Brother Wolf was in a bad mood and only realized his own feeling after he thought about it.

According to common sense, as a person who thinks about suicide all day, it should be normal to be in a bad mood, but Brother Wolf was not having any suicidal thoughts today. He has never been so emotionally ups and downs as he was at the moment, and it was not something pleasing in his opinion.

“What’s wrong with this flower?”

Bodyguard A pushed Brother Wolf towards the door of the apartment and was startled by Brother Wolf’s sudden roar. He glanced sideways at the flowers in the flowerbed at the entrance of the apartment, it was normal, the flowers were blooming brilliantly.

“Mr. Lang, you’re back.” The property manager ran over as soon as he saw Brother Wolf. This is the developer of the apartment. If he can be familiar with this powerful man, he will have a bright future.

“Are you the property manager here?” Brother Wolf asked.

“Yes, Mr. Lang. what are your orders?” The property manager smiled flatteringly.

“What’s the matter with this flower?” Brother Wolf asked, pointing at the flower bed.

“Is there any problem with this flower?” The property manager asked hesitantly.

The property manager stared hard at the flowerbed, and after looking for a long time, he couldn’t find anything wrong. This is a high-end apartment in the city center. Every flower and plant in the apartment was carefully attended to by a dedicated gardener. He was not boasting but the flowers and plants in this flowerbed were more brilliant and beautiful than those in ordinary flower shops.

“Why is this flower this color?” Brother Wolf asked.

The property manager was stunned. This Brilliant Lychnis1 will always grow into red flowers, right? So naturally, the flowers are bright and red?

“Change it!” Brother Wolf ordered.

“Oh, oh, okay, okay.” The property manager wiped the sweat from his forehead, “What kind of flowers do you like, Mr. Lang?”

“As long as it’s not red.” After that, Brother Wolf motioned for the bodyguard to leave.

Bodyguard A sympathetically glanced at the bewildered property manager, pushed Brother Wolf, and quickly disappeared behind the gate of the apartment. Brother, this is the only thing I can do for you.

The property manager’s legs were weak for a while. He wanted to come out and be familiarized himself, but he was suddenly scolded badly. Truly, life is such a fickle thing.

But doesn’t Mr. Lang really like red? No, I have to ask the gardener to replace all the red flowers in the garden immediately, and change them overnight, so that Mr. Lang can no longer see these red flowers when he wakes up early tomorrow. Then, he will see my hard work.

The property manager thought so and then left smugly.

When Brother Wolf returned to his apartment, he was still in a bad mood. He turned the wheelchair. For the first time, he felt that sitting in a wheelchair was so annoying. For the first time, he wondered why his house is so high, why the lighting is so good, and why he can see the night view of the whole city at a glance.

Annoying, really annoying.

It’s six o’clock but why is the sky so bright?

Why are the walls white?

Why are carpets made of wool?

Why are the murals Western-style?

Why is the wine in the wine cabinet red?

Really annoying.

Brother Wolf had nowhere to vent, he picked up the red wine bottle in his hand and threw it out.


“Shoot!… you murderer.” When Fan Da opened the door, the red wine bottle shattered under his feet, and he was so frightened that he almost jumped up.

“Why are you here?” Fan Da is Fan Ti’s younger brother. Both of them are like brothers to Brother Wolf. The elder brother, Fan Ti, is the director of the hospital and is responsible for the management of the hospital, and only occasionally sees patients. And his younger brother, Fan Da, is the world’s top orthopedic doctor, and he healed Brother Wolf’s injured leg in a car accident.

“Tsk tsk… This is shocking. If I hadn’t watched the red wine bottle smash over, I would have thought that you committed suicide by cutting your wrist at home and bleeding all over the place.” Fan Da squatted down and carefully picked up the broken red wine. Picking up the bottle, Fan Da looked at the date of the wine and couldn’t help but scream again, “Damn, there are less than ten of this 1987 Luozhuang red wine in the whole world but you just threw it away?”

“Shut up.”

“Are you angry?” Fan Da said in surprise, “Could it be that your leg is seriously injured? No, when you were injured and I told you that your leg might not be saved, I didn’t see you frown.”

Brother Wolf glared at him and turned the wheelchair to leave.

“Wait, don’t close the door, I’m here to check on you.” Fan Da saw that Brother Wolf was turning his wheelchair and was about to lock the door.

“No!” Brother Wolf returned.

“Why not, your bodyguards have already said that when you go down the mountain, your legs are shaking and you can’t stand up straight.” Speaking of this, Fan Da couldn’t help but talk, “Say, if you really don’t want your legs, you won’t let me treat it in the first place. You thought that it was cured, so you ran to climb the mountain?”

“Did I give you permission to treat it at the beginning?” Brother Wolf asked.

“I…” Fan Da recalled that Brother Wolf was accidentally injured at the time, and the person was already in a coma when he was brought over. The person didn’t even sign the consent form for the operation but he had already done the operation for the person.

“Go out.” Brother Wolf continued to chase people away.

“I’m already here so just let me take a look.” Forget it, as a childhood friend, I will bear with you.

“Who asked you to come, who asked you to do it.”

“Don’t put your nose on your face2.” Fan Da was also angry, “If it wasn’t for your psychiatrist instructing your bodyguard to report that your leg was seriously injured, you think I will come here of my own will.”

“What did you say?” Brother Wolf was taken aback.

“You think I’d like to come here on my own.”

“Who asked you to come?” Brother Wolf asked again.

“Hey… If you don’t want it, I won’t look at it. I’m happy to be your little attendant.” I’m Dr. Fan, there are a lot of people lining up all day begging to see me, but I don’t even bother to go. But now, I’ve only been ridiculed by you, sir, I’m quitting.

“Come back!” Brother Wolf opened the door with a bang.

Fan Da turned around hesitantly, and saw Brother Wolf picking up the phone and calling the bodyguard, asking, “Did Little Red Riding Hood ask you to call the doctor?”

“Yes sir, Dr. Xiao is very worried about your legs. When the time comes, she told us to let Dr. Fan come to see you.” The bodyguard briefly explained the whole story.

Brother Wolf hung up the phone, feeling sour and dirty in his heart. The feeling was so complicated that he couldn’t even figure out what mood he was in at the moment. The only certain thing was that he was suddenly not as angry as before.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong anymore with the walls being white, or the carpet made out of wool.

Fan Da carefully observed Brother Wolf’s expression, and when he saw his face change from green to white, it made him tremble with fear. That guy Fan Ti always said that Brother Wolf has been abnormal recently, is this the symptom of abnormality?

“That…can be treated or not…I…I will listen to you.” Fan Da said cautiously.

Brother Wolf packed up his mood and glanced at Fan Da contemptuously: “Come in.”

If I go, it will be just you and me in there, Master. If you change your mind, you will kill me in minutes. Depressed, Fan Da followed Brother Wolf into the bedroom, and he couldn’t count how many times he regretted growing up with this moody guy.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

Early the next morning, Little Red Riding Hood woke up early, ate breakfast quickly, and hurried away without even attending the breakfast meeting.

“What’s wrong with Little Red Riding Hood?” Xiao Ming asked curiously.

“I heard that when she was climbing the mountain yesterday, she almost crippled the leg that Brother Wolf took so long to cure. She’s just worried.” Bai Xue said.

“It seems that we don’t need to order wreaths for the time being.” Wu Ge said suddenly.

“Why?” Cao Nuo asked curiously.

“With Little Red Riding Hood’s IQ, do you think she could make him almost crippled if he didn’t allow it?” Wu Ge said.

“Huh?” Bai Xue’s eyes lit up instantly.

“Maybe Brother Wolf is perverted?” Xiao Ming said, “Don’t you all say Brother Wolf is the most perverted patient you have ever seen?”

“Perverted does not mean mental retardation,” said Wu Ge.

“I think what Wu Ge said makes sense.” Cao Nuo said with a smile, “Then I will keep the urn that I secretly bought for Little Red Riding Hood.”

“Then the shroud I designed for her myself should be a gift for her.” Bai Xue said.

“Then the photo on the mourning hall, I won’t need to prepare it yet?” Xiao Ming also said, “Anyway, I recently looked through her circle of friends, and I didn’t see a suitable posthumous photo.”

The aunt who cleaned the cafeteria, while holding her mop, quietly walked passed the group, thinking: Little Red Riding Hood is not dead yet but you guys have even arranged the funeral, what a deep love.

Little Red Riding Hood arrived at the apartment half an hour earlier than usual, and Brother Wolf had just finished breakfast.

“Brother Wolf, good morning.” Little Red Riding Hood greeted energetically.

Brother Wolf raised his eyes and glanced at Little Red Riding Hood, and when he saw the bright spring on this woman’s face, he was in a bad mood.

“Uh… Brother Wolf, are your legs okay?” Little Red Riding Hood glanced at the wheelchair under Brother Wolf and asked worriedly.

“It’s okay, I just can’t stand up.” Brother Wolf said lightly.

“What? It’s so serious, have you seen the doctor?” Little Red Riding Hood rushed over in a hurry and crouched down to touch Brother Wolf’s injured legs.

“Don’t move!” Brother Wolf gripped Little Red Riding Hood’s hand.

“Yeah…” Little Red Riding Hood cried out in pain, her whole face wrinkled.

“…” Brother Wolf frowned, worried and unable to hold his face, and said somewhat helplessly, “I… don’t use much force.”

“It’s nothing. I just pricked my hand yesterday.” Little Red Riding Hood covered her red and swollen fingers, and once again realized that her body’s recovery speed was not as fast as before. It was just a small wound but it still hurt so much overnight.

“Thorn? Rose thorn?” Brother Wolf asked.

“How do you know?” Little Red Riding Hood wondered.

“Yesterday when you got out of the car, I saw a man holding a bunch of roses for you.” Brother Wolf said strangely, “Why, did he forget to remove the thorns when he gave the flowers?”

“No, he’s such a brain-dead but I gave him a good kick later on.” Little Red Riding Hood was still angry when she thought about the request.

A good kick?

“Isn’t he, your boyfriend?” Brother Wolf asked tentatively.

“How is it possible, with my smart eyes how can I choose someone like that?” Little Red Riding Hood’s face was full of disgust.

The corner of Brother Wolf’s mouth twitched, and he thought to himself: This woman has no merits but she has good eyesight. If you take me as a standard, other men may not even reach her requirement level.

Brother Wolf was in a good mood, and it felt like the sky was getting brighter.

The bodyguard brothers unconsciously looked up at the sky, and suddenly there was an illusion that the dark cloud was suddenly blown away by the wind.


1. Brilliant Lychnis:

2. Don’t put your nose on your face: One party gives a face to the other party and does not care about the other party’s outrageous behavior, but the other party not only does not appreciate it but becomes more arrogant instead.