Little Red Riding Hood was just a little late when she left the mall. By the time she arrived at the hospital, Bai Xue had already been pushed for rescue, and several tubes of blood had been drawn, ready to be tested.

“Wait a moment, wait a moment.” Little Red Riding Hood rushed into the emergency room to interrupt the movements of the doctors and nurses.

“This patient’s family, please go out and wait. Don’t delay us in rescuing the patient.” The doctor said seriously.

“No, no.” Little Red Riding Hood hurriedly said, “She has a relapse of an old illness, and she will wake up naturally after a while. She doesn’t need rescue.”

“What’s her illness?” the doctor asked.

“Palamy terminal illness.”

“…” The doctor raised his head abruptly and looked at Little Red Riding Hood in disbelief.

“What did you say?” Qin Wangzhi didn’t know when he had rushed from outside the emergency room to the front of Little Red Riding Hood, staring at Little Red Riding Hood with red eyes.

Since it is the illness is the Palamy, their rescue is meaningless. The doctor stopped the treatment, performed a series of examinations, and finally transferred to the inpatient department.

“How long has it been?” Qin Wangzhi stood at the head of the bed, quietly watching Bai Xue’s slightly pale face.

“Uh…” Little Red Riding Hood didn’t know how to answer Qin Wangzhi for a while, so she could only push, “Let her tell you when Bai Xue wakes up.”

“When will she wake up?”

“Wait about an hour. If the recovery is a bit slow, it may be late at night.” Little Red Riding Hood estimated.

“She often faints?” Qin Wangzhi noticed this fact from Little Red Riding Hood’s words. If she hadn’t been in a coma often, how could the other party have accurately estimated the time when she might have fainted.

“It’s not that bad. Just once or twice a month.” Little Red Riding Hood replied.

“Is this really all right?”

“It’s a terminal illness after all. Compared to… other patients, it’s not bad.” A sharp-edged line of sight projected towards her, making Little Red Riding Hood’s voice subconsciously much smaller.


“Then… what, stay here with Bai Xue, I have something else to do, I’ll go first.” Qin Wangzhi’s expression was so terrifying, Little Red Riding Hood was afraid that she had accidentally said something wrong, Afraid that she will be killed and silenced, she quickly ran out first.

Little Red Riding Hood left Bai Xue unscrupulously and ran away, but before she even left the inpatient building, she was blocked by the menacing and gloomy Brother Wolf.

“Wolf…Brother Wolf?” Little Red Riding Hood didn’t forget what she did to Brother Wolf yesterday. As soon as she saw Brother Wolf’s face, she knew that something is wrong, so she lowered her head and planned to pretend she didn’t see him.

What a great guy that Qin Wangzhi is. Of all the great hospitals in this city, why does he need to come to Fan’s Hospital? It must be a rich people’s hospital.

Little Red Riding Hood covered her face, leaned against the corner of the wall and was about to slip away. She didn’t have the guts to see Brother Wolf now, not only because of the blockade he just put up but also because of Brother Wolf’s confession. Her rambunctious mentality hasn’t been fully recovered.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

Brother Wolf looked at a certain someone covering her face, wanted to pretend to be invisible so he just dragged her back.

“Hehehe… what a coincidence that you came to the hospital too.” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t hide, so she had to laugh awkwardly.

“Follow me.” Brother Wolf was too lazy to talk nonsense with Little Red Riding Hood and dragged her all the way to the laboratory department of the hospital.

Fan, the president of Fan’s Hospital, had already brought all the El Nino specialists to wait there.

“Examine her.” Brother Wolf pushed Little Red Riding Hood over.

Little Red Riding Hood was first dragged over by Brother Wolf in a daze, and then she was pushed to a group of white coats people by Brother Wolf, still in a daze. When she saw a set of various instruments that were familiar to the eyes, she immediately turned pale.

“You…what are you doing? I don’t want to be checked, I don’t want to…”

It’s a pity that Little Red Riding Hood broke her throat when she shouted, but no one paid her any attention the whole time. Little Red Riding Hood was ruthlessly pushed into a pile of instruments, and after checking it, her whole body was dizzy.

In the end, Little Red Riding Hood was placed in the ward next to Bai Xue.

“Your examination report is only half out. Now I ask you, tell me honestly, do you have terminal El Niño disease?” Brother Wolf asked.

“Yes.” At this time, Little Red Riding Hood felt that there was no need to hide anything.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier???” Brother Wolf suddenly roared.

“I… I seem to have said it.” Little Red Riding Hood reminded weakly.

“You…” Brother Wolf naturally remembered what Little Red Riding Hood said, but in that state at that time, how could he believe that what Little Red Riding Hood said was true?

No, even if he knew it was true at that time, he wouldn’t care, because at that time he didn’t want to live anymore.

“What on earth are you trying to do?” Unnamed anger washed away Brother Wolf’s sanity, Brother Wolf asked recklessly, “You’re dying, why are you trying to provoke me?”

“I…I just want to cure your depression, I don’t want to provoke you.” Little Red Riding Hood said aggrievedly.

“Cure my depression?” Brother Wolf said with a sneer, “You cured me, made me so I don’t want to die, made me think this world is a little more interesting, made me fall in love with you, and then you take all this away?”

“I didn’t, I didn’t…”

“You didn’t heal me. Instead, you stabbed a knife in my chest hard.” Brother Wolf roared, “You just want to let me know what pain is, and then just let me die.”

“I don’t, I don’t!” Little Red Riding Hood was frightened by Brother Wolf’s accusations, “I never thought you would like me. I don’t want to hurt you, I really just want to cure you.”

“You didn’t think I would like you? So I’m self-indulgent? You mean I deserve it?” Brother Wolf asked.

“No, no, you listen to my explanation.” Little Red Riding Hood shook her head in a panic.

“Okay, you explain.”

“I…” How to explain, this is a dead end that can’t be explained. Who would have thought that a simple doctor-patient relationship would eventually give birth to love and many life changes?

“Explain.” Brother Wolf roared again.

“You are so fierce.” Little Red Riding Hood was already wronged, and at this moment she couldn’t bear it any longer, “How do I know that things will turn out like this, how do I know that I will like you, I originally wanted to cure you and then disappear from your life. Who asked you to appear in front of me again, who told me to let me be your girlfriend, and who asked you to like me.”

“So, it’s all my fault?”

“That’s right, it’s all your fault!” Little Red Riding Hood was extremely aggrieved, the one who was dying now was herself. Why should she coax Brother Wolf by herself?

“Okay, it is my fault, then I will take back what I said to you.”

“Take it back, you shouldn’t have said it.”

The air suddenly became quiet, and the irrational young man and young woman glared at each other in the silent ward, and finally ended with Brother Wolf slamming out of the door and Little Red Riding Hood lying down.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

Little Red Riding Hood lay down angrily, her stomach full of grievances turned into drowsiness. She slept until eight o’clock at night and was finally awakened by Bai Xue’s phone ringing.

“Little Red Riding Hood, what are you doing? Why did you bring me to the hospital?” Bai Xue asked in a veiled voice.

“Ah? Oh?” ​​Little Red Riding Hood reacted for a while before sitting up from the bed. “It wasn’t me, it was Qin Wangzhi. He hugged you and ran away. I only had time to stop the doctor from drawing blood from you.

“My arm hurts.” Bai Xue then asked again, “Where are you? Come pick me up and leave the hospital.”

“I’m next to your room,” replied Little Red Riding Hood.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and after a while, Bai Xue, who was neatly dressed, walked into the ward. She looked at Little Red Riding Hood, who was lying on the bed in her hospital clothes, and said speechlessly, “Are you sick too?”

“No?” Little Red Riding Hood shook her head.

“Then you think the hospital bed is extra comfortable?”

“No.” Little Red Riding Hood shook her head again.

“Then what are you doing?”

“I was caught by Brother Wolf and he gave me an examination. I really had no strength, so I fell asleep.” Little Red Riding Hood said pitifully.

“You deserve it, who asked you to bring me to the hospital. I even got blood drawn.” Bai Xue said without sympathy.

“I said, it wasn’t me, it was Qin Wangzhi. When he saw you vomited blood, he hugged you and ran away. I took a car and chased after you.” Little Red Riding Hood felt a little distressed when she remembered that scene at that time, and Du Pingguo came to him. , “And that Du Pingguo, when she saw you vomited blood, her face turns green with fright. I don’t think she will bother you again in the future. By the way, didn’t you see Qin Wangzhi when you woke up?”


” No? No? Looking at how nervous he looks, he should be close to you.” Little Red Riding Hood said.

“What nonsense, I broke up with him a long time ago, and he should care about his fiancée, the green-faced Du Pingguo.” Bai Xue didn’t want to continue discussing this topic, and urged Little Red Riding Hood, “Do you want to go back, let’s go together? “

“Yes, yes, wait for me, I’ll change my clothes.” Little Red Riding Hood jumped off the bed, went to the bathroom, changed clothes, and took a taxi back to the Bianhua with Bai Xue.

Not long after they left, Qin Wangzhi came back from the doctor’s office. He was still thinking about the condition that the doctor told him about just now. As a result, when he pushed the door, he saw that the woman who was said to only have half a year to live suddenly disappeared.

Qin Wangzhi’s fists were clenched, and he was so angry that he could not wait to grab someone’s shoulder and shake it vigorously.

Qin Wangzhi took out his mobile phone and wanted to make a call to Bai Xue, but he suddenly hesitated when he looked at the phone number that he had saved for many years but never called once.

This number was newly set up by Bai Xue when she returned to China, and Qin Wangzhi entrusted many talents to get this number. He kept Bai Xue alive within his sight until he couldn’t hold back any longer to go back to China to find her.

Du Pingguo didn’t know his past with Bai Xue. When Du Pingguo clamoured for Bai Xue to help design the dress that day, Qin Wangzhi was actually looking forward to it, expecting Bai Xue to see him and see her expression when he was about to get engaged.

But Bai Xue didn’t seem to react to his appearance or the news at all. As if he was a complete stranger.

Qin Wangzhi’s thought at the time was that even if she was a little bit jealous, he could take an action. But for half a month, every time he appeared in front of Bai Xue, either alone or with Du Pingguo, Bai Xue did not show the slightest hint. As if something is wrong.

Am I really that insignificant? Even if I become someone better, just the way you like it?

Even if you are sick and dying?


Qin Wangzhi really be making the d move here eh.

Also QW when he finally know BX illness but now she’s missing: