After returning from a trip around the world, Little Red Riding Hood’s mentality had become much more positive and she didn’t look like someone who was about to die.

But the truth is, as soon as Little Red Riding Hood came back, she received a warning from the old dean.

“Little Red Riding Hood, there are only five days left.” The old dean nodded while checking his calendar and said, “Excluding today, you only have four days left to be exact.”

“I know.” Little Red Riding Hood’s room also had the same calendar for her to keep track of time and she knew better than anyone how much time was left.

“How is your mission target? Does he still want to commit suicide?” asked the old dean.

“I asked, but he didn’t answer it directly.” Little Red Riding Hood froze for a moment and asked again, “Dean, can’t you try to look into it?”

“If I can know about it why did I ask you? Do you think I have so much free time? “The dean rolled his eyes.

“No, isn’t the underworld able to know the time of death of everyone?” Little Red Riding Hood asked, “I also want to ask you, I think Brother Wolf has changed a bit in the past twenty days, can you go to the underworld to have a look? Use the book of life and death and see if Brother Wolf’s death time has been delayed?”

“Your thoughts are amazing, the book of life and death can indeed reflect the time of death of each person in real-time, but that can only be displayed without external force forcibly interfering.” The dean said, “Since Hui Lang was classified as a customer of Life is Valuable Company, his life has been separated from the book of life and death. Before the end of the task period, the book of life and death will no longer reflect his information. This is also the same with yours.”

“In other words, will Brother Wolf and I die in five days, no one knows?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“Whether you will die or not, no one knows.” The dean reminded again, “The rest of your life will be on this man, take good care of him.”

“What… what the rest of your life, Dean, your words are too ambiguous. It sounds like I’m getting married.” Little Red Riding Hood became a little uncomfortable.

“In the past, when I was still alive, marriage was for a lifetime. So people used the second half of our life to describe marriage. Now people get married and divorced just like playing games. Do you think using marriage to describe the second half of your life is still valid?” The Dean reprimanded, “But the task is different. If you failed to complete it, your life will end here. So, when I said the rest of your life, is it wrong?”

“Yes, yes, very accurate.” Little Red Riding Hood dared to refute. This thousand-year-old stubborn old man has a lot of opinions about the current marriage phenomenon, look at that anger.

“Okay, I’ve said everything I need to say. You can go now.” The dean waved his hand to chase her away.

Little Red Riding Hood was about to turn around and leave when she suddenly remembered that she still didn’t give him the present that she promised, so she took out a delicate-looking box from her bag and brought it to the Dean.

“What is this?” The Dean raised his brows.

“This is a gift I bought for you.” Little Red Riding Hood smiled, “Thank you for the job you gave me and the visa you helped me with.”

Little Red Riding Hood sincerely thanked the dean. If it wasn’t for the dean who gave her the job, she must have spent this month in pain. Little Red Riding Hood has been to the hospital, she has seen many people with the same disease as her, and she knows what those people have become in their last hour of life.

They were all skinny, yellow-faced (t/n: malnourished), and full of depression and despair, but they were not willing to die. When the body is obviously so weak and it is difficult to stay awake, they kept struggling to stay alive. Lying on the hospital bed and watching other patients leave one by one or when the body was tortured by chemotherapy and became unconscious like a crippled person, they finally cried out that it is better to die than stay alive.

Little Red Riding Hood just didn’t want to end up like that, so she spent all her savings and came to the Bianhua Hospice. She knew that if she had been hospitalized for treatment, she might have lived another month, two, or even three months. But she didn’t want to be like that, she didn’t want to die in despair and pain. If she really going to die, she wants to die quietly and peacefully.

But the outcome of things was better than she imagined. She came to the Bianhua Hospice, met the old dean, met other patients, met Brother Wolf, ate a lot of things that she could not afford before, and went to many places that she could not afford to go before. Even if it was due to the task, she still lived like a normal person this whole month. Without fainting, vomiting blood, or severe pain caused by organ decay.

She had a great time this month.

“Is this a parting gift? Or a gift to flatter your boss?” The old dean looked at the gift and asked.

“It depends on whether I’m still alive in five days.” Little Red Riding Hood doesn’t shy away from the topic of life and death now.

“No ambition at all, go away…” The dean directly blasted people with disgust.

Little Red Riding Hood smiled and went out unaffected.

On the way back to her room, Little Red Riding Hood met Grandma Lu halfway. Grandma Lu was already very old. It is said that when she was sent to the hospice, the doctor said that she can live for only half a year, but Grandma Lu has lived in the hospice for more than a year.

“Grandma Lu, what are you looking for?” Little Red Riding Hood hurried over.

“Little Red Riding Hood.” Although Grandma Lu is old, she has a good memory. She remembers this good girl who just came back from abroad and brought candy to the old men and women in the hospice. Although their physical condition prevented them from eating these things, but when someone came back from a long distance and still remembered to give them something, this kind and warm gesture just made them feel happy.

“Grandma Lu, are you looking for this?” Little Red Riding Hood found a pink cat bell not far from Grandma Lu’s wheelchair.

“That’s right, this is the new bell I bought for Lili.” Grandma Lu nodded with a smile.

“Meow~~” The big fat cat named Lili meowed softly in Grandma Lu’s arms when she heard her name.

“I’ll help you tie it.” Little Red Riding Hood said happily.

“Okay, thank you, Little Red Riding Hood.”

“You’re welcome.” Little Red Riding Hood reached out to help tie the bell, but Lili was too fat, and it took her a long time to determine the position of her neck.

“Grandma Lu, how old is Lili?” Little Red Riding Hood asked curiously.

“Fifteen years old.” Grandma Lu replied.

“It’s so old.” Little Red Riding Hood said in surprise, this is considered old age among cats.

“Yeah, it’s also old and doesn’t want to move on weekdays.”

“Grandma Lu, what kind of cat is Lili? It has beautiful eyes.” Lili has a pair of sapphire-like eyes, very beautiful.

“Lili is a wild cat, a very ordinary cat.” Grandma Lu said, “I didn’t like to keep cats before. I was afraid that the furniture and carpet in the house would be scratched by cats, so I always disagreed with my husband to keep cats. My husband had no choice, so he always went to the park to feed stray cats. Later, my husband died, and within two days, Lili came to my house by herself from the park.”

Grandma Lu said, reaching out and rubbing Lili’s head: “I saw Lili on my husband’s camera, and I recognized it as my husband’s cat, so I kept it. It’s been seven or eight years since then. In fact, if it wasn’t for Lili’s constant companionship I’d probably left long ago.”

“Grandma Lu.” Little Red Riding Hood didn’t expect the topic to suddenly become so sad and suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

“I’m sorry, this woman likes to nag when she’s getting older.” Grandma Lu smiled.

“It’s okay, I like listening to it, but don’t be too sad.” Little Red Riding Hood advised.

“I’m not sad, I’m just afraid that no one will take care of Lili when I die. Oh, when I think that no one will comb Lili’s hair after I die, I can’t bear to just leave it. When I’m thinking about it like this, it motivated me to live a day longer every day.” Grandma Lu said rather proudly.

“It seems that raising a cat can prolong your life.”

“Yeah, this person only wants to live when she has thoughts. The most fear is that she has no worries.” Grandma Lu said and suddenly felt a little sleepy.

Seeing this, Little Red Riding Hood quickly stood up and said, “Grandma Lu, I’ll take you back to rest.”

After Little Red Riding Hood sent Grandma Lu back to her room, she pondered what Grandma Lu said just now, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt it made sense. Early the next morning, Little Red Riding Hood was feeding the cat in the garden with a large bag of cat food.

“Do you want to choose that one?” Bai Xue gave Little Red Riding Hood a reference.

“Hmm…” Little Red Riding Hood looked at the dozen or twenty wild cats in front of her, and it was difficult to decide. “It’s so hard to choose.”

“Just pick one,” Bai Xue said.

“Okay, let’s see which cat is more rich and noble.” Little Red Riding Hood squatted on the ground and muttered to the group of cats, “Little cats, do you want to show off? Who would take the initiative to raise their paws? But I want to remind you that if you were brought to Brother Wolf by this sister, you will no longer be a wild cat, but a rich cat. From then on, you became rich overnight and reached the pinnacle of cat life.”

“Are you sure Brother Wolf will take the cat back? ‘ asked Snow White.

“If he doesn’t accept it, just bring it back.” Little Red Riding Hood said without pressure.

“…” As for the peak of the cat’s life, you think that the cat can’t understand it, so you can lie to the cat casually.

“Just this one. Your paws looked the happiest. You must be very eager to go.” Little Red Riding Hood picked up a little tabby kitten of an unknown breed.

Little Kitten: No, I’m just pulling the food, I’m not raising my paws.

Little Red Riding Hood found a cardboard box, put the kitten in it, and asked for a cat bell from Grandma Lu, which was a hand-me-down from Lili. After packing it, she took a taxi to Brother Wolf’s apartment.

He just had breakfast, read the newspaper, and now wondered if Little Red Riding Hood was late because of the jet lag. He still waiting for a gift from Little Red Riding Hood.

When he first heard the gift, Brother Wolf was a little happy, thinking in his heart, this girl is quite sensible, and it was worth his effort to bring her to feed the pigeons.

But when he saw clearly what gift Little Red Riding Hood had prepared for him, he was speechless.

A cardboard box. At first glance, it looked like a cardboard box for medicines, but it turned out that it was a box from the hospital warehouse.

Inside was a dirty little tabby cat. You don’t need to look at the breed to know that it was a wild cat caught in the park.

The only thing that looked proper was the cat bell, but visually, it looked second-hand.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

Originally, Brother Wolf thought that Little Red Riding Hood put candy in her pocket in the airport VIP room, and planned to return to China to give it to him. But he didn’t expect that she could pick up things directly from the park and just give it to him.

“Did you pick it up?” Brother Wolf directly interrogated her.

“Yes, from our hospital garden.” Little Red Riding Hood admitted frankly.

Well, it’s still a sick cat.

“What do you mean by giving me a cat?” Brother Wolf asked.

“I want you to raise it.”

“What?” Brother Wolf frowned.

“No, I mean to let you keep a cat.” Little Red Riding Hood explained, “I heard a very kind old grandmother say that having a cat can make people live longer.”

“You can’t do anything about my illness, so you started to believe in feudal superstition?” Brother Wolf said in disgust.

“Why don’t you try it? Raise it for a few days. If it doesn’t work, just give it back to me.” Little Red Riding Hood demanded.

“Do I have to raise it?”

Little Red Riding Hood said pitifully, “Brother Wolf, when you see other doctors, they will only prescribe a lot of medicine, but I will let you raise a cat instead”

Brother Wolf saw Little Red Riding Hood pretending to be pitiful, Although he knew she just faking it, he didn’t know why but he always become soft-hearted.

Forget it, it’s just a cat. It can’t do anything so just let the cleaning nanny take care of it.

“Okay, then leave it alone.” Brother Wolf compromised.

“Then let’s go and buy something for the kitten today.” Little Red Riding Hood has already made a plan, and time was running out. If she wanted to make the relationship between Brother Wolf and the kitten closer, she must let them have more interaction with each other.

Buy cat litter, cat food, and cat toys. Take injections and medicines. Even give it a name. None of them can’t be left behind.

“Whatever.” Brother Wolf said indifferently.

“Then you can give it a new name.” Little Red Riding Hood said again.

“Name?” Brother Wolf glanced at the little wild cat in the cardboard box with some disgust. At this time, he suddenly found that the kitten’s eyes seemed to be somewhat similar to Little Red Riding Hood’s big eyes, “Let’s call it Hat.”

“Hat?” Little Red Riding Hood thought the name was a bit odd.

“Look at the way it looks, doesn’t it look like an ugly hat.” Brother Wolf said with a guilty conscience.

“That’s because it hasn’t taken a bath yet. After taking a bath, it will become pretty, right, Hat?” Little Red Riding Hood already accepted the new name given by Brother Wolf.

Brother Wolf’s eyes flickered, and he didn’t speak anymore. He just suddenly realized that after this little wild cat had a name, it suddenly became a little cute for some reason.

Hat: Shit shoveling officer, Yours truly is not a stand-in for anyone!