When Little Red Riding Hood was limping towards the Huihuang Building, Brother Wolf was already started working in his office on the top floor.

Glancing around in the lobby for a while, Little Red Riding Hood realized that the elevator needed an identification card to be accessed, so she decisively walked to the service desk on the side of the elevator.


“Hello, how can I help you?” the beautiful woman at the front desk asked politely.

“I want to see your boss.” Little Red Riding Hood knew that in such a big company, you must make an appointment to see the president, so she added, “I have an appointment, my surname is Xiao, and I’m your boss’s attending doctor.”

“I’m sorry, our president didn’t have an appointment today. Miss Xiao, did you get the date wrong?” the front desk asked.

“No appointment? You…you haven’t asked yet, how do you know there is no appointment?” Little Red Riding Hood wondered.

“The special assistant specially explained it this morning. Today, President Lang will not be seeing outsiders, and no one will come for an appointment.” The beauty at the front desk maintained a standard professional smile and said something that made Little Red Riding Hood’s eyes go blank.

What is this specific explanation? No one is coming?

He’s against me, he’s against me.

“No, I really do have an appointment. Pretty lady, can you call him and ask again.” Little Red Riding Hood insisted.

“I’m sorry but I really can’t.”

“I’m a doctor, I’m the main doctor of your President Lang. Your president has a very serious illness. I must see him today, otherwise, it will be fatal.” Little Red Riding Hood said again.


For a couple of minutes, no matter what Little Red Riding Hood says, she only received the same response; no. After begging at the front desk for almost half an hour, Little Red Riding Hood was completely defeated and sat down on the chair in the corner of the hall.

Brother Wolf is angry, well, Little Red Riding Hood can understand, but is it necessary to completely cut her off?

A big man, how can he be so stingy! (wow girl, I mean..)

Little Red Riding Hood stomped her feet angrily but gasped when she felt pain. She hug her knees and groaned in pain.

“Doctor Xiao?”

Little Red Riding Hood heard a familiar voice, looked up, and found that bodyguard A was walking towards her. She exclaimed in surprise, “Xiong Da!” (Crab: Since the bodyguard duo has never had a name, today I will name them Xiong Da and Xiong Er.)

“Doctor Xiao, what’s wrong with your legs?” Xiong Da took a few steps to the seated Little Red Riding Hood and looked at the open wound on Little Red Riding Hood’s knee.

“It’s okay, I didn’t pay attention just now and accidentally opened the wound.” Little Red Riding Hood smiled.

“The injury is so serious, why didn’t you go to the hospital to bandage it?” Xiong Da asked.

“I went, I went, but the doctor said that it is summer, and my wound should not be bandaged, otherwise it will easily get infected. It’s nothing really, just need to apply the medicine on time.” Little Red Riding Hood said.

“Then shall I take you to the infirmary to get some medicine?” Xiong Da said.

“No, no, I have to wait here for Brother Wolf.” Little Red Riding Hood asked Xiong Da for help, “Xiong Da, can you go to Brother Wolf and ask him to see me? I want to apologize to him.”

“Doctor Xiao…” Xiong Da sighed, “I’ve been following Mr. Wolf for almost two years, and this is the first time I’ve seen him get so angry.”

“I also know that the game we played yesterday was indeed bad. It was a bit too much, but we truly mean no harm.” Little Red Riding Hood said aggrieved, “I just hope that Brother Wolf can have more desire to stay alive.”

Xiong Da who started following Brother Wolf two years ago also aware of his boss’s desire to commit suicide. He sighed and said, “Mr. Wolf is a smart person, how could he not see such a simple plan. What makes him sad is that he favors you.”

“Sad?” Little Red Riding Hood was taken aback.

“Well, he’s more sad than angry,” Xiong Da said. “Yesterday, Mr. Wolf sat on the balcony all night and didn’t even pay attention to Hat.”

Little Red Riding Hood may not know that although Brother Wolf seems to dislike Hat, whenever he got home, he always takes some time to play with the kitten. He would talk to Hat from time to time and would sleep with Hat in his arms. The first thing in the morning was always to ask him and Xiong Er to go downstairs to walk Hat.

But last night, Brother Wolf seemed to have returned to a month ago. He just sat quietly on the balcony, looking at the night sky, and the city, not speaking nor moving at all. In the early morning, Xiong Da walked in and saw that Brother Wolf’s pajamas were soaked with dewdrops.

“Are you saying that Brother Wolf is sad because I lied to him?” Little Red Riding Hood trying to understand the situation.

“I don’t know exactly why, but it must have something to do with what happened yesterday.” Seeing that the blood from Little Red Riding Hood’s wound won’t stop, Xiong Da couldn’t help frowning, “Since you don’t want to go to the hospital, why don’t you go to the infirmary? Just wait for a moment, I’ll go get the medicine kit.”

Little Red Riding Hood is now full of sad thoughts about Brother Wolf, but she didn’t understand what Xiong Da said at all.

Brother Wolf is sad?

Why is he sad?

Just because of what happened yesterday?

It’s nothing much tho.

Or did I accidentally touch Brother Wolf’s reverse scale (someone’s sensitive spot) without me knowing?

But Brother Wolf refuses to see me now, so how can I know why?

“Really, a big man should just say what he wants to say. Being all shy, how can he hide and be sad like a little girl.” Little Red Riding Hood looked down at her knee, and suddenly panicked, “Ah, there is a lot of blood. .”

Then she took out the toilet paper from her bag and carefully wiped the blood on her calf.

Xiong Da walked towards the door of the infirmary before he suddenly stopped. After thinking about it, he turned around and walked towards the elevator.

Xiong Da took the elevator to the top floor, glanced at Xiong Er who was sitting outside the door and asked, “Is Mr. Wolf inside?”

“Yes.” Xiong Er nodded.

“Is there anyone else?”

“No.” Xiong Er shook his head.

Xiong Da suddenly felt relieved, and under Xiong Er’s puzzled eyes, he walked over and knocked on the door of the office twice, then pushed open the door and entered.

“Sir.” Xiong Da walked to Brother Wolf’s desk.

“What’s the matter?” Brother Wolf looked at Xiong Da and asked.

“I want to borrow your medicine box.”

“Borrow?” Brother Wolf stopped reviewing the documents and asked strangely, “Is the infirmary closed?”

“No, I need a hemostatic agent (a substance that helps with stopping a bleeding wound).” Xiong Da said, “The infirmary doesn’t have any in stock at the moment. I remember you still have one in your medicine cabinet, so I want to borrow it.”

“Hemostatic agent? Are you injured?” Brother Wolf asked.

“It’s not me, it’s Dr. Xiao. I saw her in the lobby just now. Dr. Xiao’s knees were bleeding profusely, so I thought…”

“Okay, go get it yourself.” Brother Wolf interrupted Xiong Da coldly. As if he didn’t care, he picked up the file again and continue his work.

When Xiong Da saw it, he quickly took the medicine box, went out, and walked downstairs.

And not long after Xiong Da left, Brother Wolf threw the documents in his hand, stood up from his seat, and looked out the window irritably.

Bleeding? Was it when I push her yesterday?

Serves her right then.

Brother Wolf kept persuading himself, but Xiong Da’s description kept circling in Brother Wolf’s mind, eventually forming a concrete picture.

“I want to see how bad your wound truly is.” Brother Wolf returned to his seat and called the security department. “Transfer the surveillance in the lobby to my computer.”

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com

Xiong Da carried the box and went downstairs. A small half bucket of blood-stained tissues had been thrown into the trash can at Little Red Riding Hood’s feet. Xiong Da found that the amount of bleeding was not normal, so he couldn’t help asking, “Your bleeding is not right, should we go to the hospital and have a look.”

“No, no, my body is always like this. Once injured, it will take a longer time than normal to heal. But seriously it’s nothing serious, it will be fine in a while.” Little Red Riding Hood comforted.

“Then let me disinfect you first.” Xiong Da took out alcohol to disinfect Little Red Riding Hood’s wound and then sprayed the hemostatic agent that he specifically borrowed from Brother Wolf.

Originally, borrowing the hemostatic agent was just an excuse to mention Little Red Riding Hood in front of Brother Wolf, but looking at the current situation he was glad that he went ahead and borrowed it, otherwise it will be harder to stop the bleeding.

“Hey, what kind of medicine do you use? The bleeding stopped so quickly.” Little Red Riding Hood said in surprise.

“Hemostatic agent, the special medicine I borrowed from Mr. Wolf”

“Brother Wolf?” Little Red Riding Hood was pleasantly surprised, “Then is he…”

“He didn’t object to me taking the medicine but he didn’t say he wanted to see you.” He said guiltily, “Doctor Xiao, I’m sorry, I tried my best.”

“It’s okay, thank you for helping me.” In fact, Xiong Da has no obligation to help her, so Little Red Riding Hood was grateful to him.

“I’m not only helping you but also helping Mr. Wolf. I don’t want him to go back to what he used to be.” Xiong Da said as he packed up the medical box and said, “Why don’t you go outside and wait? When Mr. Wolf leaves the company, I will send you a message.”

“Thank you, but no need. I’m just going to wait here, I believe he will come down sooner or later.” Little Red Riding Hood said firmly, “I must see him today, or I will die. “

Die? Xiong Da twitched the corners of his mouth. He found that Doctor Xiao seemed to like to exaggerate.

“Then I’m leaving.”

“Mmmm, bye-bye.”

Top floor.

When Xiong Da, who was helping Little Red Riding Hood, finally left, Brother Wolf saw the two shockingly red spots on Little Red Riding Hood’s knees.

“Why is it so serious, didn’t I just push her slightly?” Brother Wolf asked in confusion.

“She’s very dedicated to come back even with such a serious injury.” Brother Wolf smiled bitterly.

Isn’t Little Red Riding Hood dedicated? Stopped him from committing suicide again and again, almost died in a sea of ​​flames and did not give up on him. She even plays around with him for a month just to make him happy. With such dedication, even he would believe that Little Red Riding Hood truly cares about him.

Maybe she does care, but most of her action is for treatment.


“Di Di.”

Brother Wolf glanced down at his phone, and the screen showed that someone sent him a WeChat message. Brother Wolf didn’t need to open it to know who the sender was.

Brother Wolf opened WeChat, and a piece of text flashed in the chat box, and she was still typing too.

(I see that I can still send you messages on WeChat. It seems that you haven’t deleted my WeChat yet.)

(Brother Wolf, I’m sorry about what happened yesterday. Please let me see you again. I’ll explain it to you, honestly.)

(I know I’m wrong. I was really wrong, I shouldn’t lie to you, I will definitely change it in the future.)

(Brother Wolf, you are a handsome, tall and handsome guy. You must also be a man with a big heart too. So you won’t just ignore me, right?)

(Brother Wolf, give me another chance.)

(Brother Wolf, if you don’t see me today, I will die.)

Brother Wolf read all the messages but didn’t reply.

Little Red Riding Hood sent more than a dozen messages in a row, but the other party didn’t reply to a single one. Little Red Riding Hood suddenly felt that the soft-hearted strategy she was using was useless, so she began to change her plan and continued to send messages: (Brother Wolf, we agreed at the beginning, the treatment is for a whole month but we still one day short from the deadline. If you don’t see me today, you are breaching the contract.)

It took a long time for Little Red Riding Hood to construct this message, but Brother Wolf still didn’t reply.

“Is it because he was in a meeting, so he didn’t check his phone, or did he deliberately ignore me?” Little Red Riding Hood pondered for a long time and still couldn’t understand. So, she finally decided not to think about it. Anyway, she’ll be here the whole day, and she won’t be able to understand anything if she doesn’t see him herself.

So Little Red Riding Hood waited until lunch and even afternoon tea. The impatient voice in her head just couldn’t wait for Brother Wolf to come.

“If it goes on like this, I don’t know whether I will die of illness, starvation, or was killed by Brother Wolf.” Little Red Riding Hood said weakly.

At this time, Bai Xue sent a WeChat message: (How is the progress?)

Little Red Riding Hood replied: (Not very good.)

Bai Xue: (Do you want me to help?)

Little Red Riding Hood: (No need. It’s almost time, just let everything happen on its own.)

Bai Xue: (No matter what the outcome is, you must go back to Bianhua before midnight.)

Little Red Riding Hood: (Hmm.)

She will return to the other side before midnight anyway. If she stays alive, she will celebrate with Bianhua’s patients. Either way, if she truly dies, at least she won’t die alone.

Little Red Riding Hood gave a wry smile and casually posted on her Moments: (Suddenly I feel like Cinderella, I hope I can see the prince before midnight.)

In a blink of an eye, at six o’clock, the people in the office building started to leave work one after another.

It was eight o’clock, and people who worked overtime were leaving one after another.

At ten o’clock, the building’s security began to lock the door.

It was eleven o’clock, and Little Red Riding Hood sat alone, cold and hungry.

At 11:10, Little Red Riding Hood received news from Xiong Da, informing her that Brother Wolf had come down.

At 11:20, Brother Wolf’s car stopped in front of Little Red Riding Hood.

“Brother Wolf.” Little Red Riding Hood propped up her numb and painful knee and stood up in surprise, “You are finally willing to see me.”

Brother Wolf glanced at Little Red Riding Hood’s knees before frowning, “What do you want to say? If it’s an apology, then you don’t have to.”

“I…I…” Little Red Riding Hood wanted to apologize, but Brother Wolf directly cut her off.

“Today is the twenty-fifth day, and our agreed time has come.” Brother Wolf said, “The contract is terminated. From tomorrow onwards, you don’t have to come here.”

“Brother Wolf, can you please stop talking to me with that kind of tone? You make me a little uncomfortable.” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t adapt to Brother Wolf’s cold tone.

Brother Wolf stopped abruptly but forced himself not to look at Little Red Riding Hood.

“Actually, I have a lot to tell you, but time is running out now.” Little Red Riding Hood looked at her watch and said, “Well, you probably don’t like listening to it. You probably haven’t deleted my WeChat, right? I wrote some words, and I will post them on WeChat. Can you delete my WeChat after you read them?”

“It’s getting late, you can go back.” Brother Wolf urged and went inside the car. Xiong Da closed the back door, said goodbye to Little Red Riding Hood, started the car, and leave.

Little Red Riding Hood smiled helplessly, reached out to stop a taxi, and went to Bianhua.

The first thing Little Red Riding Hood did when she got into the car was to edit the message that she wrote the whole time she was waiting for Brother Wolf, and sent it to Brother Wolf’s WeChat. Then she began to stare at the night sky outside the window in a daze.

The time of death is getting closer and closer, but Little Red Riding Hood’s mood is unexpectedly calm, she didn’t know why either. The street lights that she used to see in the past look extraordinarily beautiful tonight.

On the other hand, Brother Wolf returned home, and when he was alone, finally he took out his cell phone. He opened his WeChat but hesitated to open the dialog box with Little Red Riding Hood. He instead just stared blankly, allowing time to pass by.

What can she say now, nothing more than a few words of apology? What’s the point of reading it then?

“We’re here.”

Little Red Riding Hood turned her head, and sure enough, she had returned to Bianhua Hospice.

Bai Xue also called her at this time: “Are you back?”

“I’m back. Just arrived at the door. I’m about to go in right now.” Little Red Riding Hood said.

“I’ll pick you up.” Bai Xue didn’t hang up and ran out of the gate with Xiao Ming, Cao Nuo, and Wu Ge.

Little Red Riding Hood looked at the crowd running towards her, and a smile slowly appeared on her face, but before she could smile fully, Little Red Riding Hood suddenly felt something in her throat and cough out a mouthful of blood in surprise.

“Little Red Riding Hood!!!”

Little Red Riding Hood’s last consciousness was Bai Xue’s panicked shout.