“Brother Wolf, what is your plan for today?” Little Red Riding Hood held a marker and squatted in front of the writing board, waiting for Brother Wolf to speak.

Brother Wolf suddenly became silent as he looked at Little Red Riding Hood who was squatting not far away.

“Huh?” After waiting for Brother Wolf’s answer, Little Red Riding Hood turned around suspiciously, her big watery eyes were full of suspicions, “Brother Wolf?”

Brother Wolf glanced at the writing board and then at Little Red Riding Hood, tapped the armrest of the wheelchair lightly with his fingers, and said hesitantly, “I… Today, I have nothing interesting to do.”

No? Don’t you have to listen to my idea then?

Little Red Riding Hood’s eyes lit up immediately, and it’s almost two weeks since her last turn to call the shots: “It doesn’t matter, if you don’t have anything that interests you, I’ll think about it for you.”

“Okay.” Brother Wolf nodded and picked up the cup on the table. After taking a sip of the coffee, Little Red Riding Hood’s bright eyes just now started to linger in his mind.

Fine then, since you are still working your hardest, I will give you some benefits, Brother Wolf thought.

At first glance, he could see that Little Red Riding Hood was happily arranging the itinerary, but after a while, he began to wonder about her idea for the day since they already went to most places.

When she first knew that she was about to die, Little Red Riding Hood always felt that there were still many things she wanted to do, but when it was time to truly think about it, she was suddenly out of any idea.

It seems that when she was still healthy, she only kept repeating the same routine every day. So, even if she wants to take back those wasted time it might not be possible now.

“Have you made up your mind?” Brother Wolf frowned when he saw that Little Red Riding Hood’s expression suddenly turned melancholy.

“Not yet.” Little Red Riding Hood woke up instantly, and hastily smiled at him.

Brother Wolf’s brows furrowed even tighter when he saw her forced smile. Is she sad because he couldn’t think of what to do, or was she worried that he would not agree?

“Just think of one, and I will agree.” Brother Wolf said generously.

Um?? Little Red Riding Hood was stunned for a moment. Is this sudden tenderness just her illusion? No, Brother Wolf must just be impatient.

“Then… or let’s go for a walk.” Little Red Riding Hood thought that Brother Wolf was in a hurry, and the idea suddenly popped out of her head.

“You want to go for a walk with me?” Brother Wolf asked suspiciously.

“Uh…” Little Red Riding Hood was stunned when asked by Brother Wolf. When she came back to it, she really wanted to slap herself. Brother Wolf was still sitting in a wheelchair. Why are you suggesting going for a walk?

It’s just that before Little Red Riding Hood could apologize, Brother Wolf stood up from the wheelchair: “Okay, let’s go.”

“You… didn’t you just say you couldn’t stand up?” Little Red Riding Hood quickly stood up in astonishment looking at Brother Wolf.

Brother Wolf’s body froze for a moment, and then calmly said: “Since I promised you, I will naturally do it.”

Ah?? What does that mean? Is it because she said she want to go for a walk, so Brother Wolf had to brace himself even if his legs hurt so much that he couldn’t stand up?

Little Red Riding Hood looked at Brother Wolf’s tensed cheeks and slightly trembling muscles, which were all signs of trying to hide the pain.

“No… no need.” Little Red Riding Hood hurried over and pressed Brother Wolf back on the chair.

“No, it’s agreed to go for a walk.” Brother Wolf always kept his word.

“It doesn’t matter. If we are just taking a walk, you can just take a walk while sitting in a wheelchair. I will push you around.” Little Red Riding Hood said quickly.

Push me for a walk? Brother Wolf didn’t know what to think, so he sat down obediently.

“As you like.” Brother Wolf said generously.

In this way, Little Red Riding Hood pushed Brother Wolf and started a leisurely walk.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com

Since it was a walk, naturally there was no need to drive, but the two dutiful bodyguards still followed closely behind them.

“It’s quite windy today.” It’s almost the beginning of autumn, so the weather can be slightly cool or hot, and today the weather is fairly cool.

“Yeah.” Brother Wolf looked at the rustling line of trees on both sides of the road and hummed softly.

“I didn’t think there was such a beautiful Wutong Avenue in the city center.” Since it was just a walk, naturally, there was no destination. After Little Red Riding Hood left the apartment, she walked around aimlessly, but she suddenly came to this road. Wutong Avenue with some artistic conception came up, so it was an unexpected surprise.

“It’s a bit unexpected.” Brother Wolf nodded.

“Brother Wolf hasn’t been here before?” Little Red Riding Hood asked in surprise, “It’s not far from your apartment.”

“I rarely go out for a walk.” To be precise, he never went out for a walk, and his daily schedule only consisted of his working schedule. He usually rides around in his car and rarely looks at both sides of the road.

“That’s a pity, after creating such a beautiful road, it must need someone to appreciate it.” Little Red Riding Hood smiled and said, “But this is the way of society now, rich people are too busy and don’t have time to enjoy life, while poor people have no conditions to enjoy life. In this way, it is actually an alternative kind of fairness. It’s just that it has disappointed the beautiful scenery.”

Brother Wolf did not quite agree with Little Red Riding Hood’s remarks. Although the line of trees looked okay, it can’t be said that it looked super good.

“I heard that there is a small town in F country, where there are lines of trees on every road. It is very beautiful in autumn. I wonder if it looks like this place.” Little Red Riding Hood said.

“You’re talking about the small town of Geyya,” said Brother Wolf, “the roads there are all asphalt, and the dark roads and golden sycamore leaves form a strong visual impact, so it looks mesmerizing at first glance. There are many benches on both sides of the road. Every once in a while, the local residents will repaint their walls mostly with red, yellow, and green paint. They also paint occasionally, and the people there seem to like painting. They often draw strange patterns on the outer walls of their house.”

“Just hearing about it but I can already imagine how beautiful it is.” Little Red Riding Hood envied.

“It is.” Brother Wolf had been there once, and he didn’t think there was anything special there. He always felt that it was only because the local residents were relatively idle that they had so much time playing around with their house all the time.

“Brother Wolf, help me take a photo.” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly stopped and asked.

“Troublesome.” He has been with Little Red Riding Hood for a while, and he knows that Little Red Riding Hood likes to take pictures and post on her Moments, so although he is still full of annoyance, he still took Little Red Riding Hood’s mobile phone very skillfully.

“Hee hee…Thank you, Brother Wolf.” Little Red Riding Hood handed the phone to Brother Wolf, and then skipped towards the foot of a Wutong tree, holding the trunk and leaves, and took a dozen pictures while posing.

“It’s just a tree but you can actually shoot for so long.” Brother Wolf said with disgust.

Little Red Riding Hood completely ignored Brother Wolf’s sarcasm and happily swiped through the photos on her mobile phone. She doesn’t know if he’s a good person but she didn’t expect Brother Wolf to be so good at taking pictures. There are quite a few photos taken that look like posters.

“Brother Wolf, Brother Wolf, I can’t believe it but the photo you took looks so good.” Little Red Riding Hood praised him sincerely.

“Hmph…” Brother Wolf didn’t feel much proud of it.

“Let me tell you, boys who can take good pictures nowadays will get extra points if they want to find girlfriends.”

What are you implying again? Brother Wolf thought contemptuously.

“Especially this one, it’s very artistic. Look at it.” Little Red Riding Hood showed the photo to Brother Wolf.

The photos I took by myself are naturally good, Brother Wolf glanced at random, then frowned and said, “Why did you change the color to yellow?”

The original green and colorful sycamore tree was turned into a cool color by Little Red Riding Hood. The bleak dark yellow, although it seems to be quite artistic, the original color is still distorted.

“The leaves of the tree are the most beautiful when they turn yellow in autumn.” Little Red Riding Hood said as a matter of fact.

“Then take a picture when the leaves turn yellow.” Brother Wolf said.

“I don’t know if I can do it or not.” Little Red Riding Hood muttered.

“What?” Brother Wolf didn’t understand.

“I mean, I want to go to the town of Geyya to see the yellow parasol trees,” said Little Red Riding Hood.

“Go if you want.” Brother Wolf said indifferently.

“Yeah, if I can, I will definitely go this fall.” If I can live until this fall, I must go and see the world-famous Wutong Avenue and the town walls full of colorful patterns.

After taking the photo, Little Red Riding Hood pushed Brother Wolf to continue their walk, and then passed a small river.

“I haven’t been to the Yellow River yet.” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly sighed, “Our majestic mother river.”

“The Yellow River is about 5,464 kilometers long and has a drainage area of ​​about 752,443 square kilometers. It is the fifth-longest river in the world and the second-largest in China. The long river, the source is in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau…” Brother Lang casually said a series of numbers that no one would remember in the college entrance examination, and then said with disgust, “When you see such a small river, how can you think of the Yellow River?”

“I haven’t seen it, so I suddenly remember.” Little Red Riding Hood laughed.

“Then go and see.”

“Well, let’s move on then.”

After a while, the two of them passed another square, and a group of white pigeons flew over the square, and Little Red Riding Hood exclaimed again: “This, this, it reminds me of a movie star but does he fly to another country to feed pigeons? “

“What actor?” Brother Wolf doesn’t know much about the entertainment industry.

“Oh, no one, I mean there is a very famous square in a foreign country, and there is a group of very famous pigeons in the square.” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t remember the name for a while, “What is it called?”

“White pigeons are in European and American cultures. It symbolizes peace and blessings, so white pigeons are raised in the squares of many countries. The more famous ones are the Dapilon Square in country Y, the Surging Square in country D, and the country C…”

“There are so many.” Little Red Riding Hood was shocked.

“In fact, each square is similar, there is no difference.” Brother Wolf said.

“But I want to go see every single one of them. But…the ticket must be expensive.” Little Red Riding Hood sighed.

“Why haven’t you seen anything?” Brother Lang was surprised, “Where did you stay while you were in school?

“Do you mean study abroad? Hehe…I never left the country. To be honest, up until now I’ve never been abroad.” Little Red Riding Hood said embarrassedly.

“Have never been abroad? Haven’t studied? How did you become my psychiatrist with your knowledge and education?” Brother Lang was shocked, “Does your hospital have the qualifications to operate legally?”

“There is… there is, it’s just that our company’s recruitment purpose is to expand the talents from sticking to one pattern.” Little Red Riding Hood said, “Although I have never been abroad, I have my strengths.”

“What are your strengths?” Brother Wolf asked.

“I…” What advantages do I have? Little Red Riding Hood was stunned.

“Say it.” Brother Wolf glanced at Little Red Riding Hood.

“This… suddenly I’m embarrassed to praise myself.” Little Red Riding Hood pretended to be stupid.

“It’s okay, you just praise yourself so that I can have some confidence in my attending doctor, right?” Brother Wolf said.

“Well…” Little Red Riding Hood racked her brains for a long time, and finally came up with a good way to praise the best of both worlds, “The president of the Brilliant Group can hire me as a psychiatrist, but in our hospital, I am the only one who can attend you.”

“Understood, I will flatter you.” Brother Wolf said he understood.

Nonsense, what I said is definitely a stupid lie.


1. Wutong tree:

What a nice and calming chapter this is.