When Fan Ti came to change the dressing for Brother Wolf, Brother Wolf was still sitting by the window, and he seemed to daydream again, but Fan Ti felt like it was different this time.

“I heard that you didn’t go out all day today.” Fan Ti said while removing the gauze on Brother Wolf.

“Yeah.” Brother Wolf gave a faint hum, without even looking at Fan Ti.

Fan Ti has long been accustomed to Brother Wolf’s behavior. He removes the gauze quickly. He didn’t worry about hurting Brother Wolf since he knows this president didn’t really care about the pain after observing his reactions for a few days. Brother Wolf never cried out in pain.

This guy doesn’t know about pain, huh? Fan Ti thought as he stretched out a finger and gently poked Brother Wolf’s burnt skin.

Brother Wolf frowned and turned to look at him.

“It’s recovering well, hehehe…” Fan Ti smiled full of guilt. He quickly took the alcohol and continued to clean up Brother Wolf’s wound, “A wound like yours, I have to use alcohol to clean it up every time I change the dressing. With this kind of wound, other patients will be screaming and begging me to give them an anesthetic, but you are good. You are like a comatose person, no reaction at all.”

“If you feel uncomfortable, you can also give me an anesthetic.” Wolf Brother said, “I don’t object.”

“I felt hurt and uncomfortable but it’s not me that was wounded.” Fan Ti roared.

“Then what are you complaining about?”

“You…This is a conversation, do you understand? I’m chatting with you, bro. I’m complimenting you!”

“Oh, although I didn’t hear it, but…” As if Brother Wolf was coaxing a child, he responded “Thank you for the compliment.”

Thank you my ass, if not for our childhood friend status, I would be too lazy to care about you.

“I heard that the psychiatrist stayed with you in the suite for the whole day?” Fan Ti was quiet for a while and then began to ask questions.


“You rarely stay with anyone for such a long time. What are you doing in the room?” Fan Ti asked curiously.


“Treatment doesn’t have to take a whole day.” It’s not that there was no psychiatrist in this hospital, and psychotherapy usually takes up to two hours a day.

“Just sleeping.”

“Sleeping?!!” Fan Ti fell from the chair in shock, and then quickly got up, “Hypnosis… It was hypnosis, right?”

This Hui Lang guy has always been suffering from insomnia, even the strongest dose of sleeping pills couldn’t help him. It seemed that the psychiatrist that Uncle Hui had looked for is so skillful. She could actually make Hui Lang sleep for a whole day.

“Is it done yet?” Brother Wolf asked impatiently.

“It’s almost there.”

He had actually done applying the medicine and only need to redress the wound. After a while, the gauze was finally wrapped up, and Fan Ti asked while packing his things, “What are you looking at? You have been looking outside since I came in.”

“Looking at the Xincheng City TV station.” Brother Wolf replied.

“What’s wrong with it?” Fan Ti also glanced out the window curiously.

“Don’t you think, when you looked at it from here, the TV station looked like a pair of glowing long pants?” Brother Wolf said, “Nowadays, the architect’s taste in designing is getting more and more individual.”


“And on the Oasis Square, if another Ferris wheel is built over there and make it symmetrical with the Ferris wheel in the playground on the left, then the entire Dongcheng District will look like a human face.”

Human face? Fan Ti imagined the picture that Brother Wolf just said, and a face of a monster with a pair of big glowing eyes instantly appeared in his mind: “Hui Lang, are you all right?”

“Can you detect whether I’m all right or not either way?” Brother Wolf asked back.

“…” No but I wanted to ask, is your IQ okay? Why did you suddenly become so innocent all the sudden?

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com

Fan Ti did not dare to ask and just silently walked away while carrying the medicine box. Before he reached the door to his office, his younger brother, Fan Da, sent him a WeChat message: (Brother, what happened to Brother Wolf recently??)

Fan Ti: (I am also very confused.)

Fan Da: (Why did he suddenly want to build a Ferris wheel, in Oasis Square, in the center of a high-level office building?)

Fan Ti was stunned for a moment, and then went to look at the Wolf Brother’s circle of friends, and just a minute ago, Brother Wolf just updated a new Moments and the picture is the night scene outside the window he watched before.

[Suddenly want to build a Ferris wheel in Oasis Square.]

Fan Ti was speechless for a moment before replying to his younger brother: (He said, it looks more like a human face.)

Fan Da: (Brother Wolf is definitely sick.)

Fan Ti: (He has been in the hospital for three days, now. What do you think?)

At this time, Little Red Riding Hood, who had returned to the dormitory, also happened to see this post, and immediately clicked the like button with joy, and then commented: (If it is really built, can girls get free rides? )

Brother Wolf quickly replied: Why?

Little Red Riding Hood: Because the tickets for the Ferris wheel are very expensive. I have never been able to ride one before.

Brother Wolf replied: Being poor is not scary. What’s scary is being stingy.

“I’m so pissed off.” Little Red Riding Hood rolled on the bed angrily. “How can you understand the sadness of poor people like us.”

Seeing that Little Red Riding Hood didn’t reply to him, Brother Wolf guessed that she must be mad at him and felt very satisfied. He swiped through his phone and called the vice president: “Find any empty land in  Oasis Square and build a Ferris wheel.”

“You really want to build it?.” The vice president naturally saw Brother Wolf’s Moments.

“I was not serious about it before but I was in a good mood now, and suddenly I wanted to seriously build it.” Brother Wolf said.

“Okay, then I’ll arrange it.” Either way, you have the money and the power to do it.

“After the completion, it will be open to the public for free.” Brother Wolf said again.


Open to the public for free? There is nothing around there except office buildings. Is this to make the majority of white-collar workers ride around when they are under great pressure? Is this Mr. Wolf’s alternative stress prevention method? So we can decrease hair loss among workers, create a romantic atmosphere when working overtime, and meet true love when walking around the corner for single workers??

(Fan Ti shouted: He does it just to make it look like a human face?)

After a sweet sleep, Little Red Riding Hood reappeared in Brother Wolf’s ward the next morning full of energy, but his face was not very happy.

After two days of treatment, Little Red Riding Hood’s red and swelling skin finally shriveled and blackened, but she couldn’t apply any makeup yet. Once her scarf was removed, it looked like a face that had been ruthlessly treated over the years.

“Why are you getting uglier?” Brother Wolf frowned unhappily when he saw such a terrifying face early in the morning.

“Ugly? Where am I ugly?” What did I hear this early in the morning?

“Face.” Brother Wolf pointed out clearly.

“Who’s fault this is?!” Little Red Riding Hood roared, she was trying to convince herself not to care about this bastard, yet he still dared to call her ugly.

“Didn’t you say there will be no disfigurement?” Why did it look worse?

“I’m in the repairing stage. New skin will grow in a few days, and then I’ll be white and tender again.” Little Red Riding Hood said, “It’s just like a peeled lychee.”

“So now you are like lychee skin (1)?” Brother Wolf said. He finally understood.

“You are the lychee skin!” Little Red Riding Hood threw away the markers in her hand.

“Cough…” Brother Wolf also realized that he was going too far, and asked, “Let’s start the treatment.”

“I’m still angry.” Little Red Riding Hood said angrily, “Let me be angry for five minutes.”

“Oh.” Brother Wolf understood, picked up the newspaper on the side, and started to reread it.

Little Red Riding Hood angrily squatted in front of the writing board and cursed Brother Wolf for five minutes in her heart. Then she calmed down and stood up again in a relaxed mood: “Okay, what do you want to do or don’t want to do today?”

Are humans a unicellular organism? So easy to be angry, but also so easy to be happy?


“And again.” Little Red Riding Hood asked sadly, “What is it?”

Brother Wolf glanced at Little Red Riding Hood’s blackened skin, thought about it, and said, “I want to read a book today.”

“Read a book? Why don’t you go out?” Little Red Riding Hood was disappointed. Is Brother Wolf a weeb? Why you don’t like going out so much?

Isn’t this just like staying inside the house?

“You choose a place.” Brother Wolf said suddenly.

“What?” Little Red Riding Hood was stunned.

“Choose a place to read.” Brother Wolf repeated.

Is it okay to go out? Where to go, where to go? Little Red Riding Hood thought about it and finally remembered a bookstore that Bai Xue once mentioned to her.

It was hidden in the downtown area and only members can enter. It was rumored that the store was full of celebrities and superstars, and had a large collection of mysterious books.

“When I have nothing to do, I like to go there to draw designs. The music there is very good, the coffee is delicious, and I often meet some movie stars.” Bai Xue introduced. (T/n: Apparently, it was some kind of cafe bookstore/library?)

“Is the membership fee very expensive?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“It’s not that expensive, it’s only five million a year.” Bai Xue lightly wrote, “The last time I went in, I happened to meet the actress Anna, and she asked me to design a red carpet dress for her, so I casually asked for five million. “

“Let’s go to Taishang Laojun’s Bookstore.” Little Red Riding Hood suggested.

“What?” Brother Wolf didn’t understand.

“This bookstore has a lot of books. It is called Taishang Laojun’s Bookstore. The coffee there is delicious and the music is very good. You will definitely like it.” Little Red Riding Hood highly recommended it.

“Let’s go.” Brother Wolf said not very interested.

Bodyguards A and B drove the two to their destination and left. Little Red Riding Hood suddenly remembered something while looking at the imposing door of the bookstore.

“Wait…” Little Red Riding Hood held Brother Wolf and explained in a low voice, “I forgot something.”

“What?” Brother Wolf asked.

“It has a membership system, and the annual fee is five million.” Little Red Riding Hood explained, “Our daily expenses are only 12,000 a day. Maybe we should change the place. I think the coffee shop downstairs is good.”

12,000? Brother Wolf was stunned for a while before he remembered that he had made a total payment count for Little Red Riding Hood a few days ago.

“It seems that you have no confidence that you can cure me.” Brother Wolf said with a half-smile.

“No… I didn’t mean that… I was just afraid…” Little Red Riding Hood’s explanation was incoherent, but she didn’t know how to explain it. She was actually not confident, but she couldn’t say it in front of the patient.

“Don’t worry, no money needed.” Brother Wolf said suddenly.

“Do you have a membership card?” Yes, Brother Wolf may have already had a membership card.

“No, but the whole building is mine.” Brother Wolf said lightly.

The whole building belongs to Brother Wolf? Little Red Riding Hood immediately cheered up and walked a few steps with a better spirit.

“Please show your membership card.” The greeter asked politely.

“No membership card.”

“Then what are you?” The greeter was stunned by Little Red Riding Hood’s confident appearance.

Little Red Riding Hood turned to look at Brother Wolf, only to see Brother Wolf standing calmly, but he didn’t speak.

Little Red Riding Hood understood in seconds, why the boss needed to tell anyone if he want to go to his own house, so Little Red Riding Hood replied, like a henchman: “We are here to collect rent.”
