Emeilia  The Attack of Little Red Riding Hood  September 8, 2022 13 Minutes

Xingcheng City is not a big city but it’s not that small either. It takes about three hours to drive from the east of the city to the west of the city. Little Red Riding Hood took Brother Wolf to eat from the beginning until the end, from morning until night, every place they went to were according to the food rankings. Even if they only ate the signature dishes in every restaurant, they managed to eat only at 36 restaurants in the end.

At the same time, the news that Hui Lang, the president of Huihuang Group, brought a mysterious woman in a scarf to eat all over Xincheng City quickly dominated the entertainment and finance sectors.

The president of the Huihuang Group secretly met a mysterious woman.

Is the president of Huihuang Group a foodie?

Huihuang Group intends to enter the food industry.

The president of the Huihuang Group finally has a scandal.

Come and meet the president of Huihuang Group.

In a blink, these kinds of gossip news quickly occupied the hot search on Weibo.

“Wow, it’s just different for rich people. You can still be on the news just because you have a meal.” Little Red Riding Hood gossips while swiping the phone, “But the one of the news says that this is the first time you have a scandal, is it true?”

“What do you say?” Brother Wolf has never been interested in those boring gossips.

“If you don’t want to say it, don’t say it. Even if it’s the first time, it’s nothing special. It’s also the first time I’ve had a scandal. You won’t suffer.” Little Red Riding Hood said.

“You compare yourself to me?” Brother Wolf gave Little Red Riding Hood a look of disbelief.

“I’m not taking advantage of you, why are you trying to attack me, cheapskate.” Although he spends his own money all day, the more he spends, the more Little Red Riding Hood understands Brother Wolf’s economic strength. The more you know him, the more you realize how rich he truly is. She made a secret calculation and today’s meals almost catch up with her tuition fees from childhood to adulthood.

“I only ate from a third of the restaurants on the list today. Let’s continue to eat tomorrow.” Little Red Riding Hood pointed to the printed food ranking list and said, “I heard that celebrities often visit these restaurants.”

Hearing this sentence, Brother Wolf, who was originally looking out of the window, suddenly turned his head and looked over. He looked at Little Red Riding Hood who was almost drooling, and suddenly narrowed his eyes: “How much did my parents pay to invite you here to treat me?”

“Why are you asking this all of a sudden?” Little Red Riding Hood asked in confusion.

“Can’t I know?” Brother Wolf asked.

“It’s not… Just normal charges.” Little Red Riding Hood said perfunctorily.

“According to the current average charges of psychiatrists in Xincheng City, the best psychiatrist charges about 1,000 yuan (about $145.00) per hour. The average time you spend by my side is about twelve hours a day, and the rest time in between is not counted. So far, you are in full attendance. One thousand yuan an hour, you are worth 12,000 yuan  a day.” Brother Wolf suddenly began to settle accounts.

Little Red Riding Hood was shocked, does a psychiatrist make so much money? It was time to study psychology then.

“Today, we went to 36 stores and ordered 36 dishes. The total cost is 98,730 yuan. I’ll count you 90,000 yuan. The fare, labor cost, and my food, the part that was lost or I wasted are not counted. Your expenses today are 36,000 yuan.”

“Why…why do you suddenly start counting this?” Little Red Riding Hood reached out and wiped her forehead, wondering why she was sweating in the car. The air conditioning was obviously working properly.

“Yesterday I went fishing, and I temporarily rented that yacht. The rent for a day was 100,000 yuan.” Brother Wolf continued.

“It’s so… so expensive, hehe…”

“Does your hospital know that you are charging so indiscriminately?” Brother Wolf suddenly laughed, and the voice sounded particularly evil in the dimly lit carriage.

“Why…why are you charging arbitrarily…then… aren’t those things for you to treat?” It’s over, it’s over. Did he realize that she was enjoying herself by spending his money in the name of treating him?

“Really? If the money is spent on my illness, who will pay for the excess?” Brother Wolf asked again.

“You… You are a president with a net worth of tens of billions, but you actually care about such tens of thousands of yuan?”

“Do you know how I got tens of billions worth? It’s that I never let others take a penny off of me.” Brother Wolf suddenly approached Little Red Riding Hood and admitted very frankly, “You’re right, I’m a cheapskate.”

“…” Could this man be taking his revenge because she called him a cheapskate? Do I have to be so careful??

“People often say that the poor are generous. But have you ever heard of the rich are generous?” Brother Wolf continued to ask.

“I… I’ve also heard of benefactor.” Little Red Riding Hood replied immediately.

“So…” Brother Wolf seemed to finally see the true face of Little Red Riding Hood, “You keep saying that you want to cure my illness, but actually you’re making me your sugar daddy?”

“No, I don’t.” Little Red Riding Hood hurriedly denied it.

“Heh…” Brother Wolf sneered as if to say, woman, what you’ve done these days has made me see your true color completely.

“I really want to treat you, don’t worry, after twenty-five days, no matter if you are cured or not, I will disappear right in front of your eyes.” Little Red Riding Hood assured.

“I think we must add an additional clause in this service.” Brother Wolf revealed his true character as a businessman.

“What… what additional clause.”

“If my disease is not cured after the course of treatment, your hospital must compensate me for the excess expenses during this period,” said Brother Wolf.

Shoot! Where do I have money, there are less than four digits on my bank card.

“This…it’s not fair. It’s up to you to decide whether the disease is cured or not. If you’re cured, you can say that it’s not cured, so how can I defend myself?.” Little Red Riding Hood is not stupid. How can something subjective be written into a contract?

“You’re right, but your over-spending is unreasonable in the first place. I need to add this, so I can make a reasonable claim to your hospital.” Brother Wolf’s temperament as the president was full of enthusiasm, and Little Red Riding Hood was caught by him. Can’t say a word of suppression.

“You… if you are not cured, you will commit suicide, you will die. Do you still care about money?” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t believe it.

“I committed suicide, my lawyers are still there, they will still claim compensation from you.” Brother Wolf reminded, “Besides, you dare to owe money from the dead?”

“…” What should I do? What to do?

If this guy is cured by himself after twenty-five days, he will make things difficult for me. Insisting that he has not been cured, so I will lose money. Wouldn’t the one-year life value that she finally earned must be repaid by selling her kidney? God, I don’t know if a terminally ill body can sell a kidney.

Oops, suddenly my head hurts and my stomach hurts too. Why is it so painful?

“What’s the matter with you?” Brother Wolf was originally admiring Little Red Riding Hood’s face change in good time. Little Red Riding Hood’s face turned red and white for a while, but when her big eyes rolled around, he knew she was playing tricks. Brother Wolf has been in the business world for many years, and no one has won against him before. He was waiting to see how Little Red Riding Hood coped with him but found that Little Red Riding Hood’s big eyes suddenly became painful, and the whole facial features were twisted together.

“My stomach hurts, my stomach hurts, it hurts!” Little Red Riding Hood said miserably.

“What’s the matter?” Brother Wolf reached out to test Little Red Riding Hood’s forehead, but he couldn’t feel the temperature on her forehead. He just felt cold sweat on his hand.

Brother Wolf’s face changed, and he ordered in a blunt tone: “Hurry up and go to the hospital.”

Bodyguards A and B also noticed the abnormality, and immediately accelerated the speed of the car. They drove the car as if it was a sports car on the race track.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com

After an hour.

Little Red Riding Hood, who was lying on the hospital bed with drips, finally woke up.

“Awake?” The doctor’s familiar face appeared in front of Little Red Riding Hood, and it was the same doctor who treated her sunburn yesterday.

“Doctor, it’s you again.” Little Red Riding Hood smiled weakly.

“Little Red Riding Hood it’s you again.” The doctor also replied with a smile.

“Doctor, what’s wrong with me?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“It’s okay, it’s just an allergy.” The doctor asked strangely.

“Allergies? But I don’t have any allergy?” Little Red Riding Hood wondered, “I’m not allergic to anything.”

“Don’t be too confident, you might be wrong.” The doctor said while recording things, “According to the person who brought you here, he said that you have eaten many things today including foods from ancient times, modern times, China, and foreign countries, as well as many things from the sea, land, and air. You have eaten a hearty meal this time.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Ancient and modern, all over the world, and sea, land, and air, it’s too exaggerated. Isn’t it just 100,000 yuan, at most it’s just the same as a sumptuous banquet.

“But the last thing you ate was Australian lobster1, so it’s probably your allergen,” the doctor said.

“Lobster, such an expensive allergen?” One is 12,000 yuan.

“No, I’ve been a doctor for 20 years, and this is the first time I’ve seen someone allergic to eating lobster.” The doctor also sighed, “This is also considered a disease of wealth.”

“I’m happy.”


“But, don’t you want your face anymore?” the doctor asked again suddenly.

“What’s wrong with my face?” Little Red Riding Hood immediately sat up from the hospital bed.

“Don’t move, be careful with the drip.” The doctor immediately checked Little Red Riding Hood’s needle, and continued when there was no problem, “I didn’t tell you yesterday, eat less seafood before new skin grows and before the wound heals?”

“Yes.” Little Red Riding Hood said aggrievedly.

“Then avoid it,” said the doctor.

“Well, I’ll be obedient this time.” Little Red Riding Hood asked again, “Is my allergy serious?”

“The allergies happened quickly, and they went quickly. Fortunately, it was delivered on time, and your friend accurately deduced that your allergens have been removed, so the treatment process is very smooth, and you can be discharged after taking this bottle of drip.” After the doctor finished speaking, he warned, “Remember, don’t eat lobster in the future.”

No, this is definitely a no problem. She can’t afford to eat 12,000 yuan Australian lobsters. It is indeed a disease of wealth.

As soon as Little Red Riding Hood felt better, she posted a picture of a lobster and a picture of herself playing with the bottle of drip in the Moments, and added the text: It turns out that I am allergic to lobster, which is really a troublesome disease of wealth.

Brother Wolf saw the update notification in the circle of friends, and after hesitating for a while, he clicked to view it, and it really was published by Little Red Riding Hood.

Seeing someone who fainted from pain only an hour ago was still complacent about her “expensive allergens” at the moment, made him suddenly become confused again.

How can other people’s lives, whether sick or healthy, be so vibrant?

Where is the difference between me and them?

“Hui Lang.” The door of the ward was pushed open by Fan Ti.

“What?” Brother Wolf said in disgust.

“Did you go out to eat food today? After visiting thirty-six stores and eating ice cream with a Lao Gan Ma2, you just left an angry pastry chef on the spot?” Fan Ti gossips.

“What a mess.”

“You probably will not admit the post on your Moments. But because I’m afraid you might delete it so I took a screenshot.” Fan Ti opened his mobile phone to browse Brother Wolf’s Moments, “Look at the first one, sent at half past eight in the morning,”

“Seafood and abalone porridge taste average. I bought ten more bowls and just put them aside, but suddenly they tasted a little better. Say, what are you doing, eat one bowl and watch ten bowls?”

Brother Wolf did not speak. It seemed that there was a certain someone who couldn’t remember the reason he sent that to the circle of friends.

“And this one, the sailing ice cream in the romantic city. It tastes average when eaten alone. It has a unique flavor when eaten together with Lao Gan Ma. I think it has a unique taste.”

This is what Brother Wolf copied from Little Red Riding Hood.

“I heard that the pastry chef that I invited back from France was angry with you and returned to France with a bottle of Lao Gan Ma.”

It’s none of my business if he can’t stand the blow at all.

“And this… The shark’s fin is good, but the quantity is too small.” Fan Ti continued to complain, “If you think it’s too small, buy it again, you’re not short of money.”

Brother Wolf continued to be silent because he had eaten too much food and after every dish, Little Red Riding Hood will tell him to post on the Moments again. Brother Wolf finally didn’t bother to use his brain and just copy from Little Red Riding Hood’s Moments.

“Did you know? People outside are now saying whether you have been stimulated or have a mental illness or something.” Fan Ti said.

“I am sick, don’t you know that the best?” Brother Wolf finally replied.

“You are indeed sick, but I like your current condition.” Fan Ti said.

“…” Brother Wolf looked at Fan Ti in confusion.

“You used to be lifeless, but now…” Fan Ti raised his phone and said, “There is a spark.”

Spark? Is it possible to post a circle of friends, even if there are no sparks?

“Who is the woman who was eating with you?” Fan Ti asked again.

“My parents found a psychiatrist for me.” Brother Wolf replied.

“It turned out to be a psychiatrist, no wonder.” Fan Ti wanted to say something, but the phone suddenly vibrated. Fan Ti glanced at it and said, “There is an emergency room, I’ll go first.”

“Yeah.” Brother Wolf nodded, standing in the empty room still thinking about the sparks that Fan Ti just said.

Just posting on the Moments, he suddenly has a spark? Just posting a circle of friends can make Fan Ti more optimistic about himself? Even if those were mostly requested, they were still just copied and forwarded.

“Knock knock!”

“Come in.” Brother Wolf came back to his senses.     

“Sir.” Bodyguard

Bodyguard A reported, “Dr. Xiao’s body is no longer in serious condition. She has just finished the infusion and has left the hospital to go home.”

“Is there anything else?”

“Dr. Xiao was still worried about the additional terms when she left the hospital. She seemed very distressed.” He wants to blackmail her with money. Bodyguard A felt that Little Red Riding Hood’s expression was not euphemistic enough, so he exaggerated it a little.

“Understood, let’s go out.”

“Yes.” Bodyguard A closed the door and left the room.

“Be smart.” Brother Wolf looked in the direction of the writing board, and suddenly scolded, “If I didn’t teach you a lesson, others would really take me as a

fool.” The stupidest thing is to suffer all time.


1. Australian Lobster:

2. Lao Gan Ma is a brand of chili oil made in China. So they ate ice cream paired with chili sauce… pretty weird combo.

Why is he so smart?? My girl is not smart enough to be a scammer lmao