
Hat woke up early in the morning and saw that it was a little dark in the room. Without wasting any second, it jumped from the pillow to the quilt, then jumped from the quilt to the carpet, and then ran to the floor-to-ceiling window.

Although the Hat’s living condition has changed from what it used to be, from an ownerless wild cat to the richest upstart cat in the world, but the daily lifestyle of getting up early to find food has not changed at all.

Hat hovered beside the floor-to-ceiling window for a while, accurately found the gap between the curtains, wriggled in, saw the garden outside the floor-to-ceiling window, and immediately jumped in excitement.



Due to the sudden force, Hat was almost smashed into a cat cake by the transparent glass window and angrily scratched the glass with its claws.


The high-pitched noise was like a sharp blade piercing Brother Wolf’s brain. He got up with a sullen face, and irritably pulled open the curtains, pouring the sunlight into the room.

Brother Wolf instinctively closed his eyes, and after a while of getting used to it, he opened them again, angrily catching the wild cat that seemed even angrier than him.

“Meow~~ meow~~” I’m going out for food.

“It was so noisy early in the morning.” Brother Wolf scolded in disgust, holding Hat by the back of its neck.

“Meow~meow~~~” If you don’t go out, the food will be robbed by other bad people.

“Didn’t I buy you a nest? Why did you still climb on my bed in the middle of the night? You need to follow someone’s house conduct.” Brother Wolf knew about Hat crawling on the bed in the middle of the night, but he was too lazy to be bothered by the cat.

“Meow~~Meow~~” Stupid humans, I had said that Yours Truly is not a stand-in for anyone.

“You’re stupid, don’t you see there’s a glass window there?” Brother Wolf glanced at the garden outside the window, then at the stupid cat who was struggling in his hand, and finally pushed the door and summoned bodyguard A.

“Sir.” Bodyguard A looked at his watch. Mr. Lang got up half an hour earlier than usual. “I’ll tell someone to bring breakfast.”

“No hurry.” Brother Wolf handed over Hat.

Bodyguard A looked at Hat that was constantly struggling in Mr. Wolf’s hand and was puzzled, but Mr. Wolf is handing it over, so he should receive it.

Bodyguard A thought, reached out, and took Hat.

“Meow~~~” Hat finally meowed comfortably when it was not being held by Brother Wolf.

“Go for a walk with it.” Brother Wolf ordered.

“What… what?” Bodyguard A was stunned.

“Walk the cat, this idiot wants to jump off the building and go to the garden downstairs early in the morning. Just take it downstairs for a walk.” Brother Wolf said.

“Oh~~” Bodyguard A walked out of the room holding Hat and went to the garden with a confused look.

I’ve heard of walking the dogs and walking the children, but I’ve never heard of walking the cats. Bodyguard A was stunned in the garden for a long time, clueless about how to walk the cat. It wasn’t until Hat was picking up something to eat in the grass that bodyguard A was a little surprised. Could it be that Hat is hungry?

Bodyguard A went back and took out a bag of cat food, and sprinkled some on the grass. As expected, the hat stopped pulling on the grass and quickly came over to grab the food.


“Meow meow~~”

For a while, the cat meows everywhere, and out of nowhere in the empty garden, five or six wild cats came out and joined in to snatch the food. The wild cats scrambled for food, so eating time was more cheerful.

Bodyguard A took a look, yes, let’s feed more. Eight hundred yuan a kilogram of cat food, half of it in the morning. So the wild cats in this high-end apartment were blessed with the existence of Hat, and they started to eat first-class royal cat food since then.

Day after day, everyone accidentally discovered that the wild cats around here were not only no longer scrawny, but also fat, sturdy, smooth, and very cute. Occasionally, some well-meaning people want to adopt a cat home, but they all run away from home one by one because they dislike the taste of regular cat food.

After Brother Wolf finished his breakfast, Bodyguard A took Hat back.

“Is it over?” Brother Wolf asked.

“It’s over.” Bodyguard A actually didn’t know if that counted as a walk.     “Give it to me.” Brother Wolf

raised Hat and looked at its round eyes for a moment. “It’s really similar.”

“Meow!!!” Stupid servant, who does Yours Truly looks like again?

“Take out the documents in the study.” Brother Wolf instructed, he pushed open the glass door on the top floor with Hat in his hand, and walked towards the carefully designed small garden on the rooftop.

There are decorative rocks, flowing water, swimming pools, and viewing platforms in the small garden. Sitting here, you can see an excellent view over half of the Star City. This is the resting place designed especially for the owner. Whether for eating, chatting, working, or lounging here can make people feel relaxed and relieved.

These things that were never noticed in the past suddenly came to Brother Wolf’s mind. He was holding Hat, sitting under the shade, watching the city gradually waking up, feeling inexplicably happy.

In the past, the gray and cold city that was monotonous and boring in his eyes suddenly seemed to have a faint golden color, radiating new vitality.

“Sir, this is the document sent by Wute Assistant yesterday.” Bodyguard B brought all the documents over.

“Yeah.” Brother Wolf slipped Hat aside and began to review the documents.

To squeeze out some free time for this month, Brother Wolf has divided most of the work, but there are still some major decisions within the group that Brother Wolf needs to handle in person.

When Little Red Riding Hood came, Brother Wolf still had one document left to approve, and Little Red Riding Hood was not in a hurry. She played with Hat and waited for Brother Wolf to finish the work first.

Brother Wolf handled the work very quickly and the work was finished in just a short amount of time. Brother Wolf put away the documents and threw the unnecessary things in the trash can.

“Why did you throw away the invitation?” Little Red Riding Hood squatted on the ground and played with Hat, so she saw the very beautifully designed invitation at a glance.

Out of curiosity, Little Red Riding Hood picked up the invitation, and then saw the huge words on it: “Medical Investment Promotion Association?”

“What is Medical Investment Promotion Association?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“This is an investment promotion conference organized by the government and major universities. That is, professors or researchers in each university will use their own research results to search for an investor.” Brother Wolf explained.

“Medical Investment Promotion Association, that is, all the scientific research in it is aimed at drugs or diseases?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“Yes.” Brother Wolf said again, “But the projects that will appear at this kind of investment promotion meeting are either a brand-new research direction that is not known to be successful or not, or a project that has been delayed for a long time and everyone is not optimistic about. The projects that can really make money are either already monopolized by biological companies or already supported by the state.”

“So the projects here are not worth investing in.” Little Red Riding Hood wondered, “Why does the country still prepare such investment promotion events then?”

“It’s not that it’s not worth the investment at all, but the return on investment will be very low. Usually, some companies choose to invest in scientific research that benefits the country and the people when they are doing public welfare, to gain the favorability of the government and society.” Brother Wolf said, “Compare to research that isn’t about making money, this public welfare investment is a better choice.”

“Then why don’t you go?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“Brilliant Group has done a lot of public welfare undertakings, and it is fine at the moment.” Brother Wolf said.

“Oh.” Little Red Riding Hood nodded vaguely, not knowing if it was because of her own illness, that she suddenly became a little sensitive when she saw the word “medical”.

She wondered, is it possible that one day in the future, her terminal El Niño disease will also have a treatment method, and then it will no longer be a terminal disease?

“Do you want to go?” Brother Wolf asked strangely when he saw Little Red Riding Hood holding the invitation for a long time.

“Ah, maybe it’s because I’m a doctor myself, so I’m more familiar with medical care.” Little Red Riding Hood smiled and put the invitation on the table.

Brother Wolf was silent for a few seconds as he looked at the invitation that was thrown away by himself, picked up by Little Red Riding Hood, and carefully placed on the table.

“Then… Brother Wolf, what are we going to do today?” Little Red Riding Hood asked the same question every day.

“It’s nothing to do anyway, let’s go and learn about the medical business.” Brother Wolf said with his eyes lowered.

“Don’t you don’t want to go?” Little Red Riding Hood asked in surprise.

“Suddenly changed my mind.” That’s right, Brother Wolf is just so capricious.

The Medical Investment Promotion Association is in the auditorium of Xingcheng Medical University. Because the government takes the lead, no matter whether it will eventually get investment or not, there are still many companies that come to the stage.

“This is the introduction pamphlet of the investment promotion project.” As soon as the two entered the auditorium, a young and beautiful female college student handed over the picture book.

“Thank you.” Little Red Riding Hood thanked.

“You’re welcome.” The one who said thank you was Little Red Riding Hood, but the sister replied to Brother Wolf instead.

In response, Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t help rolling her eyes.

“Do you need me to give you some brief introductions?” The lovely female college student kept looking at Brother Wolf.

Brother Wolf glanced at her, and then at Little Red Riding Hood behind him.

To this, Little Red Riding Hood responded by looking down at the pamphlet.

“No need.” Brother Wolf replied coldly.

The female college student walked away rather disappointed.

“It’s great, if I was so active in college, maybe I’m married now.” Little Red Riding Hood said regretfully, “It’s all because I was too reserved at the time.”

“You’ve already climbed over the bathtub, but you’re not active enough?” Brother Wolf said with disgust.

“I already said that it was a misunderstanding.” Little Red Riding Hood did not know how many times she explained it.

“Haha…” Brother Wolf made it clear that he didn’t believe it.

The two turned around, and Little Red Riding Hood finally stopped in a sparsely populated corner, staring at the promotional image above.

“Top Ten Unsolved Mysteries of Terminal Illness?” Brother Wolf glanced at the information and said, “The current students are quite bold.”

“Boss, are you interested in our project?” The dozing student was caught by Brother Wolf’s voice and instantly woke up, and when he saw someone at his stall, he immediately said excitedly, “I’ll explain our findings to you.”

Now, he glanced strangely at Little Red Riding Hood, who was standing still.

“Can you develop a drug for terminal illness?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“Of course, as long as there is enough financial support, I believe we will be able to overcome the terminal illness.” The youth replied.

“How are you so confident?”

“To be honest, we have already made some discoveries, but because the laboratory equipment and materials are too scarce, we can’t verify it further, but we did find a kind of killer virus of terminally ill cells.” The young man said excitedly, “Although it has only appeared once, it does exist. Once this research is successful, it will definitely be a world-shaking innovation.”

“There is no case, no data, no experimental support, and a group of universities student who still has not graduated, dare to boast that he has developed a drug for the treatment of terminal illness?” Brother Wolf asked.

“This…this…Aren’t we short of money?” the young man said vigorously, “but, in the experiment, we really found a virus in the cells of RH-08, it’s true. Just give us one million, no, three million. We will buy the latest equipment, we will definitely find that special virus, and then you will believe what we say is true.”

“Huh…” This kind of unconvincing explanation, it wasn’t for Little Red Riding Hood standing still, Brother Wolf wouldn’t have listened at all,

“Wow.” A college student finds a breakthrough.

It’s just like a dream in my heart, I hope it’s true.

“If only I had three million.” Little Red Riding Hood sighed.

“What?” Brother Wolf asked suspiciously.

“Fund them.” Little Red Riding Hood said, “I know they might be fooling you, but what if it’s true? If it’s true, it can save a lot of people.”

Including myself.

“Are you stupid?” Brother Wolf said in disgust.

“What if I am.” Little Red Riding Hood said. When she arrived at the entrance of the venue, she couldn’t help but turn her head to look at the unpopular corner.

Could it be that someone around Little Red Riding Hood has a terminal illness? Brother Wolf suddenly remembered Bai Xuei, who he had only met once but she was desperately vomiting blood.

Shaved head, vomiting blood, often fainting?

“Let’s go, let’s go have lunch.” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly got a little hungry after sighing.

“Wait a minute?”


Brother Wolf turned around and walked back to the booth just now under Little Red Riding Hood’s surprised gaze, leaving a business card and saying, “Call this person and he will give you three million dollars investment. As for whether there is any investment in the future, it depends on your research results.”

After Brother Wolf finished speaking, he walked away. Looking like a cool hero in the eyes of the young man.

“Didn’t you say it was a lie?” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t help but ask during lunch.

“I’ve come all the way here, I need to atleast spend a penny. Just three million, just treat it as a charity.” Brother Wolf said nonchalantly.

“Brother Wolf, you are super handsome today.” Little Red Riding Hood praised sincerely.

“Flattering.” Brother Wolf said in disgust.


Me when Brother Wolf spends that much for MC: