Emeilia  The Attack of Little Red Riding Hood  August 21, 2022 7 Minutes

When Little Red Riding Hood and Brother Wolf were talking again, Brother Wolf was already lying on the bed in pajamas. As for how Brother Wolf got back to the bed from the bathroom, you can think about it on your own. Side note, if you hope that Little Red Riding Hood will carry someone naked back, it is not impossible.

Brother Wolf leaned back against the fluffy pillow, looked at Little Red Riding Hood who was sitting beside his bed with a cup of hot water, and asked, “Why are you wearing my clothes.”

“Cough…” Little Red Riding Hood who was wearing a large men’s shirt, stepped on the wool carpet of Brother Wolf’s house with bare feet, “Didn’t I fall into the sea yesterday, so I got a little cold today. Plus you were in the bathtub just now… What? I got wet trying to save you. So I borrowed a piece of clothing from you, you shouldn’t mind.”

“I mind!”

“Pfft…” Little Red Riding Hood spurted out a mouthful of hot water, “It’s not a big deal, I will pay you back.”

“Okay, then please pay 20,000 (around 2947.20 USD) when you leave later, thank you.” Brother Wolf has always been a good talker.

“What did you say?” Little Red Riding Hood’s shocked expression could no longer be controlled. “This shirt is 20,000 yuan??”

“Do you need me to prove it?”

“You…” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly became short of breath, “It’s not a big deal… I’ll give it back to you after I wash it.”

“I won’t wear clothes that others have worn.” Brother Wolf said with disgust.

“Yeah right…then the floor that others have walked on, don’t step on it if you have the ability.” If you have the ability then what are you? A God?

“…” The second time, he was actually speechless because of the same woman, twice. Brother Wolf felt that this was too damaging to his cold and noble image. He frowned, and the pressure all over his body began to increase.

“Then… that, don’t be angry. I know that you don’t like seeing me.” If the enemy is strong, she will be weak, and Little Red Riding Hood instantly felt scared.

“Then why are you still showing up again and again?” Brother Wolf asked.

“I don’t want to either. If you don’t commit suicide, then I won’t show up.” Speaking of this, Little Red Riding Hood was more worried than Brother Wolf, “Isn’t it good to live well? Why do you have to seek death?”

“I don’t have to seek death.” Brother Wolf said suddenly.

Little Red Riding Hood raised her head in surprise, is Brother Wolf awakened?

“I just wanted to die instantly.”

Whoa… Little Red Riding Hood only felt that a bucket of ice water was suddenly poured down on her head, causing her to shiver from the inside out. What kind of people could say so calmly that they want to die instantly?

“Why…why?” Little Red Riding Hood is also quite close to death, but she doesn’t think death is any better. Why do some people want to try it so much?

“Probably boring.” Brother Wolf said lightly.

“Boring?” Little Red Riding Hood was stunned for a moment, and then tried to persuade, “Are you too busy with work, or feel that your life is very boring day after day? Then you can give yourself a vacation, you are so rich, you can go anywhere you want. Leave the city, go to a place with beautiful scenery and relax.”

“Really?” Brother Wolf sneered, obviously not impressed.

Little Red Riding Hood is not very persuasive, not rich in experience, and young, so she really doesn’t know how to persuade others, especially such a weirdo like Brother Wolf, but she has to try her best.

After thinking for a long time, Little Red Riding Hood decided to come forward and say, “Let me tell you a story.”

Brother Wolf gave her a patronizing look.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com 

“Did you know about El Niño’s terminal illness?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“One of the top ten terminal illnesses.” Brother Wolf has naturally heard of it.

“About a week ago, I was diagnosed with terminal El Niño disease, and the doctor said that I could only live for another month.” Maybe it’s because of the Bianhua Hospice and the patients often introduce their illness to each other, now Little Red Riding Hood was not as sad as she was previously. “When I heard it at the time, it was like a bolt of lightning, and it slammed into my head. Do you know that feeling? You just felt lost instantly.”

“I’m only in my twenties… I just started my own business, and I have less than 50,000 yuan (7368.00 USD) on my bank card…”

“Your salary is so low.” Brother Wolf was surprised.

The sad atmosphere was instantly destroyed by Brother Wolf.

“I’ve only worked for two years, so it’s already amazing to save 50,000 yuan. Most of the other people around me are people who live paycheck to paycheck.” Little Red Riding Hood was furious.

“Oh, sorry, please continue your story.” Brother Wolf apologized very politely.

Please continue… What please continue? The emotions you just cultivated are all gone.

“Anyway, I am telling you as a dying person. When you are really about to die, you will know how precious life is. The days you thought were boring in the past suddenly become so beautiful, do you understand?” Little Red Riding Hood broke the can and smashed it.

“Understood.” Brother Wolf’s comprehension has always been very good. “It’s like rich people. They think that money is just a constantly changing number in the bank. There is nothing unusual, but for poor people, money is very important.”

“That’s right!” The metaphor is too accurate.

“You agree?” Brother Wolf raised his eyebrows.

“Agree.” Little Red Riding Hood nodded.

“Then the same as you are dying, so you feel the preciousness of life.” Brother Wolf said again.

Hmm, yes, it seems that Brother Wolf really understood.

“But what about me? I’m rich, healthy, and even have a long life.”

Yes, you can live a long, long life.

“The poor have no money, so they don’t dare to buy this, and they don’t dare to buy that, and live their lives carefully. The rich have money, so they squander.” Brother Wolf looked at Little Red Riding Hood and showed an extremely bright smile, “Since I am a rich man, I have money, can’t I squander it?”

Hearing this, Little Red Riding Hood was sensitively aware that something was wrong, and sure enough, she heard Brother Wolf continue: “You are dying, so you cherish life. However, I won’t interfere with you. Meanwhile, I still have a lot of time, so I want to waste it. What’s wrong with that?”

“You…you…you are arrogant, and your three views are wrong.” Little Red Riding Hood didn’t know how to refute. Fortunately, she can still come up with a reply.

“What’s wrong?” Brother Wolf asked.

“Suicide is wrong,” said Little Red Riding Hood.

“My own money, I’ll spend it, what’s the problem?” Brother Wolf didn’t understand.

“That’s not the same… Can money and life be the same?”

“Didn’t you just say you agree?” Brother Wolf asked.

“I…then…it’s still not right.” Little Red Riding Hood can only say this.

“Haihh…” Brother Wolf rubbed the back of his head, “Looking at how stupid you are, it’s unexpectedly difficult to brainwash you.”

“You…you want to brainwash me.” Little Red Riding Hood said in horror, “You’re crazy. “

“Yes! Didn’t my parents show you my medical records when they hire you?” Brother Wolf admitted very frankly, “Before you, I saw at least ten psychiatrists. All of them handle patients with depression.”

“…” Little Red Riding Hood’s heart was trembling. Ten psychiatrists were abandoned, this person is too perverted,

“But you should be fine, anyway, you only have a month left, if you also have depression it should be a good thing too. At least you don’t have to be afraid of death, right?”

Scew you, she worked so hard to save you in order to survive.

“It seems that you don’t agree with my idea either.”

You still have some self-knowledge.

“Then why don’t we do this.” Brother Wolf probably thought that Little Red Riding Hood was dedicated enough to run four times, so he kindly thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, “Isn’t it just a month? Then I won’t commit suicide this month. , wait a month later, what do you think?”

What do I think? This freaking guy, I will die after a month. Are you going to the underworld to ask me then?

“I’m so mad!” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t bear it any longer and slammed out the door in a rampage. For the first time, she left the apartment on her own initiative without being driven by Brother Wolf.

Little Red Riding Hood felt that if she stayed like this, she might not be able to control herself. She might pull out a one-meter-long knife and stick Brother Wolf on it like a barbecue.


It will never appear again in the future. Brother Wolf quietly stared in the direction Little Red Riding Hood left for about five seconds, then sneered and turned off the lights to rest.

The author has something to say: Update la la la la…


Hahahah poor girl… getting played around like that