Due to the sudden appearance of Hat, the 22nd day’s plan became ‘to prepare a new home for Hat with Little Red Riding Hood.

Brother Wolf did not object to this, nor did he show much enthusiasm.

But Little Red Riding Hood tried every means to deepen the relationship between Brother Wolf and Hat.

For example, when Hat was about to take a bath, Little Red Riding Hood asked Brother Wolf, “Which scent of body wash do you think is better?”

“Whatever.” Brother Wolf said indifferently.

“What kind of smell do you like? You will always hold it in your arms in the future. If it smells better, you will be happier.” Little Red Riding Hood said.

Brother Wolf was stunned for a moment. He didn’t know what to think. He glanced at Little Red Riding Hood and then at Hat, and said, “Let’s use a milk-scented one.”

“Miss, please use the milk one.” Little Red Riding Hood said to the lady who was going to bathe Hat.

When preparing the cat litter for Hat, Little Red Riding Hood asked Brother Wolf again: “Which color do you think looks good?”


“I will put it in your home in the future. Do you think which color suits the decoration style of your home better?” said Little Red Riding Hood.

“…” I thought you wanted to ask about my favorite color, “Gray.”

When preparing cat food for Hat, Little Red Riding Hood continued to ask Brother Wolf, “Brother Wolf, all of these cat foods look delicious. “

“Then buy them all.” Brother Wolf was not short on money.

“You really like Hat.” Little Red Riding Hood said happily.

Humph, who likes you, no, who likes that stupid cat.

“Brother Wolf, hold Hat. It’s so soft to hold.” Little Red Riding Hood handed Hat to Brother Wolf, hoping that Brother Wolf could get closer to Hat.

Brother Wolf stared at Hat, and Hat stared at Brother Wolf. Their eyes met but both turned their heads away, not wanting to look at each other.

“Hug it. It’s very well-behaved, and its nails have been clipped too, so it won’t scratch others.” Little Red Riding Hood pushed Hat forward again.

Brother Wolf frowned, raised his head, and was about to refuse but he met with Little Red Riding Hood’s pleading watering eyes.

“…” When did this woman start to speak with her eyes? Brother Wolf took Hat while still in confusion and puzzled over his action for a long time.

They continued their journey to buy toys for Hat.

“Brother Wolf, which toys do you think Hat will like?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“Just bought them all.” Brother Wolf was too lazy to choose.

Even buying clothes for Hat.

“I don’t think there are so many clothes for pets.” Little Red Riding Hood sighed.

“Just bought them all.” Brother Wolf motioned to the bodyguard to swipe his card and carry the whole thing.

They passed by the pet grooming center.

“You come to the shop for free grooming for pets?” Little Red Riding Hood said in surprise, “Now pets can enjoy more than people.”

“Go and request a lifetime card.” Brother Wolf summoned the bodyguard again.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com

After a full day of shopping, Little Red Riding Hood can’t figure out how much money Brother Wolf spent on Hat, but it’s definitely not less than what she had spent her whole life.

After shopping for a day, they were also a little tired. The two found a nearby cafe to sit down and rest.

“This is good.” While waiting for the coffee, Little Red Riding Hood looked at Hat in Brother Wolf’s arms with a look of relief.

“What’s good?” Brother Wolf replied, his hand still habitually touching the cat’s fur.

“Seeing that you and Hat get along well.” Little Red Riding Hood smiled.

Brother Wolf grabbed the cat’s hand and said uncomfortably, “Didn’t you ask me to raise it?”

“But you bought a lot of things for Hat.” If Brother Wolf really didn’t want to keep it, he wouldn’t name it or agree to buy so many things for it.

Didn’t he pay for all the stuff?

“Brother Wolf, have you ever had a girlfriend?” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly asked.

Brother Wolf suddenly raised his head and looked at Little Red Riding Hood with sharp eyes.

“I… I just ask casually.” Little Red Riding Hood hadn’t been stared at by Brother Wolf’s eyes for a long time and was instantly stunned.

“Why are you asking this?” Brother Wolf asked.

“I’m just a little envious,” said Little Red Riding Hood.


“Look, you don’t like Hat very much but you can buy so many things for it. Imagine if you have a girlfriend, you will definitely treat her very well.” Little Red Riding Hood said enviously.

Of course, I will be nice to my girlfriend, but only if someone can be my girlfriend.

“I really want to fall in love.” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t help sighing.

“!!!” Is this a confession? Brother Wolf was tense all over and looked at Little Red Riding Hood with a wary expression on his face.

Is this woman going to confess? Give me a stupid cat and you want to confess? And suggest that I treat her better than stupid cats??

“Sir, ma’am, your coffee.” The waiter’s timely appearance broke the strange atmosphere between the two.

“Thank you.” Little Red Riding Hood thanked him, took a sip of coffee, and immediately shrank her brows and eyes together because of the bitter coffee, “It’s so bitter.”

“You forgot to put sugar.” Brother Wolf said with disgust. His fingers, however, opened the lid of the sugar cube on the table and took out two sugar cubes using the small tongs, “Two sugar cubes enough?”

“Enough, enough. Thank you.”

“If you don’t like anything bitter, don’t order this coffee. “Brother Wolf said.

“I don’t drink coffee very often. Whatever you order, I will follow you.”

Brother Wolf put his hand on the tongs for a while and glanced at Little Red Riding Hood meaningfully. He didn’t say anything, just silently picked up the coffee in front of him and said. : “I like the fragrance of coffee itself, so I seldom add sugar and milk to it. Most people are not used to it.”

“Now I know.” Little Red Riding Hood nodded obediently.

The two of them drank coffee like this until all the coffee was finished, and Brother Wolf didn’t wait for Little Red Riding Hood to restart the topic just now.

Another day of treatment was over. Before leaving, Brother Wolf couldn’t help reminding Little Red Riding Hood: “There are still three days left.”

“Ah? I know.”

“It’s good that you know.” Nodding and turning away.

Little Red Riding Hood didn’t think much about the words that Brother Wolf suddenly said, because she suddenly received a call from Bai Xue.

“Little Red Riding Hood, can you pick me up at Zhangmu Road, cough…” Bai Xue’s voice was accompanied by a cough.

“Are you sick again?” Little Red Riding Hood worried.

“Yeah.” Bai Xue coughed again, “I’ll be waiting for you at the cafe on the first floor of the building. Come and pick me up. If I faint, you can find someone to carry me back to the car.”

Little Red Riding Hood was told that the patients of the Bianhua Hospice will fall ill during the non-mission period, and fainting is also a very common thing, but they do not need to be sent to the hospital, as long as they sleep normally and wake up, they will be fine.

When Little Red Riding Hood heard that Bai Xue was about to faint, she moved in a hurry. She stopped a taxi on the side of the road and hurried to where Bai Xue was. Although it is said that there will be nothing wrong with these people after they faint, if they are sent to the hospital by passers-by, it will become quite a problem. Also, these patients naturally abhorred the hospital.

Fortunately, Brother Wolf’s apartment was not far from Zhangmu Road, so Bai Xue already considered this before calling Little Red Riding Hood. Ten minutes later, Little Red Riding Hood arrived where Bai Xue was.

As if afraid that Little Red Riding Hood could not find her, Bai Xue specially chose a seat by the window. She was wearing a white dress and was bending over on the coffee table as if she had fainted.

“Oops.” Little Red Riding Hood hurriedly pushed open the front door of the building and ran from the lobby to the coffee shop.

Soon, she saw Bai Xue’s position and a man who was quietly reaching out to Bai Xue.

“What are you doing?” Little Red Riding Hood rushed over and pushed the man away.

The man didn’t seem to expect that someone would push him, so he glanced back at Little Red Riding Hood in a conditioned reflex, and then looked at Bai Xue who was lying on the table in a panic. Seeing that Bai Xue didn’t seem to be awakened, the panicked expression on his face eased a little.

“Who are you?” Little Red Riding Hood also saw the man’s appearance clearly at this time. This man was unexpectedly handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and charming temperament. He was dressed in low-key luxury and didn’t look like any suspicious person.

“Are you Bai Xue’s friend?” the man asked nonchalantly.

“Yeah.” Little Red Riding Hood relaxed a lot when she saw that the other party knew Bai Xue.

“I’m Bai Xue’s client. I asked Bai Xue to discuss things here, but I found out that she seemed to be asleep,” the man said.

“Oh, that’s it. I’m sorry.” Little Red Riding Hood immediately apologized when she heard that the other party was Bai Xue’s customer, “Bai Xue is a little uncomfortable today, and may not be able to do any meetings anymore. Can you make another appointment?”

“Uncomfortable?” The man turned his head to glance at Bai Xue, and asked anxiously, “What’s wrong with her? Is she ill?

” She’s very sleepy now, so she just goes back to sleep.” Little Red Riding Hood explained with a smile.

“That’s it.” The man nodded to show that he understand, “Then tell her to make another appointment with my secretary.”

“Hey, wait a minute, sir.” Little Red Riding Hood called out to the man who was about to leave.

“What’s wrong?” The man turned around in confusion.

“Can you help bring Bai Xue to the car? I can’t carry her alone.” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

The man was obviously stunned for a moment. He looked at Bai Xue for a while, just when Little Red Riding Hood thought he was not willing, the man suddenly walked over, bent over, and carried Bai Xue in his arms.

Like that princess



Little Red Riding Hood saw Bai Xue’s head drooping backward. She noticed that the wig was about to fall, and rushed over with a vigorous step, fixing Bai Xue’s head position.

So close!!

The man was puzzled by Little Red Riding Hood’s strange actions and looked at Little Red Riding Hood in confusion.

“Well, it will be uncomfortable to hang your head like this.” Little Red Riding Hood laughed, pushed Bai Xue’s head up, and gently leaned against the man’s arms, her slightly pale profile perfectly exposed to the man’s perspective.

The man’s eyes flickered, he forced his eyes to look away, turned, and walked towards the underground parking lot.

“Thank you, sir. By the way, I forgot to ask your name.” Little Red Riding Hood said, “When Bai Xue wakes up, I will let her thank you in person.”

“No, it’s fine.” The man glanced at Bai Xue in the car, turned, and left.

“Looking at the temperament, it’s quite gentle, but I didn’t expect his personality to be quite cold.” Little Red Riding Hood muttered, turned around, started the car, and drove to Bianhua Hospice.

When the journey was halfway through, Bai Xue woke up and turned around. She glanced at her current situation, and it only took a second to realize her situation. She raised her hand and pressed down the window.

“Bai Xue, are you awake?” Little Red Riding Hood only realized Bai Xue was awake when the evening wind blew into the car.

“Yeah.” Bai Xue glanced at the time and said, “I fainted for half an hour.”

“Do you still remember the time?” Little Red Riding Hood was surprised.

“I checked the time before I fainted.” Bai Xue laughed.

“Is this all right?”

“If your head kept spinning all the time, you will naturally master the technique to adapt.” Bai Xue laughed, “As long as you can handle Brother Wolf, you will definitely have the opportunity to learn it.”

“Hopefully.” Little Red Riding Hood smiled.

“By the way… there are only a few days left, how is Brother Wolf’s condition now?” Bai Xue asked.

“I think there is some improvement,” said Little Red Riding Hood.

“How sure are you?”

“Fifty percent.” Little Red Riding Hood said unconvincingly, “You know, Brother Wolf has always been uncertain, and I don’t know if he still wants to commit suicide now, so we can only wait. I’ll see the results in three days.”

“If you can’t be sure, will your Sleeping Wolf plan still be implemented?” Bai Xue asked with interest.

Sleeping Wolf plan?

Little Red Riding Hood almost choked to death: “Cough cough… When did I choose this name?”

“Isn’t that what you meant?” Bai Xue laughed.

“What I said at the time was angry words.” Little Red Riding Hood explained, “At that time, Brother Wolf was cruel and uncooperative, and he also caused me to get sunburned, so I would say that I was going to kill him.”

“But now Brother Wolf not only actively cooperated with the treatment but also took you around the world. So now your heart has gotten soft.” Bai Xue said for Little Red Riding Hood.

“Well, I mean, Brother Wolf has helped me fulfill at least half of my big wishes so far.” This is what Little Red Riding Hood didn’t expect at the beginning, “It’s impossible to fool him at this time.”

“You… …” Bai Xue glanced at Little Red Riding Hood’s smiling side face and asked, “Wouldn’t you like Brother Wolf?”

“What nonsense are you talking about? How can I like others with such a precarious physique?” Little Red Riding Hood said after a pause, “But… Brother Wolf is indeed quite attractive. If I’m not sick… It’s not right, if I’m not sick, how can I meet Brother Wolf.”

Bai Xue disagreed, “Why can’t people like us like others? Just don’t let others like us back.”

“Sounds cruel.” Little Red Riding Hood frowned while looking at the road.

“What can be crueler than dying in three days?”

“That? Then, no one is crueler than me.” Little Red Riding Hood agreed.

Two terminally ill women, in the crowded traffic, calmly teased about life, death and love, while having big smiles on their faces.

“By the way, did you have an appointment with a client over there today to discuss business? Then the guy wasn’t supposed to be there?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“Yes.” Bai Xue nodded.

“When I went over, he was already there.” Little Red Riding Hood said, “He asked me to tell you, to go back and make an appointment with his secretary.”

“He’s already there?” Bai Xue was stunned for a moment.

“Well, he helped me carry you to the car.” Little Red Riding Hood said, “but I didn’t have time to ask his name, he’s quite handsome.”

“He’s very handsome now.” Bai Xue sighed.

“Now? Did you know him before?”

“He’s my ex-boyfriend.”

“Damn!!” Little Red Riding Hood exclaimed, “Bai Xue, you’re willing to dump this kind of superb product.”

“What’s wrong? Just follow me. It’s like shaking off your hair.” Bai Xue said, she lifted the wig on her head and threw it out the window, “There are many wigs for my sisters, you can shake them if you want.”

Fortunately, the car was already in the suburbs area. So, there are no vehicles behind them, otherwise, people behind will think they were haunted by a flying head.