“Collecting rent?” Sitting in the VIP room of the bookstore, Brother Wolf sneered at Little Red Riding Hood who had a guilty face.

“I’m sorry? You said that the entire building is yours. The first reaction in my mind was that you’re the landlord, and then naturally…” Please forgive her reflective thoughts as an ordinary person who was pressured for rent every month.

At this time, when the manager of the bookstore heard that President Lang, the president of the Huihuang Group, had come to the bookstore to collect the rent in person, he rushed over immediately.

“Hello, Mr. Lang, I’m the manager of Taishang Laojun Bookstore, and my name is Jiang Kai.” The shop owner Jiang Kai eagerly stretched out his hand to shake Brother Lang.

“Yeah.” Brother Wolf didn’t care about it, and after a faint hum, he continued to look down at the book he just picked up.

“Oh heh…” Jiang Kai just turned around and shook hands with Little Red Riding Hood before he felt less embarrassed.

“I heard that Mr. Lang come to collect… rent?” When Jiang Kai heard it for the first time, he didn’t want to believe it. Isn’t it funny that such a high-standing man still collects rent by himself?

Brother Wolf raised his eyes and glanced at Little Red Riding Hood on the opposite side. Little Red Riding Hood was looking at him with a pair of big eyes flickering with an apology on her face.

Now you know how to be pitiful. Brother Wolf retracted his gaze, and replied coldly, “I’m not here to collect the rent.”

Jiang Kai immediately understood. As he said, how could Mr. Lang come to collect the rent?

“I’m here to claim the building.” Brother Wolf added slowly.

Um? Uh-huh? Both Little Red Riding Hood’s and Jiang Kai’s faces turned horrified at the same time.

Little Red Riding Hood: Don’t you want to read a book?

Jiang Kai: Isn’t it better if you just collect the rent?

“No… Mr. Wolf, the rent contract has been signed and lasted for ten years.” Jiang Kai reminded politely.

“Don’t worry, the liquidated damages will not be huge.” Brother Wolf said casually.

“It’s not about the liquidated damages, it’s just, why so suddenly? You suddenly said that you want the store closed, but we didn’t prepare anything at all.” When Jiang Kai spoke, his heart was bleeding. Why did he care about the liquidated damages? Mr. Lang, can your money be running out? What Jiang Kai was afraid of was closing the store. How much effort and money did their team spend to build such a high-end clubhouse. It has been on the track for less than two years. If you suddenly take it away, the money will be lost. This conclusion can be made in less than half an hour.

“It’s really a bit sudden.” Brother Wolf said extremely frankly, “I also only knew about an hour ago that there is a bookstore like yours. The lady in front of you has been recommending this place to me, so I came over to have a look and felt that it was indeed good for a renovation. That’s right, I wanted to take it back and use it as my own private study.”

Renovate? Private study? I always knew that you were bold, but I didn’t know you were this bold.

And this lady, thank you very much for liking our bookstore, but why do you highly recommend it to him?

Little Red Riding Hood felt the judging look in the store manager’s eyes, and under the uneasiness, she moved her butt, scooted closer against Brother Wolf, and asked in a low voice, “What are you doing? Why are you suddenly taking someone’s store?”

Brother Wolf Glancing at her sideways, he said nothing.

When Jiang Kai saw the veiled woman nudging and nudging the president but he didn’t know what she whispered to Brother Wolf’s ear. He only had a bad assumption. Could this be the legendary pillow talk?

“Mr. Lang, and this distinguished lady, if you two like our study, there is absolutely no need to take it back as your own private study. Our store can give you two membership cards with no annual fee for life. When you want, you can just come at any time.” Jiang Kai said immediately.

“Two? I will have them too?” Little Red Riding Hood looked over with bright eyes. The annual fee is waived for a lifetime, just imagine how much it can cost.

“Of course.” Jiang Kai was overjoyed, looking at the woman’s expression, it seemed that she was persuaded.

“But… I don’t like sharing my personal space with others.” Brother Wolf seemed a little dissatisfied.

“This can be handled easily. I can reserve a private room for you, exclusive to you, absolutely private space.” Jiang Kai immediately gave a solution.

“Emmmm…” Brother Wolf still wasn’t persuaded.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com

Is this still not enough? Jiang Kai immediately looked at Little Red Riding Hood for help, hoping that Little Red Riding Hood could help him.

Little Red Riding Hood, who had just been promised a huge membership card, felt that she needed to give out a helping hand, so she persuaded: “I think this is good. If you took back the bookstore yourself, then you would have to hire someone new to take care of such a big place. How troublesome.”

“You think I can’t afford somebody else?” Brother Wolf asked.

“No, no… How can you not, you…” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t help but to laughing bitterly, and after a moment of hesitation, she got close to Brother Wolf’s ear and whispered, “You have no shortage of bookstores at all. You just think that it was out of class for me to say that you’re collecting rent, so you did that on purpose, right?”

“Uh-huh~” Brother Wolf said that’s right, that’s what he thought.

Sure enough, Little Red Riding Hood continued to plead, “The bookstore is doing well. I don’t want to ruin their business just because of my words. Brother Wolf, please give me a break!.”

Brother Wolf continued his reading, his expression indifferent.

Little Red Riding Hood looked up at Jiang Kai at the door, and Jiang Kai immediately sent another pleading look.

“Brother Wolf, President Wolf, Big Brother Wolf, please.” Little Red Riding Hood pleaded softly while grabbing Brother Wolf’s clothes, and the delicate voices entered Brother Wolf’s ears with every syllable.

Brother Wolf’s eyes sank, and the book in his hand finally closed. He turned to look at Jiang Kai, who was beside him, and said gracefully, “I’ll stay here for a day today, if it’s comfortable, I’ll consider not taking it.”

“Naturally, of course, I will definitely make you feel at home. I’ll prepare everything.” Seeing that things were really turning around, Jiang Kai immediately ran away with great gratitude.

Little Red Riding Hood also breathed a sigh of relief, took a sip of tea, and said with relief: “I will never talk nonsense again.”

“As if!” Brother Wolf cursed in disgust.

After a while, Jiang Kai personally sent two membership cards with no annual fee for life. When Little Red Riding Hood held it in her hand, her face flushed with excitement. The five-million-for-one-year membership card came so easily. Is it truly in my hand now?

Little Red Riding Hood thought that if this kind of thing was not shared through Moments, she would be sorry for its value. So she decided to take pictures and send them to Moments.


After receiving a message, Little Red Riding Hood opened it, and it was sent by Bai Xue: (Are you in Taishang Laojun’s bookstore?)

Little Red Riding Hood immediately replied: (Yes, I still got the membership card, ahahah…)

Bai Xue: (I’m here too. I’m at table 98 on the north side of the hall, and next to me is an actor.)

An actor? Little Red Riding Hood stood up abruptly: “Brother Wolf, I have a friend here too. I’ll go down to chat with her for a while. I’ll be right back.”

“Sure enough, I still have to close the store. You see, I really don’t like being disturbed.” Brother Wolf said lightly.

A threat, it’s definitely a threat.

Little Red Riding Hood sat back on the chair angrily, puffing out her cheeks and not speaking.

Seeing that Little Red Riding Hood finally stayed silent, Brother Wolf immediately continued to read in a relaxed mood.

“Brother Wolf, we are doing a treatment, right?” After being quiet for about five minutes, Little Red Riding Hood suddenly thought of a new idea.

“Yes, the content of today’s treatment is that you accompany me to read books.” Brother Wolf reminded.

“Brother Wolf, I found another problem with you. The reason you are sick is that you are too withdrawn.” Little Red Riding Hood said, “I think we should try to communicate with people more.”

“Go down and communicate with your friends?” Brother Wolf asked.

“That’s right, this friend of mine belongs to the same company as me. She’s my senior. She has better medical skills than me, and she is also a very nice person. You may gain something from chatting with her.” Little Red Riding Hood said immediately.

With a snap, Brother Wolf tightly closed the book in his hand, and his expression suddenly became displeased: “Little Red Riding Hood, I gave you a month, just you. If you don’t want to treat me, the treatment can be terminated early.”

“Why did you want to stop the treatment suddenly?” Little Red Riding Hood asked, “Why are you getting angry suddenly? I also want to cure you.”

Brother Wolf stared at Little Red Riding Hood with a serious expression. No, the aura of the whole person seems to have changed back to President Wolf when they first met.

“Yes… I’m sorry.” Although she didn’t understand what she had done wrong, Brother Wolf’s eyes were telling her clearly that she had done something wrong.

Little Red Riding Hood was disturbed again, and pinched her hand in fear, looking extremely pitiful.

Brother Wolf looked at Little Red Riding Hood’s bewildered look and watched her dig her fingers into her skin. She kept pinching and pinching when suddenly she pinched off a piece of dead skin on the back of her hand, revealing some reddened new skin inside, and he was speechless for a while.

“Let’s go.” Brother Wolf stood up, hand on the corner of the table.

“Huh??” Little Red Riding Hood didn’t respond.

“Didn’t you say we should try to communicate with others?” Brother Wolf felt that since he had agreed to let Little Red Riding Hood become a psychiatrist, he naturally had to cooperate with the other party’s treatment. As long as it was not a request to change the attending doctor, everything else could be appropriately satisfied. (aww)

Little Red Riding Hood turned from cloudy to sunny, forgetting the unhappiness just now in just a second, and happily walked downstairs with Brother Wolf. That stupid look made Brother Wolf speechless again.

This girl is so forgetful.

The layout of the bookstore is simple and clean. In the middle of the area was a huge bookshelf that was eight meters high. Almost all the tables and chairs in the bookstore were arranged around the bookshelf.

After a while, Little Red Riding Hood found Bai Xue’s figure, but there were two people already sitting in front of her. Just when Little Red Riding Hood was hesitating whether to go over or not, the two people suddenly stood up.

It is the end of their chat. Little Red Riding Hood has no worries and walked over happily.

“Then let’s ask Miss Bai for our dress.” When Little Red Riding Hood approached, she just heard the woman of the couple who was leaving.

Is this another order from a celebrity? When Little Red Riding Hood was about to go over to congratulate Bai Xue, she saw Bai Xue biting her lips, her eyes were slightly red, her hands were clenching into fists and her whole body was shaking. Looking as if the sky was sinking.

“Bai Xue, what’s wrong with you? Did they bully you?” Little Red Riding Hood asked worriedly.

Bai Xue glanced at Little Red Riding Hood, her tears could not be held back, and naturally rolled out of her eyes.

“What’s wrong with you, Bai Xue, don’t scare me.” This was the first time Little Red Riding Hood saw Bai Xue cry. To be exact, everyone in the Bianhua looked extremely optimistic. She never thought Bai Xue would suddenly cry.

“That person just now…” Bai Xue said with a weeping voice.

“What happened to that person just now?”

“It’s my ex-boyfriend…” Bai Xue cried out loudly.

“That scumbag bullied you? I’ll help you clean him up.” Little Red Riding Hood rolled up her sleeves and was about to chase after him.

“He’s not a scumbag.” Bai Xue stopped.

“You are still protecting him. I heard it just now. He dares to bring his current girlfriend to come to you to make a custom dress. It’s shameless…”

“Actually… I’m the scum!” Bai Xue held Little Red Riding Hood, confessing sadly.

“…” Little Red Riding Hood didn’t react immediately, “Since you’re the scum then why are you so sad?”

“Because, when I was with him, he was a pauper, but as soon as I dumped him, he became a president, woo woo (crying sound)… Now he had found a rich second-generation1 girlfriend.” When Bai Xue thought about it more, she ended up becoming sad. Even her makeup was smeared because of her tears.

Little Red Riding Hood was suddenly embarrassed. Her morality and friendship stood on opposite ends of the scale.

“Heh… This is the one you said, a senior with good medical skills and a good person?” Brother Wolf, who was eating melons2 happily, suddenly said, “Your hospital really has talents.”


1. Second-generation here means the daughter of a rich family, starting from her parents.

2. Eating melons means watching things that have nothing to do with you.