When Bai Xue arrived at the studio, she saw a black commercial car parked not far from the studio entrance.

X0888, a car plate that is particularly memorable and recognizable. It was Qin Wangzhi’s car.

Bai Xue turned off the engine and was stunned in the car for a while before getting out of the car pretending like nothing is wrong, and walking into the studio pretending not to know anything.

“Xue Er.”

Hearing that magnetic deep voice that Bai Xue recalled from countless sleepless nights, causing Bai Xue to stop walking involuntarily.

“President Qin.” Bai Xue smiled brightly and generously.

Her long skirt was hanging down, her black hair was like a waterfall, and the way she looked back and smiled was the most amazing moment in Qin Wangzhi’s heart. Just like that year, during the college entrance for freshmen, the same girl in the long white dress staggered down from the high steps, smiled and helped him pick up the luggage scattered all over the floor.

“Are you also Chinese?”

“I am.”

“Then we are fellows, my name is Bai Xue, from the Fashion Design Institute.”

“My name is Qin Wangzhi, I’m…”

“Oh, I’m sorry. My roommate is calling for me, see you next time.”

The girl walked away, leaving Qin Wangzhi with the view of her back and after three years he finally realized that she had truly left him. For the whole three years, Qin Wangzhi had always been able to occasionally meet the girl in the school’s cafeteria, classrooms, and library. He watched silently as if watching the only beauty in the world. There were times when would occasionally greet each other, which made him secretly happy and excited.

“President Qin? Do you have anything to discuss with me?” Seeing that Qin Wangzhi was just staring at her in a daze, Bai Xue couldn’t help reminding him.

“You… didn’t you say that we can still be friends after breaking up.” Qin Wangzhi said suddenly, but his voice sounded a little hurt.

Qin Wangzhi never thought that these words would come out of his mouth one day, and Bai Xue was equally surprised by this.

She will always remember the last word Qin Wangzhi said to her on the day they broke up.

“Xue’er, if I can’t be your lover, then let’s just be a stranger when we meet again. I don’t need a friend like you.”

It was precisely because of these words that when the two met again, Bai Xue acted like a stranger in front of him, and so did Qin Wangzhi. Neither of them mentioned the past, and they didn’t even look into each other eyes.

“You…” Bai Xue wanted to ask him, didn’t he say he didn’t need her as a friend, why did he suddenly change his opinion today, but she couldn’t say what was on her mind. She instead lowered her eyes, and showed a complicated look in her eyes, she smiled again, “Why are you here today?”

“I’m here to deliver you something.” Qin Wangzhi handed the document file towards Bai Xue’s direction.

“What is this?”

“Diagnosis report from the hospital.” Qin Wangzhi said, “You were already discharged from the hospital when I went to get the report yesterday.”

Bai Xue was stunned, it turned out that Qin Wangzhi had really been by her side, it was just that by the time she woke up, he was picking up her diagnosis report.     

“Thank you.” Bai Xue stretched out

her hand to take the report. “And… thank you for taking me to the hospital yesterday.”

“You’re welcome, I am also responsible for this matter.”

Bai Xue looked at Qin Wangzhi in surprise, as if she didn’t understand what he meant.

“After all… Pingguo, she accidentally pushed you.” Deep down, Qin Wangzhi knew that he should not mention Du Pingguo at this time, but apart from mentioning her, Qin Wangzhi suddenly found that he couldn’t find any other topic to talk to Bai Xue

“Oh, it’s alright.” Bai Xue said with a nonchalant smile, “You should know that this matter has nothing to do with Miss Du after reading my medical report, it’s just that I happened to be sick. By the way, I hope I didn’t scare your fiancée.”

“No.” Qin Wangzhi had never seen Du Pingguo at all, so he didn’t know how she was doing, he just replied casually.

“Uh… that’s good.” Bai Xue nodded, she was reluctant to end the conversation with Qin Wangzhi, but she didn’t know what else to say. The two of them stood at the door dumbfounded, neither said a word, nor left, and the atmosphere was awkward and strange.

At this moment, Bai Xue’s cell phone rang, breaking the awkward silence.

“Sorry, I have to take this call.” Bai Xue nodded to Qin Wangzhi, took the phone and walked to the side to answer.

“Bai Xue, Bai Xue, Bai Xue…” Little Red Riding Hood screamed Bai Xue, and her nervousness was vividly sounded through her mobile phone, but she didn’t just get to the point.

“What’s wrong Little Red Riding Hood?” Bai Xue asked.

“I’m getting married!”

“Married?!!!” Bai Xue was obviously frightened too, her voice suddenly raised, successfully attracting the attention of Qin Wangzhi who was standing not too far away, “Why are you getting married all of a sudden?”

“I, I don’t know what’s going on, I met Brother Wolf as soon as I went out, and Brother Wolf said that I won’t live long anyway, so I have to hurry up and get married.”

Bai Xue could hear that Little Red Riding Hood was really confused now. : “Then do you want to get married?”

“I…I don’t know.” Little Red Riding Hood said pitifully, “I called you just because I don’t know what to do. Give me some advice.”

“I also have no experience.” Bai Xue was dumbfounded.

“Just imagine, if Qin Wangzhi proposes to you now, do you agree?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

Little Red Riding Hood suddenly mentioned Qin Wangzhi, causing Bai Xue to look back at the person not far away with a guilty conscience, and imagined the scene that Little Red Riding Hood just described.

“We are different.” Bai Xue finally shook his head.

“What’s the difference?”

“Brother Wolf has only you in his heart.”

“Oh, yes, Qin Wangzhi likes to eat apples now.” Little Red Riding Hood panicked again, “then what should I do?”

“You place your hand on your chest.” Bai Xue suggested, “Count to five while saying that you do not agree to marry Brother Wolf, and then count another five while saying that you agree to marry Brother Wolf, whichever has the fastest heartbeat will be your answer.”

“Oh, then I will try.” Little Red Riding Hood said and hung up the phone.

Although she didn’t hear Little Red Riding Hood’s answer in person, Bai Xue could already guess the ending. She turned around with a laugh, met Qin Wangzhi’s gaze, and her thoughts were pulled back.

“Bungee jumping, I’m afraid so I can’t go.” Bai Xue’s face was full of fear.

“Forget it, don’t jump if you’re scared. Go down and wait for me, and I’ll jump down from above to find you later.” Qin Wangzhi said indulgently.

“Let me think about it.” Bai Xue pondered quietly for ten seconds, and suddenly said with determination, “I want to jump with you.”

“Why did you suddenly become so determined?” Qin Wangzhi asked curiously.

“I chose to let you go bungee jumping alone in five seconds, and I chose to bungee jump with you in five seconds, and then my heart told me that it wants to go with you.” Bai Xue said with a smile, “I want to be tied with you and jump from here.”

When jumping off the high platform, Qin Wangzhi thought extravagantly that the relationship between him and Bai Xue could not be separated even by death.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com

In the bathroom of the Xincheng City Civil Affairs Bureau.

Little Red Riding Hood covered her chest, using the method Bai Xue taught her to make her life-changing choices.

“Don’t marry Brother Wolf.” Well, my heart hurts.

“Marrying Brother Wolf.” Well, it suddenly jumped so fast.

“If that’s the case, then we can only get married.” Little Red Riding Hood found an excuse to convince herself and walked out of the bathroom refreshed.

“It’s our time.” Brother Wolf said as soon as she walked up to him.

“So quick?” Little Red Riding Hood asked in surprise.

“You squatted in the toilet for twenty minutes.” Brother Wolf reminded.

“Oh…hehehe…” Little Red Riding Hood smiled awkwardly, “Then let’s go over there quickly.”

Brother Wolf looked at Little Red Riding Hood who suddenly became active, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes, but in the end, he didn’t say anything. In fact, when he brought Little Red Riding Hood over to change her family name today and knew that he was a little forced. Now that Little Red Riding Hood is willing to cooperate, he is naturally happy, but his face is still arrogant and unwilling to show it.

“You two, please fill out these forms.” The staff smiled and handed a marriage registration form to each of them.

Brother Wolf took the form, took out a pen from his arms, and filled it out expressionlessly.

Little Red Riding Hood looked at the ordinary signature pen in her hand, and then at the gold-plated pen in Brother Wolf’s hand, before she released the signature pen in her hand.

The content of the form was not much, and Brother Wolf quickly filled it out. After he filled it out, he turned his head to look at Little Red Riding Hood. When he found that the form in front of Little Red Riding Hood was still empty, his face suddenly turned bad.

“When you’re done, lend me the pen.” Little Red Riding Hood stretched out her hand with a smile to borrow his pen.

Brother Wolf looked at Little Red Riding Hood in confusion.

“This is a marriage registration form. It will always be kept together in the future. If you fill it out with a different pen than mine, it doesn’t look like we came to register together.” Little Red Riding Hood explained.

“Troublesome.” As long as you won’t regret it temporarily, Brother Wolf put the pen in Little Red Riding Hood’s hand in disgust.

“Hee hee…” Little Red Riding Hood took it with a smile and filled it up happily.

“It seems that the two of you are very affectionate.” The staff member said with a smile, “Even the registration pen must be the same.”

Little Red Riding Hood smiled politely, and the look in Brother Wolf’s eyes was also much softer. He watched Little Red Riding Hood fill out item by item, and the delicate handwriting quickly filled the entire form, leaving only the last signature left.

Little Red Riding Hood paused suddenly, and she raised her head curiously and asked, “Is it true that we are married after I have signed.”

“Yes.” The staff replied, “After you have signed, I can send your information to the system and so you are considered husband and wife.”

“Then this signature is very important, I must sign it well.” Little Red Riding Hood said solemnly. The pen in her hand slowly fell on the snow-white paper, creating the first stroke.

Brother Wolf waited quietly, waiting for Little Red Riding Hood to finish writing her name, waiting for the two to become legal husband and wife, but Little Red Riding Hood suddenly stopped moving after only one stroke.

Are you going to regret it again?

Brother Wolf was about to ask, when he suddenly saw Little Red Riding Hood’s hand tremble, the pen dropped from her fingers, and a shocking red colour suddenly covered the entire marriage registration form.

“Cough…” Little Red Riding Hood desperately covered her mouth, but she couldn’t stop the blood from gushing out of her mouth.

“Little Red Riding Hood!” Brother Wolf was startled and hugged Little Red Riding Hood.

“Ah!” The staff screamed in horror, “Why did you vomit blood, call 120, call 120 quickly.”

The registration window became chaotic, and the rest of the registrants also looked in the direction of Little Red Riding Hood, and a group of people gathered to watch the commotion.

“I’ll take you to the hospital.” Brother Wolf was about to leave holding Little Red Riding Hood.

“I’m not going, I’m not going.” Little Red Riding Hood clung to the registration desk, she stretched out her blood-filled palms and said to the panicked staff, “I’m sorry, this form was dirty by me. Can you please help me get a new one?”

“I…I…” The staff looked at Little Red Riding Hood, who was like a grievous soul, and his hands were shaking with fright, but they still changed the paper for Little Red Riding Hood.

“Thank you.” Little Red Riding Hood smiled and thanked the staff with a big mouth.

“No… no need.” The staff were about to cry.

Little Red Riding Hood picked up the pen again, but her fingers suddenly became uncontrollable. The hand holding the pen kept shaking, making her unable to write at all.

“Stop writing, let’s just go to the hospital.” Brother Wolf snatched the pen from Little Red Riding Hood’s hand.

“Brother Wolf, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, but I seem to be sick.” Little Red Riding Hood’s eyes were a little unclear, “When I was sick, my fingers would have no strength, and my eyes would not be able to see clearly, we’ll… come back tomorrow… “

“Okay, we’ll come back tomorrow.” Brother Wolf bent down and hugged Little Red Riding Hood in his arms and strode out of the registration hall.

“I will definitely… not get sick tomorrow.” Little Red Riding Hood’s voice became smaller and smaller until finally, she was completely unconscious in Brother Wolf’s arms.

“Her body is still in an inexplicable balance. Once this balance is broken, she may die at any time.” This is what Fan Ti warned Brother Wolf repeatedly.

“No, no, no, Little Red Riding Hood.” Brother Wolf staggered and almost collapsed on the stone steps in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau. He hugged Little Red Riding Hood tightly in his arms but felt that the scorching sun in this summer was freezing to the bone.

Brother Wolf never thought that death was a terrible thing…

Before THIS!