Wu Ge had already understood the general situation before he came. Currently, he was signing the document given to him by the police and asked, “Is there another brain-dead person?”

“What?” The beautiful Miss Police Officer didn’t respond for a while when Wu Ge asked her.

“Sorry.” Wu Ge quickly changed his wording, “There should be six of my clients, but there are only five here. Where is another one?”

“Oh, you’re talking about the ‘director’. He’s still giving testimonies inside.” Miss Police Officer just remembered.

“Director?” Wu Ge couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

“Come out.” Miss Police Officer gestured to a person in the room right to them.

Wu Ge turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw the sixth brain-dead, no, it was ‘director’ Cao Nuo, who was following a policeman out of the interrogation room.

“Wu Ge, you’re here.” Cao Nuo saw Wu Ge as soon as he left the interrogation room. He was so excited that he went up to give him a warm hug.

“If you dare to touch me, I will charge you for this bail.” Wu Ge said.

Cao Nuo stopped in a hurry. Under the threat of money, he silently obeyed.

Wu Ge glanced at him in disgust, then turned to speak to the police in charge of the operation: “Officer, is there anything else that needs to be handled with the investigation? If not, I will bring my client back with me.”

The Chief turned to look at the officer who just came out of the interrogation room.

Cao Nuo was just interrogated by a chubby middle-aged police officer. He handed the transcript in his hand to the Chief and said, “The confessions are all correct. They simply did an act, not real kidnapping.”

“Of course it’s just acting, officer. Comrade Hui, look on the outside of my van, it is a transportation for tv crew, and the weapons are all props, except for the sackcloth bag and the rope, which are real. The rest, I borrowed from other tv crew.” Cao Nuo Said, “Comrade police, we are really not kidnappers, we are good people, good citizens who obey the law.”

“Good people? Do you look like a good person with the scars and tattoos on your face?” the police asked.

“We put on make-up, we always have to wear some kind of makeup during filming.” After Cao Nuo finished speaking, he turned back and shouted at the five extras, “Let’s take off the makeup quickly.”

One person used makeup remover, one ripped the beard, one rubbed off the tattoo, and one peeled off the scars.  All were busy cleaning off their makeup and after a while, the strong and evil men of the underworld turns into good and cowardly citizens in an instant.

“Yo, you guys are quite dedicated.” The policeman looked at this scene in amazement.

“That is, although we are not big stars and just extras, we still understand the truth of doing work wholeheartedly.” Cao Nuo bragged.

“Shut up!” Wu Ge couldn’t stand Cao Nuo kept wasting their time at the police station. He glared at him and turned to the Chief, “Can we go through bail procedures now?”

“Not yet,” said the Chief. “Your client said that they were entrusted by the victim’s parents to perform this play together for a special reason. However, we have not been able to contact Mr. Hui’s parents, so we still don’t receive any statement from them. Since it still cannot be confirmed, your clients are still suspected of kidnapping.”

“I have Mr. Hui Lang’s parents’ signature here. It’s from an attorney signed by them.” Wu Ge took out a document from his briefcase.

The Chief glanced at the attorney’s proof of power stamp, raised his head and said to Brother Wolf, “Mr. Hui, take a look at this letter, is this genuine?”

At this moment, Brother Wolf withdrew his gaze that had been staring hole at Little Red Riding Hood and walked towards the Chief. He took a look, nodded, and said, “It’s my parents’ handwriting.”

“It was really arranged by your parents then. How can they agree to do this? Isn’t this a waste of police force?” Although the case became simpler, the Chief still expressed his indignation at such a waste of police force.

Brother Wolf didn’t speak. He looked at the very familiar signature on the letter. He really couldn’t understand why his parents, who had always ignored him, suddenly changed so much. First, they found a half-assed psychiatrist for him, and now they agreed to make such a fake kidnapping. What are they trying to do?

“Since it’s a misunderstanding, then we won’t file a case. After the formalities are completed, you can solve it yourself in private.” The Chief said.

Brother Wolf hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he did not object to the decision of the police officer.

Brother Wolf actually had absolutely no need to admit that the signature belonged to his parents. If he did not admit it, the six extras, including Little Red Riding Hood, would be subject to criminal detention. Even if his biological parents came to explain the matter in person, as long as he insisted on pursuing responsibility, these few people would still be punished to a certain extent.

But in the end, he didn’t do it.

Brother Wolf turned around and glanced at the woman who was sitting in the corner. She didn’t dare to look up at him since they entered the police station. He was so angry and stuffy that he didn’t know what to say for a while.

Brother Wolf really didn’t say anything until all the formalities were completed and everyone could leave the police station. Brother Wolf kept silent, turned around, and walked away.

“Doctor Xiao?” Bodyguard A turned around and glanced at Little Red Riding Hood. He was a little unsure whether Little Red Riding Hood would leave with them.

“I…” Although Little Red Riding Hood didn’t dare to raise her head the whole time, all her attention was focused on Brother Wolf. She knew that Brother Wolf was staring at her all the time and that Brother Wolf must be enraged. But she was a coward and didn’t dare to look at Brother Wolf.

This was not what Little Red Riding Hood expected. She had already prepared for Brother Wolf’s fury after things were revealed, and she even made convincing speeches to defend her action.

Little Red Riding Hood doesn’t know what’s going to happen now. In her mind, she kept repeating the look of disappointment and hurt in the eyes of Brother Wolf’s eyes when he knew the truth.

That look made Little Red Riding Hood feel a deep sense of guilt, and her guilt cause her to become even more cowardly to face him.

“Go and apologize.” Wu Ge stood beside Little Red Riding Hood.

“Wu Ge?” Little Red Riding Hood looked at Wu Ge pitifully.

“Why are you pretending to be pitiful with me? Go and pretend to that person outside.” Wu Ge said with disgust. Among their group of patients at Bianhua Hospice, only Bai Xue’s brains are smarter, and the rest are all brain-dead.

Little Red Riding Hood also realized that she should apologize, but she just couldn’t muster up the courage. At this time, she was “encouraged” by Wu Ge, so let’s call this encouragement. Little Red Riding Hood stood up immediately and ran out to chase after Brother Wolf.

“Brother Wolf, Brother Wolf.” Little Red Riding Hood’s leg was bruised, so she limped when she ran.

“Sir, Dr. Xiao is calling after you.” Bodyguard B reminded.

Brother Wolf naturally heard Little Red Riding Hood calling after him, he stopped but did not turn around.

“Brother Wolf, I’m sorry.” Little Red Riding Hood stopped one meter behind Brother Wolf.

“Is this the game you told me in the morning that you want to play?” Brother Wolf asked.

“Yes.” Little Red Riding Hood pretended to be relaxed, “Isn’t it just a game?”

“This game is also a part of the treatment.” Brother Wolf analyzed, “You want to stimulate my desire to survive by simulating near-death experience, right?”

“Huh?” Little Red Riding Hood thought that Brother Wolf was too smart, he guessed it without her having to explain it.

“You are a psychiatrist, and today this is just another treatment plan. You still have the authorization of my parents, and I have not suffered any substantial damage. Instead, Dr. Xiao, I pushed you and hurt your knee.” Brother Wolf chuckled, “I should be the one apologizing to you, why are you apologizing to me?”

“I’m fine, it’s just a minor injury.” Little Red Riding Hood said nonchalantly, “Although it’s a treatment plan, I hide from you, so I should apologize.”

“Doctor Xiao.” Brother Wolf suddenly turned around, and he showed a smile that Little Red Riding Hood had never seen before. That kind of smile that seemed to be very bright but did not reach the bottom of his eyes, “Everyone is tired today, the treatment is over right? “

“Yeah.” Little Red Riding Hood nodded blankly.

Brother Wolf said no more, turned around and got into the car, and soon disappeared from Little Red Riding Hood’s sight.

Little Red Riding Hood stood there, looking straight in the direction that Brother Wolf was leaving, feeling uneasy for no apparent reason.

“What’s wrong?” Cao Nuo also walked out of the police station at this time, saw Little Red Riding Hood walking over, and asked, “Brother Wolf is angry?”

“Doesn’t look like it.” Little Red Riding Hood replied, “He said he knew it was a treatment plan, so he understand.”

“Brother Wolf is so reasonable. What a rare guy.” Cao Nuo boasted.

“Has your IQ been bitten by a dog?” Wu Ge couldn’t help scolding.

“Wu Ge, don’t go too far.” Cao Nuo shouted.

“Humph!” Wu Ge was too lazy to pay attention to Cao Nuo and left on his own.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com

After returning to Bianhua, Little Red Riding Hood always felt uneasy. She didn’t know whether her uneasy feeling was because tomorrow was the last day of the deadline, or because of the abnormal smile that Brother Wolf gave when he left.

Little Red Riding Hood tossed and turned on the bed all night, and couldn’t think of anything. The next morning, she appeared in the restaurant with panda eyes.

“What’s wrong with your eyes? Didn’t you sleep all night?” Bai Xue couldn’t help exclaiming when she saw Little Red Riding Hood’s haggard appearance.

“Well, I didn’t fall asleep.” Little Red Riding Hood said weakly.

“How can you not sleep? How important is sleep to us women, especially those of us whose immunity is weaker than ordinary people.” Bai Xue said.

“Why do you need to sleep for a long time when you are alive? You will be able to sleep for a long time after death.” Little Red Riding Hood sighed.

“Yes, today is the last day of Little Red Riding Hood’s mission period.” Xiao Ming counted with his fingers and said, “But looking at you like this, is it a little unlucky with your plan?”

“Did something happen yesterday?” Bai Xue said and took a glance at Cao Nuo.

“Why are you looking at me? What did I do?” Cao Nuo said innocently, “It was also the first time I kidnapped a rich man like Brother Wolf. I don’t have enough experience so it was kinda screwed up. Besides, Brother Wolf also said that he understood and he’s not angry either .”

“Brother Wolf isn’t angry?” Bai Xue asked suspiciously, “Impossible, normal people should be angry.”

“Yes, yes, I also think that he must be angry.” Little Red Riding Hood cried out, “I thought about it all night last night, and I think Brother Wolf is not only angry but also enraged.”

“You think about this kind of thing all night before you can understand it?” Wu Ge sarcastically said.

“What should I do now? It’s the last day.” Little Red Riding Hood cried without tears.

“Then… Little Red Riding Hood, don’t be too discouraged, although yesterday’s plan was not very successful, but my method has saved countless people, maybe… Brother Wolf is a little angry, but it might prevent him from thinking about suicide.” Cao Nuo said optimistically, “Is it possible that you hit the mark?”

“It’s easy for you to say it. If it doesn’t work, it’s not you who will die.” Bai Xue said.

“That’s true.” Cao Nuo suddenly became quiet.

When Little Red Riding Hood heard this, she burst into tears.

“It’s better to think of a way to remedy it instead of crying here.” Although he didn’t stay in the police station for a long time, Wu Ge could still see that Brother Wolf did not pursue the incident yesterday because of Little Red Riding Hood.

“Yes, you’re right, I’ll go and apologize to Brother Wolf.” Little Red Riding Hood stood up and left her half-eaten breakfast. With her injured knee, she limped out of Bianhua Hospice.

Little Red Riding Hood skillfully took a taxi to Brother Wolf’s apartment but was stopped by the apartment staff at the door.

“It’s me, I come here often, don’t you know me?” Little Red Riding Hood looked at the staff who stopped him.

“Of course I know you, but you can’t go up.” The staff laughed.

“Why, couldn’t I be able to go up before?”

“Before you were a guest of President Lang, but now you are not.” The staff laughed.

“No…how do I…” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly realized something, “Is it Brother Wolf who give the command?”

“Sorry, you are not on our visitor list.”


Thunderbolt! Brother Wolf is really angry!!!

Little Red Riding Hood squatted on the curb, heartbroken and remorseful.

But time was running out, and Little Red Riding Hood regretted it for only two minutes and began to call Brother Wolf.

“Sorry, the number you dialed can’t be reached…”

Well, obviously, he blocked me.

Little Red Riding Hood changed the phone to call the bodyguard duo.

“Doctor Xiao.” Bodyguard A answered the phone.

“Brother bodyguard, I’m downstairs at the apartment but I can’t go up.” Little Red Riding Hood said.

Bodyguard A glanced at Brother Wolf in the back seat, hesitated for a moment, and said, “Sir was out of the apartment.”

“Going out? Where did you go?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

Bodyguard A glanced back at Brother Wolf again. Seeing Brother Wolf bowing his head and flipping through the documents, he didn’t say anything, so he boldly said, “Doctor Xiao, sir, is going to work at the company today.”

“Company? I see. I’ll be right here.” Little Red Riding Hood hung up the phone, limped to stop a car on the side of the road, and went straight to the headquarters building of the Huihuang Group.

Bodyguard A hung up the phone, looked back at Brother Wolf for the third time, and reported, “Sir, Dr. Xiao said she is coming to the company.”

Brother Wolf continue flipping through the documents as if he didn’t hear anything.