Emeilia  Novels  August 19, 2022 6 Minutes

Brother Wolf returned to the apartment and found his family doctor, Fan Ti, sitting in the living room with a serious face.

“Why are you here?” Brother Wolf asked casually while untying his tie.

“I’ll watch you take your medicine.” Fan Ti unconsciously pushed the rimless glasses on the bridge of his nose.

“Aren’t you busy at the hospital? Do you need to come to supervise things like taking medicine?” Brother Wolf took off his coat, poured himself a glass of red wine, and sat down on the sofa casually.

As a doctor, drinking before taking medicine can’t be tolerated. Fan Ti went over and snatched the wine glass from Brother Wolf’s hand: “You are not allowed to drink before taking medicine.”

“Do you want to keep watch on me 24/7?” Brother Wolf spread his hands and asked sharply.

“I don’t care what you are like at other times, but when you’re in front of me, you can’t.” Fan Ti pushed the medicine box and water cup that he had prepared earlier in front of Brother Wolf, “Take the medicine.”

Brother Wolf chuckled, but he didn’t bother with the other party on this matter, and he ate the medicine very cooperatively.

Fan Ti seemed satisfied, and pushed the rest of the medicine box in front of Brother Lang: “This is your medicine for the next week, remember to take it on time. Also, Fan Da said that your leg hasn’t been checked for a long time, so set a time for a check-up. Since your legs are not completely healed, you should walk less and use the wheelchair instead.”

When he saw Brother Wolf walking in from the door just now, he wanted to remind him.

“Got it, you two brothers are more troublesome than the other.” Brother Wolf said nonchalantly.

“Hui Lang (t/n: it’s been a while but this is his real name, ‘Brother Wolf’ is just a nickname created by MC), since two years ago, more than one psychiatrist has told me that you have suicidal tendencies. I don’t care what you think, since you are not dead yet, take good care of your body. Don’t wait for the time you suddenly don’t want to die. By then your body is already destroyed because of yourself.” Fan Ti said.

About two years ago, Brother Wolf suddenly realized that his mental state was not right, and then he began to see a psychiatrist frequently. The psychiatrists that Brother Lang met were all from the Fan Hospital. And the psychiatrist’s diagnosis after treating Brother Wolf is that Brother Wolf tends to be world-weary.

Brother Wolf didn’t seem to be planning to hide it from the psychiatrist either. The second and third psychiatrists were also from Fan Hospital, and the conclusions they came to also gradually evolved from depression, and world-weariness, to severe suicidal tendencies.

Despite this, Fan Ti has always believed that Brother Wolf still has a sense of self-help in his heart, otherwise he would not take the initiative to see a psychiatrist.

“Don’t worry, I know you don’t want to see it. I’ll kill myself when you’re gone.” Brother Wolf said very understandingly.

“Whatever you want, just don’t die in front of me!” With this tone and the same sentence again, Fan Ti angrily slammed out of the door on the spot.

In the past two years, he had persuaded Brother Wolf countless times, but Brother Wolf’s eloquence is so good that Fan Ti often almost wanted to commit suicide while chatting with him. It was then that he deeply realized why the psychiatrist in his hospital was trembling with fright when he heard that Brother Wolf was going to see another psychiatrist.

What Brother Wolf has… is a kind of contagious depression.

Fan Ti stood downstairs in the apartment, looking up at the lights on the top floor, panicked in his heart. Waiting for him to leave before committing suicide, Brother Wolf said this sentence to him a couple of times already. But it also stands to reason that it’s just a lie since that Brother Wolf is still alive and kicking, so he shouldn’t worry about this. Which is equivalent to the boy who cried wolf. But Brother Wolf’s current mental state really made him uneasy. A month ago, Brother Wolf’s latest diagnostic report concluded that he could commit suicide at any time.

What should he do? After struggling for five or six minutes, Fan Ti still left. As Brother Wolf said, he couldn’t stare at him 24/7. He was powerless to understand this smart person, and it was even more difficult to persuade him.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com 

On the contrary, Brother Wolf picked up the glass of red wine that had just been taken away by Fan Ti and drank it immediately. As for whether the medicine mixed with alcohol will have any reaction, or what kind of reaction might happen, he doesn’t care.

Although Brother Wolf didn’t care about the reaction between the medicine and the wine, he still felt it after 20 minutes. After soaking in the bathtub, he suddenly began to feel exhausted. His strength decreased slowly, but his mind was unexpectedly awake. He silently felt the changes in his body until it softened into a ball of cotton.

Anticipating what would happen next, Brother Wolf turned his head and glanced at the emergency call button next to the bathtub. Does he want to press it? He couldn’t think about it when his body completely sank into the bathtub.


Brother Wolf, whose facial features were all submerged in water, seemed to hear that familiar and annoying voice again.

“Again, where is this? Is it the bathroom?” Little Red Riding Hood, who was still wearing bunny pajamas, looked around suspiciously with a nasal tone of cold. “How can you commit suicide in the bathroom, do you drown yourself in the bathtub?”

She glanced at the bathtub. She didn’t realize it before she was startled. Holy shit, Brother Wolf’s figure is really good…cough… No, Brother Wolf is trying to commit suicide in the bathtub.

That’s too intense!

“Damn it!” Little Red Riding Hood jumped into the bathtub with no regard for it (a bit of explanation: there is absolutely no problem with three or four people entering Brother Wolf’s bathtub at the same time), holding Brother Wolf’s body halfway, and fished him out of the water.

During Little Red Riding Hood’s underwater search, Brother Wolf kept his eyes open the whole time, without blinking. The look of his dead eyes was too intimidating.

“Is he dead?” Little Red Riding Hood carefully reached out to probe Brother Wolf’s breathing.

“Can’t you be two minutes late?!” Brother Wolf suddenly shouted.

“I’ll leave.” Little Red Riding Hood shivered in fright, and when she suddenly loosened her hand, Brother Wolf fell back into the water. Unprepared, Brother Wolf accidentally took a few mouthfuls of bath water.

“Sorry, sorry, it’s slippery, slippery.” Little Red Riding Hood hurriedly picked up the man again.

Brother Wolf coughed twice, but he didn’t seem to be angry, so he took a breather. He glanced at the woman who was wearing wet clothes and was sitting on his lap. He suddenly hooked the corners of his mouth: “You are also amazing. Everyone else wants to climb on my bed, but you are better, just climbed the bathtub.”

Little Red Riding Hood was stunned and followed Brother Wolf’s gaze to observe the current situation.

Huge luxury bathtub.

Naked man.

A woman with wet clothes.

Confined space.

Warm air.

This… This… Omg, my innocence is gone…

“Slap!” Brother Wolf sank to the bottom of the water again.

The author has something to say: I feel a little diligent recently…

IBA got something to say:

Carefull MC, you might see something else there