Little Red Riding Hood ignored Brother Wolf’s sarcastic comment and thought about how to comfort Bai Xue, but after thinking about it, she could only say one sentence: “Don’t be too sad, anyway, you were the one who dumped him. Even if you say anything later, people will still call you someone who dumped the president .”

Someone who dumped the president? Brother Wolf raised his eyebrows unconsciously.

“You’re right, I’m the one who dumped him anyway.” She didn’t know whether she had cried enough or was comforted by Little Red Riding Hood, but Bai Xue suddenly figured it out, “Give me two tissues.”

“Here.” Little Red Riding Hood saw Bai Xue’s face was full of tears and was ready with tissues in her hand. When she heard Bai Xue’s request, she quickly handed it over.

But the gentle, beautiful, and crying, pear blossom classmate Bai Xue, took the tissue not to wipe her tears. She hold the tissue in her right hand and her hair in her left hand, then lifted the wig from her head and wiped the sweat on her forehead. After wiping off the sweat, she sighed: “I haven’t cried like this for a long time. I’m sweating all over.”

“…” Even if that wasn’t the first time she saw Bai Xue’s bald head, Little Red Riding Hood still couldn’t help but turn stunned.

“…” Even the rich and knowledgeable Brother Lang who has experienced a lot of things couldn’t recover for a while after seeing that. When he finally came back to his senses, he thoughts their hospital is truly full of talented people in all kinds of aspects.

After Bai Xue wiped the sweat off her head, she skillfully put on the wig back. Her movements indicate that she had done it multiple times. Placed the wig on her head, adjusted the angle, and tidied up the hair strands a few times. It took less than five seconds, without any mirror needed to finish putting on the wig. When she finished, she once again looked like a beauty with long fluttering hair.

Bai Xue remembered her makeup after finishing her hair: “Oh, my makeup is ruined. I’ll go to the bathroom to clean it up, you wait for me.”

After that, Bai Xue went to the bathroom on her own and left behind the two speechless guests.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

“Which hospital are you from?” Brother Wolf suddenly remembered that he had never asked carefully what hospital Little Red Riding Hood came from.

“Life… Life is Valuable Branch, Bianhua Sanatorium.” Little Red Riding Hood was still not able to completely recover from the shock.

“A mental sanatorium?” Brother Wolf asked suspiciously.

“No, no.” Little Red Riding Hood smiled awkwardly, and couldn’t help but added in her heart, but we are a nursing home for the terminally ill, commonly known as a hospice. Or is it scarier to call it mental illness?

“You’re right, I really should have more contact with the crowd, otherwise how could I meet such a ‘unique’ person?” Brother Wolf deliberately emphasized the word ‘unique’, “I should go to your hospital another day. I might be able to meet more unique people, don’t you think so?”

“Hehehe… that makes sense.” Isn’t it reasonable? Little Red Riding Hood can guarantee that if Brother Wolf really goes, he will definitely meet all of them.

After a while, Bai Xue came back.

The beauty’s skin was as white as snow, her long hair was fluttering, her almond eyes were shining, the corner of her lips was slightly raised, and she walked over like a model in a runaway. It was a very eye-catching picture.

Only if you hadn’t seen the shocking scene of the bald-head wiping sweat just now.

“I’m sorry for showing such a scene.” Bai Xue had fully recovered at this time, and she looked at Brother Wolf elegantly extending her hand, “You are Mr. Lang, I often hear Little Red Riding Hood mention you.”

Brother Wolf seems to have a unique personality. If he was fond of a person, he will ignore them as he did with Jiang Kai. He reached out and shook hands with Bai Xue and asked, “Did she mention my illness?”

“Such thing, the patient’s privacy is kept secret. How can we discuss it in private.” In fact, it is discussed every day at meals.

“Then what are you talking about?” Brother Wolf glanced at Little Red Riding Hood in disbelief. Just now, she shouted that she wanted this senior to help him check his condition. She didn’t say anything? Who did she think she lied to?

Little Red Riding Hood looked away uncomfortably.

Forget it, he didn’t care anyway.

“We just see the sunburn on Little Red Riding Hood every day, so we can’t help but mention Brother Wolf.” Bai Xue said with a certain meaning, “You must know that in our line of work, patients are usually the ones on verge of death or alive. It’s quite rare to see a doctor herself being made like this, so I can’t help but be curious about Brother Wolf.”

Is this asking for guilt? Brother Wolf suddenly felt that this Ms. Bai Xue, who had a clear style of designing, was not without merit at all. At least she, who was not proficient in love, still valued friendship.

“My negligence.” Brother Wolf admitted that it was his negligence. To be honest, he really didn’t expect that Little Red Riding Hood would get sunburned so badly. He didn’t expect this.

Little Red Riding Hood saw that these two talents were already arguing after just chatting for a few words, and hurriedly interrupted: “What, Bai Xue, why did you take off your makeup?”

“Oh, I just looked in the mirror and found that my makeup was all ruined. It’s so troublesome to redo it, so I just washed it all. Anyway, I’m still beautiful without makeup.” Bai Xue said narcissistically.

“Oh heh…” Little Red Riding Hood was embarrassed and didn’t want to answer.

Brother Wolf’s acceptance is much better this time. Compared with a bald head and sweat, narcissism is not a problem at all.

“Cough…cough…” Bai Xue, who was being narcissistic, suddenly coughed violently. Soon she seemed to realize something. While covering her mouth, she reached for the tissue on the table, and then quickly covered her mouth with the tissue.

“Cough…cough…” Soon, bright red blood stained the Bai Xue’s tissue.

This change happened so quickly that both Little Red Riding Hood and Brother Wolf were startled, especially Little Red Riding Hood, whose face was even paler than Bai Xue who was coughing up blood: “Bai Xue, what’s wrong with you? Bai Xue?”

“It’s okay, don’t worry.” Bai Xue kept coughing blood while soothing Little Red Riding Hood.

“I’ll call an ambulance for you.” Brother Wolf took out his mobile phone and was about to dial.

“No, no, I’m fine.” Bai Xue quickly stopped Brother Wolf and explained, “It’s an old problem, I cough every once in a while, and I’ll be fine when I cough up all the blood in my throat. Little Red Riding Hood, have you forgotten? Didn’t I tell you that I have this old problem?”

“Did you tell me?” Little Red Riding Hood was stunned for a moment, and then a flash of inspiration came. By the way, Bai Xue has a terminal illness of Paramy.

“Yes, yes, she has this problem. Just need to cough it all out.” Little Red Riding Hood said.

“You really don’t need to go to the hospital?” Brother Wolf asked uncertainly.

“No, no, it happens a couple of times a month, just eat a bowl of pork liver1 to make up for it.” Bai Xue coughed for a while after speaking. But after coughing up for a while, her face began to change, and slowly it got better.

Just like what she said before, after coughing up all the blood, she will be fine.

“Just like I said, it’s alright.” Bai Xue threw the blood-stained tissue in her hand into the trash can. Looking at the shocking huge amount of blood, Bai Xue said nervously, “This time there is so much blood, it seems that I have to order a large portion of pork liver today. “

How much obsession do you have with pork liver???

“Miss Bai, it is better to go to the hospital.” Brother Wolf sincerely suggested.

“I’ve been there, I’ve been there. I’m familiar with every hospital in Xingcheng, don’t worry, thank you.” Bai Xue said while picking up her handbag, “However, I’ve vomited so much blood, and it hurts a little bit. Little Red Riding Hood, I’ll go back first, okay.”

“Then, I’ll take you back,” said Little Red Riding Hood.

“No, I might disturb your treatment session with Mr. Lang.” Bai Xue said and was about to leave alone.

Little Red Riding Hood was still worried, and looked back at Brother Wolf, her big eyes full of worries.

Go if you want to go. Why are you looking at me like this?

Brother Wolf quickly said, “I’m just reading a book today. I’ll just read it here myself. You can send Miss Bai back first.”

“Then I’ll come over early tomorrow.” After Little Red Riding Hood finished speaking, she ran away after Bai Xue.

It’s just reading, what’s the difference between reading alone and reading with two people? Brother Wolf looked at the figure of the running Little Red Riding Hood, frowned suspiciously, looked at the huge bookcase in the bookstore, and suddenly lost his interest just now.

Forget it, let’s go back today.

Brother Wolf got up and was about to leave when he saw Jiang Kai walking over with a pot of coffee on a tray: “Mr. Lang, this is what Ms. Xiao asked me to give to you.”

“Little Red Riding Hood?” Brother Wolf frowned.

“Yes.” Jiang Kai said, “She said that she couldn’t accompany you today, and she was very embarrassed, so she especially asked me to bring you this pot of coffee, saying that you usually like to drink it.”

He saw the type of coffee. Vicia coffee beans, he liked to drink it for breakfast.

“And this book, Ms. Xiao asked you to read it.” Jiang Kai said and took out another book from under the tray.

Brother Wolf glanced at the cover and suddenly laughed. [Don’t be angry]. Are you apologizing to me now? Still know some etiquette.

“Take it to my room.” Looking at the coffee, Brother Wolf agreed to just stay there for another half a day.

Bai Xue suddenly fell ill, and Little Red Riding Hood was worried that she was driving, so she took the car key from Bai Xue’s hand.

“I’m fine,” Bai Xue said.

“No, what if you fainted while driving?” Little Red Riding Hood asked worriedly.

“No way. After so many years, I can feel when I will faint.” Bai Xue smiled, “Even if I don’t care about my own life, I can’t drive a car on the street to cause harm to others.”

“Yes. Do you often get sick like this?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“When I don’t take up the task, it happens two or three times a month. Occasionally, I will get sick when I have a lot of emotional ups and downs.” Bai Xue said, “Anyway, this is our situation. You need to take me back, you don’t have much time, you should hurry up and treat Brother Wolf.”

“It’s okay, we’re reading a book today anyway, and he just read a book when I’m there.”

“Then, when you’re there, at least you can brush up your sense of presence.” Bai Xue said, “Didn’t you say that Brother Wolf’s attitude has changed a bit recently.”

“Yes, I asked the store manager to send him a book before I left, which can be regarded as a sense of existence. ‘ said Little Red Riding Hood proudly.

“What book?” Bai Xue asked curiously.

“[Don’t be angry].” Little Red Riding Hood, “I recite this sentence every time I’m upset. I think it has some kind of magic power. I hope this book can also help Brother Wolf’s perverted psychology.”

“Are you sure he will read it?” Bai Xue doubted.

“… You’re right.” Little Red Riding Hood thought about it. How could he read this kind of book with that temper of his, he probably threw it away long ago.

In the bookstore, Brother Wolf not only did not throw the book aside but also read it carefully over and over again. Brother Wolf is a child who grew up under an elite education, and he also received a Western-style education. He has never read a book like [Don’t Be Angery] that is excerpted from Buddhist scriptures.

In the beginning, he just felt that this book was very interesting to read. Although the text looked simple, it seemed to have some profound meaning after careful consideration.

So that without knowing it, he read it over and over many times. The talented and intelligent Brother Wolf realized a lot of truths from it. He knew a lot before, but today suddenly he learned some truths but with different opinions.

I’ve never had the problem mentioned in the book, is this the source of my problem?