Emeilia  The Attack of Little Red Riding Hood  August 23, 2022 11 Minutes

“Good morning everyone!” Bai Xue stretched and walked into the restaurant.

“Good morning.” Xiao Ming, Cao Nuo, and Wu Ge nodded in response.

“Hey, where is Little Red Riding Hood?” Bai Xue asked strangely.

Although they all live in Bianhua courtyard, they have their own business during the day and rarely stay in there, so everyone gathers together for breakfast every day. Although Little Red Riding Hood has only been here for a few days, She also knows about this rule. In order to be able to ask the seniors for any tips, during breakfast time, Little Red Riding Hood will always be there on time.

“Go to the old dean.” Cao Nuo said.

“Dean?” Bai Xue was stunned for a moment, “She’s not going to…”

“Maybe.” Xiao Ming nodded regretfully while biting his sandwich.

“She’s still too young.” Cao Nuo also joined the ranks of regret.

“Heh…that old man will only be a scoundrel.” Wu Ge sneered.

Everyone looked at Wu Ge in silence, as if to say: You think everyone is as eloquent as you, lawyer Wu? If you can make the underworld judge speechless, you are definitely the scoundrel one here.

Little Red Riding Hood came out of the courtyard area and asked three staff members along the way, an old grandfather and an old grandmother, and finally grasped the whereabouts of the old dean. He was doing Tai Chi with the grandparents in the courtyard.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com 

Little Red Riding Hood went through the square dance area, the folk dance area, the ballroom dance area, and finally found the Tai Chi area in the corner. The old dean with Hefa and Tongyan stood in front of the old men and women, playing Tai Chi leisurely.

“Dean, I have something to ask you.” Little Red Riding Hood stood in front of the old dean.

“It turned out to be Little Red Riding Hood.” The old dean exclaimed lovingly.

“This is the new girl in our hospital? She’s so handsome. What’s wrong with her?” An old man beside the dean asked with a smile.

“Uh… El Nino terminal illness.” Little Red Riding Hood replied obediently.

“This disease is the most severe of the top ten terminal illnesses. Once you get sick, you can’t cure it. If you get this disease, maybe the little girl will leave earlier than an old man like me.” The old man said regretfully.

“!!!” Little Red Riding Hood has black lines all over her face, what is this grandpa saying? It truly makes me angry, how can you bully me, a beautiful girl who respects the old and loves the young?

“Doctor Liu, if you say it like that, it can hurt others’ feelings.” The old grandmother standing on the other side of the dean scolded the old man, “The little girl is already very pitiful with the disease, so can’t you be careful with your words.”

“Teacher Li, this is a hospice. Whoever comes here are people who are waiting to die, and you still care about that.” Dr. Liu said while playing Tai Chi, “I have been a doctor all my life, and I know how to deal with patients best. It can hurt others, but it is most useful.”

“Hospice care is the place for care. I have been engaged in education all my life. I tell you, humanistic care should be the focus.” Teacher Li replied.

The two of them went back and forth and debated for a while, and finally turned to ask Little Red Riding Hood at the same time: “Little girl, who do you think is right?”

“Uh…” Little Red Riding Hood was speechless, “You two are right, but I have something to do with the dean now. So I’ll help you think about it later.”

“If you have something to say, just say it here.” The dean still doing Tai Chi, obviously not planning to ask everyone to leave.

“Doctor Liu, Teacher Li?” Little Red Riding Hood had no choice but to look to the two old elderly beside her for help.

“Understood.” The two highly qualified seniors retreated knowingly.

“What’s the matter? It’s so frustrating to do this early in the morning.” The old dean asked casually.

“I want to change jobs!” Little Red Riding Hood said what she had been thinking all night. That’s right, after returning from Brother Wolf yesterday, Little Red Riding Hood thought for a whole night and concluded that she couldn’t handle such a big pervert as Brother Wolf.

“Change job? Then, after you’ve changed, don’t forget to come and tell me.” The dean was tall and straight, and his movements were smooth and graceful.

Ah, Tai Chi is definitely a Chinese martial arts treasure, elegant and healthy, no wonder it still popular even after thousands of years.

“I need you to change it for me,” said Little Red Riding Hood.

“You’re an adult. You can change it yourself if you want to. Why are you looking for me?” the dean said with disgust.

“Don’t be a troubling old man. Brother Wolf, I can’t figure him out.” Little Red Riding Hood said.

“Oh~~” The dean finally understood, and his hands kept moving, “It’s only a few days and you’ve already given up.”

“It’s only the fifth day, and this person had tried to commit suicide four times already.” Little Red Riding Hood stretched out four fingers, and almost poked the dean in the face.

The dean turned around and moved his hand closed to her. Little Red Riding Hood was frightened and stepped back several steps: “Four times in five days, the frequency is not very high, you still have twenty-five days to make persistent efforts.”

“Dean, I can’t do it. I can’t handle this person. This person is a pervert. He is not a normal person at all.” Little Red Riding Hood said eagerly.

“If he’s a normal person, what would you do?” the dean asked earnestly. “These young people, salary is not easy to earn, you know.”

“Dean, I’m a newcomer, so can’t you give me a simpler task. ?” asked Little Red Riding Hood.

“Do you think life is divided into higher and lower?” the dean suddenly asked.

“Maybe… no?” Little Red Riding Hood replied uncertainly.

“Since there is no distinction between high and low life, and our mission is to save lives, then what is the difference?”

“…” Little Red Riding Hood deeply suspected that the old dean and Brother Wolf might have come out of the same training class, saying deceptions with the same style.

“But… my task is really difficult. Bai Xue and Xiao Ming both said that the difficulty factor of this task exceeds the standard.” Little Red Riding Hood said.

“I understand you. You must be very depressed, frustrated, and helpless right now.”

“Mmmm.” Little Red Riding Hood nodded desperately, the old dean understood her.

“At this time, you should think more about salary.” The dean gave a very effective suggestion, “It will give you endless motivation.”


“Think about it, who else can give you such a high salary?”

“…” Little Red Riding Hood finally realized the reality, “That’s it, if I don’t want to die, I have to do it.”

“Hey, what are you talking about? Our life is precious. The company is not that cruel, okay?” The dean changed his words.

“So how can I change my task?” Little Red Riding Hood excitedly asked.

“As long as someone is willing to take over your task,” the dean said.

Take over? Little Red Riding Hood began to filter candidates in her mind. Brother Wolf is such a pervert. It must be a lengthy battle to cure him, so she must find someone with longer HP. Who has the longest HP…

“But,” said the dean, he’s not finished yet, “As the price of changing your mission, you cannot accept new missions until this mission objective is conquered.”

You cannot accept new missions! That is to say, if Brother Wolf can change his mind within a month, no, there are only a little more than twenty-five days left. Within this time, Brother Wolf must give up suicide, or else she will die.

Little Red Riding Hood scratched her head dejectedly: “You might as well say it’s not to change.”

“Hey, that’s how humane the company is,” the dean educated.

Damn you. You are a branch of the Underworld Group, and you still pay attention to humanization?

Little Red Riding Hood can’t wait to reach up and grab the old dean’s collar, go crazy and just shake him to death. But her feeling is not as important as her life right now. Little Red Riding Hood can only hold it in one breath and just looked at the old man’s buttocks (t/n: haha), admiring him doing Tai Chi.

She asked him for some tips at the same time: “Dean, I really don’t know what to do now. Did you know? Brother Wolf was annoyed by me last time. In order to not see me again, he decided not to commit suicide for the whole month. I don’t want to talk about dispelling his suicidal thoughts, now I don’t even have a chance to get close to him. “

“Not commit suicide within a month?” The dean seemed a little surprised.

“Hmm.” Did you notice something?

“There is progress, continue to bother him until he doesn’t want to commit suicide.” The dean encouraged.

This damn old man. Didn’t you realize that I have less than a month left?

“Dean, I don’t have enough time.” With such a careless leader, Little Red Riding Hood felt her good heart getting more and more tired.

“There’s not enough time, but I can help you with this.” The dean suddenly said generously.

Little Red Riding Hood was stunned for a moment as if she couldn’t believe it. The old dean actually said something humane. Could it be that he wanted to give my salary in advance??

When Little Red Riding Hood was thinking about something impossible, the old dean suddenly turned around and shouted: “Everyone, Little Red Riding Hood said she didn’t have enough time, let’s give her a motto one by one.”

“Okay, I’ll come first.” Dr. Liu was the first talk, “Mr. Lu Xun said that time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze it, there will always be there (1).”

“Tao Yuanming said that if the prime of life does not come again, it will be difficult to return to the morning. When it is time to encourage people, time waits for no one (2). “

“Shakespeare said that no matter how gluttonous time devours everything, we must strive to gain our reputation while this breath is still alive so that the scythe of time can’t hurt us (3).”

“10,000 years is too long, just fight for the day and night (4).”

“Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows…(5)”

Grandparents, when they don’t practice Tai Chi anymore, they suddenly become intellectuals, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign poets.

Little Red Riding Hood was desperate, she turned and left the Tai Chi area, then walked through the ballroom dance, folk dance, and square dance areas, and returned to the room alone.

Does God really want to kill such a beautiful, lovely, innocent, and kind girl?

The author has something to say: Today is another update, la la la praise me!!!

T/N: (it’s super long this time)

1. Lu Xun was a Chinese writer, essayist, poet, and literary critic. He was a leading figure in modern Chinese literature. If you want to read more about him please go here and if you want to understand a bit more about the quote, click here.

Lu Xun

2. Tao Yuanming was a Chinese poet and politician who was one of the best-known poets during the Six Dynasties period. Click here for his wiki page and if you’re interested in that quote here is some explanation about it:

if you’re interested in that quote here is some explanation about it

Tao Yuanming

3. I can’t find where this quote originally come from and I can’t find any English site with this quote. There are Chinese sites that show this quote is from Shakespeare, but the source is from ‘The Unknown’. So now I’m confused about whether this is really from Shakespeare or not. One of the sites wrote this as the English version of the quote:

Original quote

4. “10,000 years is too long, just fight for the day and night”. This is a quote from Mao Zedong’s “Man Jianghong and Comrade Guo Moruo”, a poem he wrote on 9 January 1963. Mao Zedong was a Chinese communist revolutionary who was the founder of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). You can read the background of the quote here. And if you’re interested to read the full version of the poem I’ll also link it here.


Mao Zedong’s Poem along with an illustration

Mao Zedong

“Man Jianhong and Comrade Guo Moruo” original scripture

5. This is from a poem titled “Song of Tomorrow”, written by Qian Fu, a scholar in the Ming Dynasty. Sadly he doesn’t have a wiki page but luckily I found a Baidu page about him. Click here to read more about him and here for the full version of his poem. (Both are Baidu pages so you need MTL to read them)

I thought this is gonna be an easy chapter until I read the last part