Emeilia  The Attack of Little Red Riding Hood  September 20, 2022 10 Minutes

T/N: So a bit of disclaimer, this chapter kinda skip a few days from the previous chapter. In this chapter, it implied that Brother Wolf chose to go to an art exhibition the previous day. Kinda got me confused for a second there.

Morning, the sky was clear and the air was fresh. The wind was blowing softly and the clouds in the sky shaded the world. Birds occasionally flew over the city. The morning sun raised from the east, and the light shone in between the branches and leaves of the trees, flowers, and plants, making the dewdrops shined like crystals.

If this were the countryside, there will even be smoke coming out of a chimney.

Brother Wolf stood on the balcony of his apartment, facing the rising sun and overlooking the city that was gradually waking up. But what was truly in his mind was the painting of an early morning scenery of the mountains and fields that he saw at the art exhibition yesterday.

“Sir, breakfast is here.” Bodyguard A came over to remind Brother Wolf.

“Yeah.” Brother Wolf responded lightly and turned back to the apartment.

When passing the living room, Brother Wolf caught a glimpse of the writing board that did not match the decoration of the house, as well as the extremely ugly writing on it.

“Why didn’t I notice before that Little Red Riding Hood’s handwriting is so ugly?” Brother Wolf thought.

Brother Wolf shook his head, turned, and went to the dining room. After a simple breakfast, he returned to the living room. He took the tablet and read the news article for a while before suddenly feeling that something was wrong.

“Sir, what do you need?” Bodyguard B saw that Brother Wolf seemed to have something on his mind.

“Does Dr. Xiao know about my discharge from the hospital?” Brother Wolf asked.

“Did you forget, sir? Dr. Xiao went back to the apartment with us yesterday.” Bodyguard B reminded.

“Cough… I’m afraid she’ll be stupid and go to the hospital again.” Brother Wolf said.

Little Red Riding Hood appeared in front of Brother Wolf almost every time before or after Brother Wolf finished his breakfast, but he had already finished his breakfast today. Brother Wolf watched the news for a long time, but Little Red Riding Hood still didn’t arrive, so he asked that question, feeling strange.

“Probably not.” Bodyguard B said.

“Then why hasn’t she arrived yet?” Brother Wolf asked.

“It’s still early, and Dr. Xiao may still be on her way.”

Still early? Brother Wolf glanced at his watch, it was 7:36 a.m. What time is the hospital’s breakfast delivered? Isn’t it like eight o’clock? (t/n: he’s implying that she’s late if she wants to start the job at 8)

“Or… let me call and ask?” Bodyguard B suggested.

“No, you go down.” Brother Wolf raised his hand to stop him.

And Little Red Riding Hood, who was supposed to be on the road, still didn’t leave the Bianhua Hospice at this time. She was complaining at the breakfast meeting.

“No, we can’t go on like this.” Little Red Riding Hood said excitedly.

“Isn’t it good? Eating meals, drinking coffee, listening to concerts, and watching art exhibitions every day, this life sounds so grand.” Cao Nuo said.

“There’s something wrong with him, he’s so boring.” Little Red Riding Hood felt that she couldn’t bear it any longer, “Ten days, ten whole days. I’ve been doing these kinds of boring things every day for ten days. No wonder Brother Wolf thinks life is boring, now I also think that life is boring.”

“Aren’t you very happy at first?” Xiao Ming remembers that in the first few days, Little Red Riding Hood was happy, and she kept sharing pictures to her Moments. All her followers were asking her if he is her sugar daddy.

“But I’m new to this.” Little Red Riding Hood complained, “Who knew the life of a rich man would be so boring? What kind of concert was that? I fell asleep listening to it, and I had to wear a dress, so I would sleep with my waist tied. I really can’t understand.”

“It’s not about the dress, you’re fat.” Bai Xue pointed out immediately.

“And yesterday’s art exhibition, I can’t understand even a single painting. Say, those paintings, what are there to see? The paintings are not all landscapes. If you have that money, you might as well visit the real place yourself.” Little Red Riding Hood said, “A painting is still sold for several million, and a bunch of people was rushing to buy it. It’s really incomprehensible.”

“Even if you understand, can you afford it?” Wu Ge suddenly asked.

“Uh…” Little Red Riding Hood, who was suddenly scolded, was a little stunned.

“Little Red Riding Hood, be careful what you say, the art exhibition you saw yesterday was held by a painter that Lawyer Wu admires.” Bai Xue reminded in a low voice, “He is a little unhappy because he missed the art exhibition because of the court hearing.”, The Little Red Hood looked at Wu Ge in shock. It turned out that there was a romantic artistic heart under the appearance of Wu Ge’s strict and poisonous tongue.

“You’re almost halfway through now. But not only you still not cure Brother wolf, but you are also about to become depressed. This is not a good sign,” Cao Nuo reminded.

“That’s right. So today, I absolutely cannot agree to participate in those boring activities.” Little Red Riding Hood made up her mind.

“Didn’t you say that Brother Wolf wants to climb mountains?” Bai Xue suddenly said, “Anyway, your sunburn is better now. It’s better to go climbing, it’s more fun than participating in these boring activities.”

“Good idea!” With a reminder, Little Red Riding Hood only remembered that Brother Wolf did mention that he wanted to go climbing the mountain some time ago, but she was seriously sunburned at the time, so he was fooled by herself. But now is a good time to bring it up again.

As soon as she said it, Little Red Riding Hood went back to her room, changed into a set of sportswear, wore a set of sunglasses and sun protection, and then ran to Brother Wolf’s apartment excitedly.

She forgot to mention that Brother Wolf’s burn was finally cured and he was driven out of the hospital by the director after two weeks of treatment. (Fan Ti: You haven’t left for two weeks. Do you want to pay for new skin and wait until the scar finally healed before leaving?)

It was already 9:30 when Little Red Riding Hood arrived at Brother Wolf’s apartment, which was nearly one hour later than usual. AN HOUR.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com

“Brother Wolf, what are we doing today ?” Because the writing board was in the living room, Little Red Riding Hood went to it per usual.

Brother Wolf knew that Little Red Riding Hood was coming, but since she entered the door, he didn’t even bat an eye. Obviously, he was not happy: “You are late.”

“Uh…” Little Red Riding Hood thought for a moment, “Do we have a set time for this?”

Brother Wolf frowned: “No?”

“???” Little Red Riding Hood who understood Brother Wolf by this time, immediately reacted, “Yes, yes, it’s my fault, I went out late and was stuck in traffic on the way here.”

Brother Wolf naturally wouldn’t believe Little Red Riding Hood’s casually made-up excuse, but he also knew in his heart that he and Little Red Riding Hood had never set the time for the treatment.

Brother Wolf saw that Little Red Riding Hood took the initiative to admit her mistake, so he put down the tablet and finally glanced at Little Red Riding Hood: “What’s the matter with your outfit today?”

“Oh, actually.” Little Red Riding Hood took the opportunity to say, “I remember the next day, you said that you want to go to Mountain Maier to watch the sunrise and sunset. At that time, my sunburn was still not healed, and it was not easy to go out, so this idea was put on hold for the time being. But I have always kept the idea in my mind and never forget them, so as soon as my sunburn healed, I changed into my sportswear and planned to accompany you to go hiking.”

Strangely, when her sunburn is still not healed, there is not one activity that Brother Lang has chosen was really outdoors.

“I almost forgot about this, how great the idea for you to still remember?” Brother Wolf said.

“Remember, remember, I remember it every day. As long as Brother Wolf mentioned things, I will always remember them.” Little Red Riding Hood said immediately.

This bootlicker’s skill to flatter people is really good.

“Going to climb the mountain, aren’t you afraid of getting sunburned again?” Brother Wolf asked.

“Don’t worry, this time I’m fully armed. For this mountain climbing, I bought a super sunblock with SPF 120, which is specially used for outdoor adventures.” Little Red Riding Hood said, “Guarantee that the ultraviolet rays will not hurt me. No matter what.”

“Because of your diligence, let’s go climbing today.” Brother Wolf said graciously.

“Okay.” Little Red Riding Hood was overjoyed when he saw Brother Wolf’s agreement, turned around to pick up the pen, and wrote the thirteenth day on the writing board: Go to Mountain Maier with Little Red Riding Hood to watch the sunrise, sunset, and the stars.

“Brother Wolf, Brother Wolf, let’s go to the outdoor equipment store first.” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly said when they set off.


“Aren’t we going to watch the sunrise? We must spend the night on the mountain, so we have to buy tents, and we have to buy two.” Little Red Riding Hood said.

“Two?” Brother Wolf looked at Little Red Riding Hood in confusion and asked, “How do you plan to distribute it?”

“Of course, it’s for you and me,” Little Red Riding Hood said as a matter of course.

“What about both of them? Don’t they also need to sleep in a tent?” Brother Wolf pointed to the bodyguard who was driving in front.

“That’s right.” Little Red Riding Hood remembered at this moment, “I almost forgot, so I have to buy three, one for you, one for me, and one for the bodyguard brothers.”

“Almost forgot? Or did you deliberately pretend to forget? You plan to reach the top of the mountain, but suddenly you find that there are not enough tents, so you can take the opportunity to sleep in a tent with me?” Brother Wolf doubted.

“How is that possible? Am I that kind of person?” Little Red Riding Hood loudly denied it.

“After all, it’s not like you haven’t appeared in front of me in pajamas once or twice. This time you finally have the opportunity to spend the night with me. It’s not surprising that you will do something.” Brother Wolf said.

“I won’t, and I won’t do it now even if I want to.” Little Red Riding Hood retorted.

“Oh??” Brother Wolf suddenly became interested, “Then when are you going to do it?”

“Uh… what…do we need to buy sleeping bags too? Is it cold at the top of the mountain? We still have to buy cotton-padded clothes, it will be cold at night.” Little Red Riding Hood changed the subject bluntly.

Brother Wolf sneered but didn’t try to expose Little Red Riding Hood. He thought about what might happen at night and suddenly became a little interested in today’s itinerary.

If Little Red Riding Hood sneaks into his tent in the middle of the night, will he drive her away?

If anything happens, just let the bodyguards leave her there at the mountain.

But now that she’s a little more familiar, should she save her face, or lose halfway up the mountain?

On the other side, Little Red Riding Hood was relieved to see that Brother Wolf finally stopped questioning her.

Although her plan for ‘attacking’ Brother Wolf has always been on the agenda, it is also the last step. In the depths of Little Red Riding Hood’s heart, she naturally hopes that Brother Wolf can give up suicide, and then she can get a year’s worth of health smoothly through this life-and-death crisis.

However, after getting along for some time, the more Little Red Riding Hood saw Brother Wolf, the more she felt that, in addition to being a perverted character and a suicide lover, Brother Wolf was indeed someone worth sleeping with just in terms of appearance and body alone.

Little Red Riding Hood thought about it, and glanced at Brother Wolf’s beautiful face secretly, and secretly assessed: If Brother Wolf is the only man she has ever slept with in her life, her appearance is still qualified.

Alas, Little Red Riding Hood, you are indeed degenerate. How could a pure and innocent girl think of these things? It must have been damaged by those people at Bianhua Hospice.

In the face of death, does morality need to crash down to the ground?


MC got me triggered a bit there with her comment about the arts.