As the president of a multinational group, Brother Wolf’s working style has always been precise and perfect. After confirming that Little Red Riding Hood had really blocked his number and WeChat, he was truly angry.

At the same time, as an excellent president, Brother Wolf also has strong self-control. After ten minutes of brewing in anger, Brother Wolf quickly calmed down and began to think of a solution.

Brother Wolf first gave Little Red Riding Hood one night as a chance for her to realize her mistake and take back her statement.

But unfortunately, Little Red Riding Hood obviously didn’t realize her mistake and one night passed. When Brother Wolf checked his phone again the next morning, he still found that his number was still blacklisted in someone’s contact info, so Brother Wolf felt that he needed to do something.

“You don’t have to go to the company with me today.” Brother Wolf ordered, “Go check Little Red Riding Hood for me.”


“Did she thinks that I can’t find her if she blocks me?” Brother Wolf despised irresponsible people the most in his life. Does she think she can just run away whenever she wants to? Little Red Riding Hood, the reality is not as beautiful as you think.

At this time, Little Red Riding Hood’s mood was still pretty bad. Her springtime just came but she already ruined it herself. Little Red Riding Hood could not recover for a while.

“Okay, since you have made a decision, don’t regret it. Regret is useless except for making you feel bad.” Bai Xue comforted.

“I know, but I just can’t help it.” Little Red Riding Hood sighed, “I wonder which girl doesn’t have a dream of a wedding dress and a diamond ring. I finally saw some hope, and the result…”

“Just a wedding dress and a diamond ring? I can help you with that.” Bai Xue turned the steering wheel. The car exited the main road, got off the nearest lane, and drove to another brand-new destination.

Twenty minutes later, Little Red Riding Hood was pulled into the “QUEEN” jewellery store.

“Bai Xue, what are we doing here?” Little Red Riding Hood asked in confusion.

“To pick a diamond ring. It’s on me.” Bai Xue said matter-of-factly.

“What??” Little Red Riding Hood thought she had heard it wrong, “You want to give me a diamond ring?”

“Isn’t it just a wedding dress and a diamond ring? I can buy it too.” Bai Xue said, “You pick the diamond ring first. Then I’ll help you design a wedding dress, so you have everything you want.”

“Bai Xue…” When she understood what Bai Xue meant, Little Red Riding Hood was immediately moved, “If you are a man, I’m definitely going to fall in love with you.”

“Let’s go.” Bai Xue was disgusted and pushed away Little Red Riding Hood who had tears in her eyes.

Little Red Riding Hood didn’t get angry when she was pushed instead she just giggled. Her mood suddenly improved a lot.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

Bai Xue passed the smirking Little Red Riding Hood and walked directly to the counter to ask the clerk to take out the latest diamond rings in the store.

“Bai Xue, you are really going to buy it?” Little Red Riding Hood realised that Bai Xue didn’t seem to be joking about buying the diamond ring and she instantly became uneasy.

“Of course I’m going to buy it.” Bai Xue said as a matter of course.

“No need, I’m in a much better mood now.”

“What I promised to give you, I will give it.”


“Don’t say no, I have a lot of money, you know it.”

“… ” Even if you’re just someone I admired, you’re still nice enough to help me buy a diamond ring. But if I said this will you be mad at me?

Soon, the clerk brought a few samples of the latest diamond rings of the season for the two to choose from. Little Red Riding Hood tried one by one and felt that each one was beautiful.

“I feel that every one of them looks good.” Little Red Riding Hood spread her hand with the ring on and showed it to Bai Xue.

“Just buy this one, this one is the best looking.” Bai Xue said.

“That’s it then.” Bai Xue is a designer, and her taste in style is naturally better than her own. Little Red Riding Hood chooses to follow Bai Xue’s advice.

“Have you two decided to get this one? Then I’ll put away the rest first.” The clerk asked again to confirm.

“Wait a minute.” Little Red Riding Hood glanced at the rings in the tray, picked up one of them, and put it on Bai Xue, “Try this one, I think it suits you.”

“Why, you want to give it to me?” Bai Xue glanced at the ring in her hand and raised her eyebrows.

“Yeah.” Little Red Riding Hood nodded.

“You want to buy it for me? Aren’t you out of money?” Bai Xue said in surprise.

“I can swipe a credit card. Anyway, I have a stable job now, so I don’t have to worry about it.” Little Red Riding Hood smiled proudly.

“Your skin is getting thicker and thicker.” Little Red Riding Hood’s so-called stable job is also provided by Bai Xue, but receiving a gift really makes people feel happy.

“Two women who no one wants, giving each other diamond rings. Such a pitiful and ridiculous sight to see.” Suddenly a sarcastic voice sounded beside them without warning, destroying the warm and pleasant atmosphere.

Bai Xue and Little Red Riding Hood turned to look at the same time.

“Du Pingguo??” Bai Xue frowned.

“Bai Xue, do you know the concept behind the design of QUEEN jewellery?” Du Apple sneered, “The designer of QUEEN jewellery thinks that every girl should be a princess, and a princess will marry a prince who loves her and make her a queen, that’s why it’s called ‘QUEEN’. You are someone who is not suitable for this place.”

“Du Pingguo, you just want to pick a quarrel, right?” Bai Xue sneered.

“It’s pathetic enough for a woman like you who can only buy a diamond ring for herself. How could I quarrel with you too? Of course, I won’t do such a demeaning thing, I’m here to take me and my fiance’s engagement ring.” After Du Pingguo finished speaking, she asked the clerk with a radiant expression, “Is my custom ring ready?”

“It’s ready, Miss Du, I’ll go get it for you now.” The clerk said, turning around and walking into the back room.

“Why do you come to pick up the engagement ring alone? It seems that your fiance doesn’t like you very much.” Little Red Riding Hood secretly stabbed the sensitive spot.

“You…” Little Red Riding Hood’s stabbing was quite accurate. Although outsiders knew that Du and Qin’s family were going to get married, Du Pingguo knew that this engagement was just a means to improve the stock prices of the two companies, and Qin Wangzhi also didn’t like her at all.

“You’re out of words? It seems I guessed correctly.” Little Red Riding Hood raised an eyebrow at Bai Xue proudly.

“Who said I came alone.” Du Pingguo tried to suppress her anger, “My fiancé is talking to someone nearby, and he will come over in a while.”

“Who knows if this is true?” Little Red Riding Hood doubted.

“If you don’t believe it, just wait here.” Du Pingguo said angrily.

“If you told me to wait, you think I’ll just wait? It will be embarrassing for me to just follow whatever you say.” No matter what the other party said, Little Red Riding Hood kept scolding.

“Forget it Little Red Riding Hood. In case her fiance really comes, Miss Du will only think that you are going to rob her fiance again.” Bai Xue pointedly said.

“Yes, yes, Miss Du wants to send a lawyer’s letter when she is angry last time. I’m poor now, but I can’t afford a lawyer.” Little Red Riding Hood said suddenly puzzled, “However, does Miss Du have any relationship with her fiancé? How bad is it to be so afraid of him being snatched away.”

“Pfft…” Bai Xue obviously didn’t expect Little Red Riding Hood’s mouth to be so poisonous, and suddenly burst out laughing.

“You…you…” Du Pingguo had almost lost her mind after being run by Bai Xue and Little Red Riding Hood.

“Miss Du, we won’t bother you and your fiancé choosing the engagement rings. We will just leave beforehand.” Bai Xue said and was about to leave.

“Don’t go.” Du Pingguo suddenly blocked Bai Xue’s path.

“Miss Du, what are you doing?” Bai Xue frowned.

“Bai Xue, let’s make it clear today. Qin Wangzhi is my fiancé now, I hope you won’t pester him in the future.” Du Pingguo requested.

Bai Xue didn’t intend to bother with Du Pingguo anymore. Recently, out of nowhere, this woman always felt that Bai Xue was robbing Qin Wangzhi of her. Any explanation from Bai Xue didn’t even enter her ear at all. Bai Xue was instantly pissed off and didn’t want to explain anymore and just asked her directly: “I’m pestering him? Even if I’m pestering him, what can you do?”

“But he’s my fiancé now!”

“Then you can take care of him yourself.” Bai Xue didn’t want to talk to Du Pingguo, and as soon as she pushed past Du Pingguo she instantly went out of the store.

“Stop!” Du Pingguo grabbed Bai Xue by her hand, but who knew that Bai Xue suddenly turned soft like a noodle and seamlessly fell to the ground?

“!!!” Du Pingguo looked at Bai Xue who suddenly fell to the ground in shock.

“Bai Xue!” Little Red Riding Hood was startled and hurried over to help Bai Xue.

“What’s the matter?” Qin Wangzhi, who had just finished talking to someone and rushed over to get the engagement ring, saw Bai Xue being pushed to the ground by Du Pingguo.

“Brother Wangzhi, I… It wasn’t me… I didn’t push her… I didn’t exert any strength at all…” Du Pingguo hurriedly explained when he saw Qin Wangzhi who suddenly appeared.

“Bai Xue, what’s wrong with you? Bai Xue?” Little Red Riding Hood looked at Bai Xue’s face and thought that she must be sick. But Bai Xue is still in the mission period, so she shouldn’t get sick.

“It should be sick, pfft…” Bai Xue spat out a mouthful of blood.

“Bai Xue!” Qin Wangzhi saw that Bai Xue suddenly vomited blood, and the original ice sculpture-like expression instantly disintegrated. With a brisk pace, he rushed over and snatched Bai Xue from Little Red Riding Hood’s arms, “What’s wrong with you?”

Qin Wangzhi heard the nervousness in his own voice.

“I’m fine, let me go.” Bai Xue struggled to leave Qin Wangzhi’s embrace, but when she moved, another mouthful of blood spurted out of her throat.

Your sister. Every time the mission ends, the disease will be extraordinarily brutal, but my mission supposes to still be ongoing. Why did it end so suddenly? With such a question, Bai Xue fainted directly in Qin Wangzhi’s arms.

“Bai Xue, Bai Xue!” Qin Wangzhi roared, but seeing no response from Bai Xue, he immediately picked her up and ran outside the mall, shouting, “Don’t be afraid, I’ll take you to the hospital now, you’ll be fine.”

Qin Wangzhi left like a gust of wind, leaving behind two women who looked at each other.

“I… I really didn’t exert any strength, it’s really not me.” Du Pingguo said pitifully, “I… just pulled her gently, I didn’t know she would fall.”

“I believe you.” Little Red Riding Hood patted Du Pingguo on the shoulder comfortingly.

“…” Du Pingguo who was suddenly comforted by the enemy.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

At 3:15 in the afternoon, Xiong Er appeared in Brother Wolf’s office with the investigation report.

Little Red Riding Hood’s background is really easy to investigate, just look through her circle of friends to know most of her news, Xiong Er hardly spent much time investigating Little Red Riding Hood’s background. Then it took him another two hours to go to the hospital to confirm it before he dared to appear in front of Brother Wolf.

“What is this?” Brother Wolf asked, pulling out a piece of paper from the report.

“Copy of medical records.” Xiong Er replied.

“El Niño terminal illness? One month left to live?” Brother Wolf sneered, “According to the above statement, Little Red Riding Hood should have died a week ago.”

“Sir, this is what I personally asked Dr. Xiao’s attending doctor. There’s nothing wrong with the report, and…” Xiong Er also said with an unbelievable look, “Doctor Xiao, she is now living in a hospice.”

Brother Wolf’s face was full of disbelief, but what Little Red Riding Hood once said suddenly sounded in his mind. He thought it was a joke, but at this time, he finally understand her words.

“Do you know how precious life is? You will only know how to cherish it when you are about to lose it.”

“Take me as an example. In fact, I only have one month left to live.”

“These twenty-five days are like the last days of your life. The twenty-five days of your life are also twenty-five days for the rest of my life.”

“If only I had money, I would donate to them for research.”

“This is my last word, I have lived these twenty-five days happily. So, thank you, Brother Wolf.”

“Thank you for liking me, but I can’t be with you.”

Brother Wolf was silent for a long time, still unable to believe what he saw just now.

“Where is she now?” Brother Wolf asked.

“The hospital”

Brother Wolf raised his head abruptly.

“It’s not Dr. Xiao that got injured, it’s Bai Xue, Dr. Xiao’s colleague. In fact, they are not colleagues. They are patients living together in the Bi’anhua Hospice. She suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized. Dr. Xiao was with her in the hospital.” Xiong Er explained


Bai Xue? Brother Wolf has always had a good memory, not to mention she is a bald woman who vomited blood in front of him at that time. Nobody would forget someone like that.

“Are they comrades?” Brother Lang confirmed again, “Live in a hospice together?”


“Which hospital?”

“Fan’s Hospital.”

“Let’s go!” He still doesn’t want to believe the information that Xiong Er got. If the information is true, isn’t Little Red Riding Hood supposed to be dead a long time ago? Why would she still appear alive in front of him?

He wants to go to the hospital personally, ask Little Red Riding Hood himself and see her get an examination in front of his own eyes.


Man… poor Du Pingguo. Girl just feels insecure about her engagement but ended up in a conflict between two ex-couple. Truly a cannon fodder.