“What’s the plan for today?” Another morning, Little Red Riding Hood stood in front of Brother Wolf and recited the familiar opening remarks.

“Feed the pigeons.” Brother Wolf said.

“Feed the pigeons?” Little Red Riding Hood was stunned, why does it sound a little familiar?

“Let’s go.” Brother Wolf did not intend to explain further as he went out with his wheelchair. As if he had prepared beforehand.

“Wait for me.” Little Red Riding Hood didn’t have time to fully process the whole situation and just wrote “Feed the pigeons with Little Red Riding Hood” on the clipboard and hurriedly

went after him.

Went out, closed the door, got on the elevator, got off the elevator, got out of the apartment gate, got in the car, and drove straight to the airport.

“Airport??” Little Red Riding Hood’s curiosity level increased. “Why are we at the airport?

“Doctor Xiao, your ticket and passport.” At this moment, bodyguard B suddenly appeared and handed Little Red Riding Hood her copy of the ticket and passport.

“My ticket and passport?” Little Red Riding Hood opened the passport in disbelief, and sure enough, the signature and photo on it were hers. That’s right, the passport she was holding in her hand was the one she had created a long time ago but never had the chance to use it.

“How you got my passport?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“Your colleague sent it over yesterday.” Bodyguard B replied.

“My colleague? How can my colleague have my passport? Which was it that gave it to you?” Little Red Riding Hood was stunned.

“I contacted the director of your hospital. As for the person who sent the passport, it was a young boy who seemed to be an intern in your hospital.” Bodyguard B said.

He must have contacted the old dean, if the old man wanted to find his passport, it would not be difficult. The person who sent the passport was a teenager, so it must be Xiao Ming since he’s the only teen in the entire hospice.

Little Red Riding Hood thought so, and involuntarily looked at the ticket in her hand, and saw the huge capital letters on the ticket, which was the capital of country Y.

“I…I…are we going to country Y to feed pigeons?” Little Red Riding Hood stuttered in fright.

“I originally wanted to find a random place to feed, but didn’t you say yesterday that you really want to go? I thought about it and since it’s not a hassle to go abroad, I just set the location in country Y.” Brother Wolf said lightly and indifferently, not impressed whatsoever.

“This…this…” Little Red Riding Hood, who was overwhelmed by the sudden surprise, suddenly thought of a question, “Don’t you still need a visa? I don’t seem to have a visa for country Y, can I get on the plane?”

Little Red Riding Hood subconsciously searched for the departure time of the ticket and wanted to see if she can still refund the ticket.

“Dr. Xiao, don’t worry, I have checked it all, and your visa has been processed.” Bodyguard B said.

“It’s done? Did you do it for me?” Little Red Riding Hood said in shock. In just one night suddenly got a Visa? Sure enough, can you believe the world of rich people?

“I didn’t do it, you did it yourself.” Bodyguard B said.

“I did it?” Little Red Riding Hood opened her passport in confusion. A whole book of visa pages, different countries, and different visa stamps covered the whole passport and not one of them is missing. Almost covering more than half of the countries on the earth. There were even countries that she didn’t even know exist.

I…what’s going on here? Is this really my passport?

“It seems that you have a strong desire to travel around the world. Even when you can’t afford the air tickets, you have already completed all the visas.” Brother Wolf was shocked by Little Red Riding Hood’s ‘extremely rich’ visa page.

“Hehehe…Isn’t this…to motivate me all the time.” What else can Little Red Riding Hood say, she can only accept the blame for her passport’s condition.

“Doctor Xiao, sir, it’s almost time for us to leave. The plane will take off in half an hour.” Bodyguard B reminded.

“Half an hour? Security check, security check, go to security check.” Little Red Riding Hood hurriedly walked towards the security check.

“So noisy.” Brother Wolf said in disgust.

“Don’t worry, Dr. Xiao. We will use the VIP passage, so we will have time.” Bodyguard B said calmly.

“VIP passage?”

It was the first time in my life that I walked through the VIP passage. From the airport gate to the plane entrance, the whole journey only took fifteen minutes.

“Wait a minute, sir, I’ll ask my colleague to come and help.” The flight attendant waiting at the door, seeing Brother Wolf in a wheelchair, immediately asked someone to help.

“No need.” Brother Wolf calmly got up from the wheelchair and walked onto the plane calmly.

Little Red Riding Hood, who took a slow step, saw a very familiar expression on the flight attendant’s stunned face.

Bodyguard B followed behind in a wheelchair, and Little Red Riding Hood remembered at this moment and asked, “Where’s the other brother bodyguard?”

It was Bodyguard A who drove them here in the morning, but after arriving at the airport, Bodyguard B appeared but Bodyguard A suddenly disappeared.

“He went to store the luggage and he should have boarded the plane before us.” Bodyguard B replied.

Afterward, Little Red Riding Hood saw bodyguard A who was already waiting inside the first-class cabin.

After getting on the plane, Little Red Riding Hood had time to send a message to ask the old dean about the passport: (How did you get my passport?)

Dean: (Just go to your room to get it.)

Just like that? Little Red Riding Hood was angry but just ignored it in the end. It’s the advantage as a dean, so she won’t bother with him.

Little Red Riding Hood: (What’s the matter with so many visas? I remember that I don’t have a single visa.)

Dean: (Oh, about that. When the other party called yesterday, he said that he would use it early this morning but I don’t see a visa on your passport. I’m afraid that you won’t be able to go abroad and might delay your work, so I applied it for you.)

Little Red Riding Hood: (You got me visas for almost 100 countries in one night?)

Dean: (That is because of the paper limit, I initially applied for a global visa.)

Little Red Riding Hood: (…)

Dean: (For you, I also sent an express application to the underworld. Since you are a new employee, the cost was covered by the company. Don’t thank me too much, just remember to bring me a souvenir when you come back.)

Little Red Riding Hood really just wanted to write a complaint.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the plane is about to take off, please set your phone to airplane mode…”

The radio in the plane rang at this time, and Little Red Riding Hood just obeyed the instruction. She stared at her stunning passport page.

The old dean said that he sent the express application to the underworld, that is to say, did her passport had went to the underworld before her?

But also, in just one night? Even a local tyrant like Brother Wolf can’t apply for so many visas from across the globe in just one night.

To sum up, all the visa stamps in my passport were actually stamped by dead people?


Little Red Riding Hood suddenly panicked.

Little Red Riding Hood hurriedly stuffed her passport into her bag and looked out the window with great interest.

“Don’t watch for too long, after getting off the plane, you have to feed the pigeons.” Brother Wolf, who was sitting beside her, said suddenly.

“Oh, I see.” You are so obsessed with feeding pigeons.

It took eleven hours to fly from Star City to the capital of country Y, but because of the time difference, when Little Red Riding Hood arrived in country Y, it was still a sunny afternoon there.

Using the VIP access again, their car managed to arrive at the target square without a second delay, and everything needed was already prepared in the car. It is said that pigeons’ favorite food is bread.

But sweet Little Red Riding Hood ate several pieces by herself.

“You’ve finished most of the pieces of bread. How do you feed the pigeons then?” Brother Wolf said in disgust.

“There are many more there.” Little Red Riding Hood said, pointing to the many remaining bread bags next to her.

“I’m afraid that if I don’t remind you, you will eat it after a few seconds.” Brother Wolf said, “You actually robbed the pigeons of their food”

Little Red Riding Hood let go of her hand in embarrassment and secretly stuck out her tongue behind Brother Wolf to express her dissatisfied feelings.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com

After a while, the car arrived at the square. The huge square was full of people of all skin colors, innocent children, talented artists, and the darling of the square, the snow-white pigeons.

Maybe the pigeons really like to eat the bread here. Little Red Riding Hood stood in the square for a while, and two or three pigeons started to fly towards her and took the slice of bread from her palm without any greeting.

“Eat, eat, it turns out that what was shown on TV is real. The pigeons here are not afraid of people at all.” Little Red Riding Hood turned back to look at Brother Wolf excitedly.

However, she saw Brother Wolf sitting in a wheelchair, and at a distance of less than one meter from her, he was tearing bread bit by bit and dropping it onto the pigeons that surrounded him on the ground.

The usual dignified, calm, vicious, irritable, and unapproachable aura seemed to disappear in an instant. He sat there quietly, just a simple feeding action, but he was like a gentleman who came out of a movie.

“If you speak any louder, see if they are afraid of people or not.” Because of Little Red Riding Hood’s excited tone, the white pigeons in front of Brother Wolf flew up.

“Hehe…” Little Red Riding Hood didn’t get angry and went to get another piece of bread in a good mood, then squatted next to Brother Wolf and fed the pigeons together like Brother Wolf.

Some people say that life needs some type of calming ritual to feel the quality of life.

Little Red Riding Hood felt that this statement made some sense now. At the very least, if she was sitting in the square of Star City feeding the pigeons, she would definitely not be in any bad mood.

The sun was setting in the west and according to the time at Star City, it should be nine o’clock in the night there, but the sun was just about to set here. The crowd in the square gradually dwindled, and the whole square looked a lot more empty, but it made the fountain in the center of the square seem a bit more holy.

“That’s the wishing pool, I’m going to make a wish.” Little Red Riding Hood ran over happily.

Brother Wolf watched Little Red Riding Hood run over stupidly, and ran back stupidly, in less than a minute.

“What did you wish for in such a short time?” Brother Wolf asked curiously.

“I hope to be so happy tomorrow,” said Little Red Riding Hood.

“Just tomorrow?” Brother Wolf asked in confusion.

“Don’t make your wish too far ahead in the future, it’s easier to make it a reality in this way.” Little Red Riding Hood laughed.

“You are very pragmatic.” Brother Wolf said unexpectedly.

Little Red Riding Hood thought that Brother Wolf’s pigeon-feeding trip was just his sudden whim, but she obviously underestimated the idea of ​​the local tyrants. When Brother Wolf said he wanted to feed the pigeons, then he will feed at least all the famous pigeons in this world. Once the goal is reached, in the future if someone mentions pigeons, there will be no pigeons that his wolf brother has not fed.

So they went to Country C to feed the pigeons the next day.

On the third day, they went to country D to also feed the pigeons.

Finally, they went to country A to feed the pigeons.

It seems that every square has a wishing pool. Brother Wolf asked curiously after Little Red Riding Hood dropped a coin again: “What is your wish today?”

Little Red Riding Hood’s wish yesterday was so that it would be a sunny day today, so Brother Wolf bought a plane ticket and flew from the rainy country S to the sunny country A.

Of course, Brother Wolf always felt that he just came to country A to feed the pigeons.

The last wish of Little Red Riding Hood was to eat FGH’s handmade chocolates, and by coincidence, the chocolates from this house were given away for free in the first-class cabin on the plane to S country.

In this regard, Brother Wolf said, it is only some privileges for VIP customers.

“I found that these wishing pools are really spiritual.” Little Red Riding Hood was very satisfied with the recent experience of Brother Wolf’s idea of the day


“Really?” Brother Wolf raised his mouth slightly, “but you didn’t make a big wish.”

“Well, I’m a little worried today because I made a bigger wish.” Little Red Riding Hood worried.

“What wish?” Brother Wolf suddenly became curious. Little Red Riding Hood’s wishes these days were all trivial things, and he really couldn’t think of any big wishes she could have.

“I hope…” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly turned around, raised her head and looked at Brother Wolf very seriously, and said, “Brother Wolf will never want to commit suicide in the future.”

“…” Brother Wolf was stunned for a moment. His fingers slightly trembled before quickly calming down, “You want me to promise you not to commit suicide in the future?”

Did this woman find that he was deliberately fulfilling her trivial wishes recently, so she began to take an inch?

“No, I just hope that Brother Wolf won’t want to commit suicide again in the future.” Little Red Riding Hood denied it.

“What’s the difference?”

“You see.” Little Red Riding Hood explained, “I hope Brother Wolf will no longer feel that this world is boring, I hope Brother Wolf can find the joy of living, I hope Brother Wolf thinks about living for himself, not for anyone else nor living reluctantly.”

“You…” Brother Wolf turned around, preventing Little Red Riding Hood from seeing his expression, “There are five days left, after five days you will know whether or not your wishes today are granted.”

Yeah, only five days left.

Time flies so fast.


5 days left?! Damn… so fast and this is only half of the entire novel.