Emeilia  The Attack of Little Red Riding Hood  September 6, 2022 11 Minutes

When Little Red Riding Hood came to the hospital again, Brother Wolf was having his breakfast. The breakfast was full of a variety of dishes with different flavors and tastes. Unfortunately, Brother Wolf didn’t take a bite and just drank a cup of coffee while doing his work.

“Do you all like to drink coffee for breakfast?” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t help asking.

According to the understanding of Little Red Riding Hood, whether it is novels or TV, as long as it is the president, most of them will always drink coffee. They drink coffee for breakfast, coffee for afternoon tea, coffee for business discussions, and coffee for meetings. No wonder the CEO is suffering from stomach problems, they keep chugging coffee all the time.

Brother Wolf only noticed Little Red Riding Hood when she spoke, and immediately frowned, “I haven’t seen you one night, and you already changed your religion overnight?”

Little Red Riding Hood today is dressed in long clothes, trousers, and a scarf covering her face. Standard clothing for a religious woman.

“What religion? I’m an athei-” Little Red Riding Hood just wanted to say that she is an atheist, but when she thought again, that’s not right, her current boss is the lord of the underworld, and the company’s brother unit is heaven and hell. If you talk about yourself being an atheist, it is a bit of a slap in the face, “Cough… I got a sunburn.”

Sunburn? Brother Wolf immediately thought of the photo posted by Little Red Riding Hood’s Moments, and seeing that Little Red Riding Hood covered her face today, he couldn’t help frowning and said, “What’s wrong with your face?

“What else could be wrong? We just go fishing yesterday but I got almost disfigured.” Little Red Riding Hood had obviously forgotten, it was her that insisted on going sea fishing.

Is her face also got sunburned the same as her hands?

“Then you should rest at home, why did you come here early in the morning?” Brother Wolf said a little displeased.

“Of course because I’m here to continue the treatment.”

“I’ll give you sick leave, and I’ll make it up for you later.” Brother Wolf said with disgust, “The way you are right now is affecting my mood for treatment.”

Mf, your mood will still be affected even if I didn’t say anything. Besides, you may give me a vacation, but not the company. So, I lost a week of treatment time for no reason.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com

“You can treat me as the princess of Dubai1, anyway, the cover is almost the same.” Little Red Riding Hood remembers that the princess of Dubai is also fully clothed herself, and she communicates with people with only her eyes exposed.

Little Red Riding Hood said, blinking at the same time, blinking at Brother Wolf.

Brother Wolf looked away uncomfortably: “You really can put gold on your face.”

“Now I can’t put it on, my face is covered with ointment.” Little Red Riding Hood laughed at herself.

“…” Is this woman making me feel guilty? Is this a plan to accumulate his guilt towards her, and then play the card of grief so that he does not commit suicide?

Brother Wolf was feeling depressed. Little Red Riding Hood went to the corner and dragged the writing pad out. When Brother Wolf looked over, he immediately asked, “What are you going to do today?”

Brother Wolf glanced at the writing pad. A line of words jumped into his eyes instantly.

Day 1: Go fishing with Little Red Riding Hood.

This woman is really playing the card of bitterness, do you think I’ll be fooled by this? Since you still want to treat me, then resume the treatment.

“I think…” Brother Wolf glanced out the window, the sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, it was really nice weather, “I want to go to Mount Maier to watch the sunrise and sunset.”

“Mount Maier?” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t believe it, “You are going to climb a mountain?”

Mountain Maier is a landscape mountain to the east of Xingcheng. It is not that high, only 1289 meters above sea level, but the cable car can reach the height of 800 meters at most, and then you have to climb up by yourself, and the best place for viewing is naturally the peak.

“Yeah.” Brother Wolf said enthusiastically, “Don’t they all say that life lies in movement? Moreover, people often use the sunrise to describe the new life, and the sunset to describe the elderly. Sunrise and sunset symbolize Reincarnation, maybe I can see some of the true meaning of life?”

That’s good, that’s good, but don’t you think about me who just got sunburned? If I continue to bask in the sun, I will really be disfigured. Even if I don’t die by then, I won’t be able to get plastic surgery with my salary of 1,500 yuan.

“What do you think? Doctor Xiao (Her real name is Xiao Hong Mao)?” Brother Wolf asked deliberately, with an obvious sinister in his eyes. You should beg for mercy now.

“Go, go and go.” Little Red Riding Hood gritted her teeth, stomped her feet, turned around, and wrote on the writing board: Climb Mount Maier with Little Red Riding Hood to watch the sunrise, sunset, and stars.

This time, it was Brother Wolf’s turn to be caught off guard, so she will actually go. How much money did her parents give her to make her work so hard?

“Let’s go.” Little Red Riding Hood said fiercely.

“Aren’t you afraid of the sun?”

“It’s okay, I’m carrying the ointment, and I can apply it whenever I need to when I get back. Isn’t it just applying medicine when I start bleeding? As long as the blood doesn’t run out, I can still function.” Little Red Riding Hood said it so tragically, that she was almost moved to tears.

“…” You said it with great pride, so can you stop crying?

“It’s a pity that the doctor said that I can’t do vigorous exercise during this period.” Brother Wolf said regretfully.

Can’t do intense exercise? Then…

“Then let’s do something else, save the sunrise and sunset. When you can exercise vigorously one day, it’s not too late for us to go.” Little Red Riding Hood immediately hit the snake using the stick.

“But other than this idea, I have nothing else to do.” Brother Wolf said.

“No? It doesn’t matter, isn’t there me?” Little Red Riding Hood was so excited that she almost exposed her own thoughts, and quickly restrained her mind and pretended to be calm, “I mean, it doesn’t matter. According to the treatment plan, until you have no special ideas you just need to do what I ask first.”

“Then what do you think we should do today?” Brother Wolf pretended that he didn’t hear Little Red Riding Hood’s uncontrollable excitement.

“I think…” Little Red Riding Hood pretended to think deeply, “The so-called life is actually the little things in life. Food, clothing, housing, and transportation are important parts of our life and our happiness mostly comes from these. That is to say, as long as people are happy, they will want to live, because only when they are alive can they pay attention to clothing, food, housing, and transportation. So today, let’s start with eating.”

Brother Wolf did not express any objection.

Little Red Riding Hood turned around, wiped off the mountain climbing content with a swipe twice, and wrote on it again: Eat the food of Xincheng City with Little Red Riding Hood.

Just want to eat but said it as if it’s a high-sounding manner, Brother Wolf snorted coldly.

“Brother Wolf, you don’t want to go??” Little Red Riding Hood asked with a guilty conscience.

Could it be that Brother Wolf has seen her selfishness?

Although she is indeed a foodie herself. But what she said just now, when she was talking, suddenly made sense to herself. Isn’t that right? As long as she thinks that she won’t be able to eat those delicacies after her death, she feels sadder than actually dying.

“I have no problem with eating delicious food.”

“Then what’s wrong?” Little Red Riding Hood asked cautiously.

“I’m just wondering why you wrote “with Little Red Riding Hood” at the beginning of every sentence…” Brother Wolf asked, “Go fishing with Little Red Riding Hood, climb mountains with Little Red Riding Hood, and eat delicious food with Little Red Riding Hood? Even…” Brother Wolf looked at the last one. He held back and didn’t read it aloud.

“Oh, this, actually, this is also my treatment report. When the treatment is over, I want to take pictures and archive them, so I have to write them like this. And everything here is indeed done by me and you.” Little Red Riding Hood was trying to find an excuse.

“Whatever you want.” Fortunately, Brother Wolf didn’t really care about this, so he didn’t continue to ask.

Little Red Riding Hood breathed a sigh of relief when Brother Wolf stopped asking questions. In fact, Little Red Riding Hood had to add “with Little Red Riding Hood” to every sentence on the writing board wasn’t because of the reason she just said. It was because the content on this writing board was not only the twenty-five days of Brother Wolf’s remaining life but also the twenty-five days of Little Red Riding Hood’s remaining life. It was Brother Wolf’s death diary, and it was also hers.

After getting the consent, Little Red Riding Hood took action immediately. She downloaded a Xincheng City food guide directly from the internet, enough for them to eat from morning to night, including a late-night snack.

The first target of the two is Yaoting Hotel’s seafood and abalone porridge.

“Didn’t I just have breakfast?” Brother Wolf asked strangely.

“Didn’t you just ignore it?” Little Red Riding Hood laughed, “You must have a bad stomach after drinking coffee all day like those CEOs, that’s why you are not eating breakfast. Congee is the most nourishing for your stomach, and the seafood porridge here is from Yaoting Hotel. They’re famous for their delicious food.” A bowl sells for 1,000 yuan, if I don’t follow you, how can I afford it?

Little Red Riding Hood said, picked up the spoon on the side, and handed it to Brother Wolf diligently.

Brother Wolf held a delicate spoon and looked at the woman across him whose face looked a little funny with ointment. His appetite which was not aroused by the aroma of seafood porridge suddenly became restless.

Looking back lightly, Brother Wolf lowered his head and took a mouthful of porridge. The rice grains were soft and the porridge was thick, but it was just a bowl of porridge.

“Is it delicious?” Little Red Riding Hood asked immediately.

“It’s just a bowl of porridge.” Yes, it’s just a bowl of porridge. This bowl of abalone porridge may not be as good as any higher-class bowl of white porridge he had tasted before.

“Yes, you must have eaten it often before, then… give me the abalone in your bowl.” Little Red Riding Hood said as she was about to fish for the abalone in Brother Wolf’s bowl.


With a crisp sound, Brother Wolf stopped Little Red Riding Hood with his spoon, and said with disgust, “It’s dirty.”

“That’s right, give it to me if you think it’s dirty.” Little Red Riding Hood snatched the abalone from Brother Wolf’s bowl while Brother Wolf was not paying attention, and swallowed it with her mouth open.

“…” Brother Wolf.

“If you don’t eat it… it will be a waste.” Little Red Riding Hood observed him just now. Brother Wolf always drank the porridge but didn’t eat the abalone at all, so she should grab it. “And this porridge is only so small, two mouthfuls are finished, and I can’t be full with just this.”

“Manager.” Brother Wolf suddenly put down the spoon in his hand.

“Sir, what are your orders?” the manager asked immediately.

“Give me another ten servings of abalone porridge.”

“Ten servings? If the two of you feel that you are not full, one more serving will be enough.” Although the portion of their porridge is small, it’s not possible to drink all ten servings of it.

“Why do you order so much, we’ll have to eat something else later, this is just the beginning.” Little Red Riding Hood also stopped.

“Bring it up and put it on the next table.” Brother Wolf continued.

“Why put it on the next table?” Little Red Riding Hood asked in confusion.

“Look at the meal.”

Soon, the manager sent ten copies of abalone porridge, which were placed on the dining table next to the two of them. Little Red Riding Hood wanted to reach out for it several times, but Brother Wolf asked nonchalantly. One sentence: “I’m full now, won’t you eat the rest?”

Little Red Riding Hood’s hand shook and stopped instantly. How can I eat these? There are more than 100 restaurants, and I plan to eat at the top 50 today. If she’s already full in the first place, then she needs to adjust the rest.

Brother Wolf saw Little Red Riding Hood’s tangled expression of wanting to eat but not daring to eat, and suddenly felt that the porridge in his hand was much better than before.

“Everyone says that if you are rich, you want to eat one bowl and turn over another, but you actually eat one bowl and watch ten bowls?” What an evil rich man.

“That’s because they’re not rich enough.” Do you think I won’t hear your subtext if you don’t say it?

“You don’t eat it anyway, can I pack it for someone else?” Little Red Riding Hood struggled at last.

“No.” Brother Wolf looked at the two bodyguards, “Take it and deal with it.”


“You… OK, it’s not my money anyway, hump…” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t bear to part with the abalone porridge and ran out of the restaurant angrily.

Brother Wolf followed happily.

After the two left, the bodyguards looked at each other and asked, “How to deal with it?”



After patting his stomach, he sighed. This rich man eats delicately, he is only half full even after five bowls.


1. I believe she wanted to describe a Muslim girl with purdah. Since I can’t find a Dubai Princess wearing one, I’m just gonna use a random picture:

Suddenly the story gets even sadder and sadder whenever she thought about her time limit