to ask..."

"I won't answer if I ask."

Luobei opened a small mouth and felt that he couldn't communicate with him.

Dashan and LAN Jingyu on one side looked at them with eyes to eyes, but they couldn't hear what they were saying. They couldn't interrupt at will, so they had to keep silent.

Fortunately, the cloaker soon stood up and was ready to leave with the ugly sheep bubble eye man.

LAN Jingyu quickly took the opportunity to remind: "they are gone, let's hurry to keep up."

Mu Aoxing's bright eyes, which can contain the river of stars, turned and glanced at him as if it were light.

LAN Jingyu looked at Luo Beibei with a faint look. He didn't know what he had done wrong.

Luobeibei lowered her eyes and bit her lips to force her to think that she didn't see or hear. His highness 19 was right. Now, it's not a time for her to meddle in her business. If she missed the medicine, she couldn't forgive herself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!