The consequence of being exposed to the sun for a day is that when Brother Wolf returned to the hospital to change his dressings, Little Red Riding Hood instead went to the emergency room.

“Oh, why did you get sunburned like this? It’s almost peeling.” The emergency doctor said in shock, “You are working on a construction site?”

“You may not believe it but I just went fishing.” Little Red Riding Hood replied miserably.

It turned out to be fishing in the sea. The doctor nodded understandingly: “There must be a lot of fish.”

“I didn’t catch a single one.” Little Red Riding Hood cried, “I will never go fishing in the sea again, I will wear sunscreen.”

“You can’t scratch it, you should obediently apply the ointment every day until it heals.” The doctor said with pity.

“How many days will you be fine, doctor?”

“As long as you stop basking in the sun and take a good rest, it will recover in about a week,” the doctor said.

“Thank you, doctor. I’m going to get the medicine.” Little Red Riding Hood left the emergency room crying.

“What a good girl. I’ve been worn down in this life.” The doctor immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his daughter: (If you don’t study hard, I’ll let you go fishing.)

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

Little Red Riding Hood smeared the ointment, making her face look oily. It smelled like ointment, and from a distance, her skin looked red. Those who saw her will think her skin was full of blisters.

“Little girl, aren’t you the girl who was on Weibo two days ago? The girl who was poured with soup base by the waiter in the hot pot restaurant?” A driver asked with concern.

Little Red Riding Hood’s face turned pale. No way, even the word ‘scared’ couldn’t correctly describe her feelings at the moment.

Little Red Riding Hood asked in horror: “Do I look…disfigured?”

“That…not necessarily. Now that medical skills are so advanced, it can still be cured. Even if it doesn’t work, don’t we still have plastic surgery?” The driver was kindly comforted.

“Plastic surgery is very expensive.” Little Red Riding Hood cried for a while and then figured it out on her own, “Forget it, it’s only a few days away anyway.”

“Oh, I thought about something.” Little Red Riding Hood took out her mobile phone after speaking and captured a close-up picture of her peeling hands in a somewhat self-entertaining spirit. Then send it to the circle of friends, and add the text: (I am a strong Little Red Riding Hood, and the sun will not defeat me.)

The next second, someone already liked and left comments.

Bai Xue: How did you get sunburned like this?

Xiao Ming: Little Red Riding Hood, did you get roasted?

Cao Nuo: Suddenly I want to eat roast pork trotters 1.

Xiao Ming replied to Cao Nuo: Take me with you.

Bai Xue replied to Xiao Ming: You two devils.

Wu Ge: She must forget to bring sunscreen.

Finally seeing a reliable message, Little Red Riding Hood responded excitedly to Wu Ge: Yes, that’s right.

Wu Ge: I couldn’t finish it just now, there’s another word after it: idiot.

“…” Little Red Riding Hood held back a mouthful of old blood in her chest, and could only helplessly read the comments while repeating hahahaha. Her fingers constantly swiped the screen.

In Brother Wolf’s exclusive ward, Dean Fan Ti looked at Brother Wolf sitting quietly on the sofa with a hesitant expression on his face.

“Get out after changing the bandage.” Brother Wolf said impatiently.

“Say… what happened to you recently?” Fan Ti was really curious, “The day before yesterday, you were burned half-dead and were brought to the hospital. If the fire officers and soldiers had not repeatedly emphasized that you were injured because of saving people, I would have suspected that you were intentionally trying to commit suicide but were rescued by fire officers and soldiers.”

Brother Wolf snorted coldly.

“I was thinking about whether to go to the flower shop to buy the wreath first, but you suddenly posted such a picture to the circle of friends, which scared me.” Fan Ti took out his mobile phone and showed it to Brother Wolf. In that circle of friends, he hasn’t recovered from the shock until now, “How did you suddenly take a photo with such a non-mainstream, carefree including the beauty function? I said that you are not depressed but your disease has mutated, that’s why you suddenly turned insane.”

“Go away!” Brother Wolf cursed again.

“Yo, are you pissed? I’m even more curious now.” Fan asked, “I heard that a girl came to you early this morning, and then you went out with her and came back together at night?”

“Then have you heard that the girl went to the emergency room as soon as she came back?” Brother Wolf asked rhetorically.

“Did you do something?” Fan Ti was shocked, “You actually do something to a woman?”

“If you don’t leave, I will do it directly on you?” Brother Wolf threatened.

As a doctor, you must not think that the neuropathy is a joke, so Fan Ti left the ward decisively.

And Brother Wolf thought of Little Red Riding Hood again because of Fan Ti’s mention. He turned his head and glanced at the mobile phone on the table, took it in his hand and opened the circle of friends, and then saw the circle of friends that Little Red Riding Hood posted a few minutes ago.

(I am a strong Little Red Riding Hood, and the sun will not defeat me.)

“Heh…” Brother Wolf couldn’t help but chuckle. He didn’t notice that he just smiled. He suddenly noticed the shocking sunburn on Little Red Riding Hood in the photo, and his expression gradually changed and became heavier.

It was only slightly red when he came back, why did it suddenly become like this?

“Someone.” Brother Wolf shouted.

“Sir.” Bodyguard A came in.

“Go and ask the doctor, what happened to Little Red Riding Hood’s injury?” Brother Wolf said.

“Yes.” Bodyguard A closed the door and walked out. After about ten minutes, he came back and reported, “Little Red Riding Hood’s sunburn is not serious, as long as you don’t get sunburned again, it will recover in about a week.”

“Then why does it look so serious?” asked Brother Wolf.

“This is the normal reaction process of the skin, just wait for the new skin to grow.”

“New skin?” Brother Wolf glanced at the photos in the phone and looked at the red, swollen, and dark area. Are these areas currently shedding skin? Then it will grow new ones?

“You look like an unbeatable little guy, but how can you be like this in just the sun?” Brother Lang frowned, a sour and unpleasant emotion slowly growing in his heart, “If you can’t bear it, just take it easy. If you still want to bear it, then you deserve it!”

Bodyguard A looked at his boss silently and suddenly felt that this was probably the most emotional day for the boss since he followed the boss.

Early the next morning, Little Red Riding Hood, who had not washed her face, was smeared with ointment and wrapped in gauze to appear at the Bianhua restaurant for breakfast.

“My gosh…” Cao Nuo was startled, “It’s not just your hands, your whole body is ruined.”

Xiao Ming also dropped his chopsticks in shock: “You’re disfigured.”

Bai Xue immediately comforted: ” Don’t worry, I have a couple of very good scar removal skin care products here.”

“Oh, it’s not that bad.” Little Red Riding Hood, who had slept for a while, was the calmest, “The doctor said, it will be fine in a week. Actually, I’ve grown new skin, but I’m still healing so it will take some time.”

“Off with the bandage!” Cao Nuo exaggerated, “This wolf brother is too ruthless, it’s only been a day, look what happened to you.”

“Well… Hmm.” Bai Xue and Xiao Ming nodded in agreement.

“One week?” Wu Ge’s focus was still on the next level, “Have you forgotten that your body’s immune system is different from ordinary people.”

“What do you mean?” Little Red Riding Hood asked in confusion.

“All of us here are terminally ill patients. The body’s immune system has long been damaged by the disease. You are still trying to treat yourself as an ordinary person.” Wu Ge said, “He never cared about you the whole time. Why is Hui Lang, who was exposed to the sun, unscathed, while you got your skin peeled?”

“Isn’t it because my skin is more delicate?” Little Red Riding Hood hesitated.

“You are quite confident.” Wu Ge sneered.

“But I don’t feel any discomfort.” To be honest, after coming to Bianhua, Little Red Riding Hood felt that not only did she not feel uncomfortable, but she felt better than before. She didn’t feel dizzy anymore, and she didn’t vomit blood.

“The old judge didn’t mention it to you, did he?” Bai Xue asked.

“What did you mention?” Little Red Riding Hood was puzzled.

“That is, some negative symptoms of our body, such as the fainting, vomiting blood and other symptoms associated with your terminal El Niño disease will disappear during the mission.” Bai Xue explained, “This is to prevent any disruption during the mission due to some unnecessary factors that may cause delay to the time. After all, if your target suddenly jumps off the building and you just fainted, isn’t that a bad thing?”

Little Red Riding Hood understood in an instant.

“However, the disappearance of these symptoms does not mean that our body functions are healthy. It can be said that apart from these external manifestations, our body is still the body of a patient, and the immune system is weaker than ordinary people’s. You catch a cold easily, get sunburned more easily than ordinary people, and get tired more easily than ordinary people.”

“No wonder I suddenly caught a cold last time?” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly realized.

“So be careful in the future, even when performing tasks, pay attention to your body.” Bai Xue urged.

“Understood.” Little Red Riding Hood nodded.

“Then are you going to find Brother Wolf today?” Xiao Ming asked.

“Yes. Should I not?”

“You’re already like this, why are you still going?” Xiao Ming advised.

“Time is life!” Little Red Riding Hood said word by word.

Everyone understood in an instant, and no one understood the meaning of this sentence better than themselves.

The author has something to say: I went out for two days on the weekend, so I didn’t update it. To the fingers, look to the sky.

PS: I didn’t intend to write this long text, but after finishing the outline, I found that the text is quite long, so I decided to reschedule. After the update is fixed, I’ll try to update every day, at least five times a week, um, I promise.

Because the maximum comment of each chapter of this article is 70, I will prepare 88 red envelopes tomorrow, I hope I can finish it, love you…


1. Roasted pork trotter is a dish made from pig’s feet. Probably something like this:

My poor girl… I want to cry for her in this chapter. Suddenly I realized she might actually die in the future.