Little Red Riding Hood was hospitalized again.

After the first inspection, the grey-haired old expert came out with the inspection report, and Fan Ti and Brother Lang immediately greeted him.

“Professor Fan, how is the patient’s condition?” Fan asked aloud.

“No problem,” Professor Fan replied, pushing his glasses.

“No problem? She vomited blood and suddenly fell into a coma. How can there be no serious problem?” Brother Lang asked aggressively.

“Hui Lang!” Fan Ti immediately turned his head to apologize to Professor Fan after scolding Brother Lang, “Professor Fan, I’m sorry, my friend is too impatient.”

Professor Fan waved his hands in a good-natured manner, and explained to the two with a smile, “I said nothing serious, I mean the comparison with the last test report.”

“You mean, the patient’s condition hasn’t gotten worse?” Fan Ti reacted immediately.

“That’s right.” Professor Fan said, “The patient’s indicators are stable, the symptoms have not deteriorated, and she is still in a stable state.”

“Then why did she suddenly vomit blood and fall into a coma?” Brother Wolf asked.

“This is a normal condition side effect of terminal El Niño disease.” Prof. Fan said, “When patients with terminal El Niño disease develop symptoms such as vomiting blood, dizziness, weakness of hands and feet, and even temporary blindness, it indicates that the patient’s condition is at an advanced stage, so the severity of the disease is higher compare to other patients.”

“So…she will often experience this?” Brother Wolf asked incredulously.


“Then… when she is sick, what should I do?”

“According to the patient’s current condition, you don’t need to do anything.”

Brother Wolf looked at Professor Fan in confusion.

“Generally, when a terminally ill patient reaches this level, I would advise the patient and the patient’s family to give up treatment.” Professor Fan said, “because at this time, the drug has no effect. If the patient faints again, you just need to find a place for her to rest. Well, if she wakes up, she will naturally return to normal, if not, it will just be the end of it”

“Professor Fan!” Fan Ti obviously did not expect Professor Fan to speak so directly.

“Xiao Fan, you are also a medical student. You should understand what I said.” Professor Fan said, “There is no need for rescue when this patient is at this level. Further treatment will only worsen the patient’s pain.”

“But her body is still miraculous balance.” Fan Ti reminded.

“As you said, it is a miracle. Miracles are not something that can be maintained by medical standards.” Professor Fan said.

“I see.” Brother Wolf has calmed down at this time, and he thinks that the reason why Little Red Riding Hood chose to live in a hospice instead of hospitalization is that she doesn’t want to feel the pain of medical treatment anymore, “Then after she woke up, what should I pay attention to?”

“Usually for patients with terminal El Niño disease, even when they are not sick, the immune system of the body is much worse than that of ordinary people. For example, they are prone to allergies, and the body’s self-healing ability will deteriorate. It may take three or four days for her to recover from an injury that usually takes only one or two days. In addition, the body’s blood coagulation factors will decrease. Once they get any bleeding injury, the patient must go to the hospital and bandage the injury to stop the bleeding. It is difficult for their body to stop the bleeding by itself.”

Professor Fan gushed about the differences between Little Red Riding Hood’s body and ordinary people, and each time he talked about it, Brother Wolf could find a similar incident that matched it.

For example, when he came home unscathed but Little Red Riding Hood got a terrible sunburn after riding the yacht.

Another example was when Little Red Riding Hood took almost ten days for an injury that supposedly only take one week to recover from.

Another one was when she claimed that she can eat anything but suddenly became allergic to lobster. That was not because she has never eaten such an expensive lobster before, but because her body just started to change.

There was also when Little Red Riding Hood’s knees were bruised after being pushed down by himself and it took Xiong Da’s imported special medicine just to stop the bleeding.

Everything was just because she is sick.

“It’s so good to be alive, why did you try to commit suicide?”

“Brother Wolf, look at how beautiful this world is.”

“I haven’t been in love yet, I really want to be in love.”

“Wish, if I wish for something in the long future, I’m afraid it won’t be fulfilled.”

In the past, Little Red Riding Hood always talked about it, and he was dismissive about it but Brother Wolf suddenly understood it all. It was not because her wish is not a long-term one or difficult to be fulfilled, but because you were afraid to wish for anything like that. If it’s something that needs a longer time, you won’t be able to wait, so you just make small wish day by day, hoping that you can wake up for another day.

“Fan Ti, how did you feel when I told you that I was going to commit suicide?” Professor Fan left after explaining her condition. Brother Wolf stood in front of the hospital bed for a long time before suddenly asking.

“Why do you ask this all of a sudden?” Fan Ti asked in surprise.

“It’s just… I suddenly understand something.” Brother Wolf said with a wry smile.

Fan Ti suddenly felt very uncomfortable. He and Brother Wolf grew up together. Hui Lang was an excellent person since he was a child. He had hardly encountered any setbacks and succeeded in everything, so he was rarely sad and rarely happy. Although he lived his whole life in a position that everyone will be envious of, in his world, the curve of life is just a straight line, without ups and downs, and lifeless.

Later, Brother Wolf suddenly suffered from depression. Fan Ti was very worried, but not something he didn’t expect. Under the condition that Brother Wolf insisted on treatment for two years and still did not improve, he had even prepared for the worst. Brother Wolf ignores life and death, just as he ignores his own life. He feels that everything in the world is boring.

Now, Brother Wolf suddenly told him that he seemed to understand a little bit about life. Understand what sadness is, understand loss, understand parting.

“Now you know that it’s better to keep on living.” Fan Ti deliberately joked, he didn’t want to make the atmosphere seem too heavy.

“I know now… the feeling of being alive.”

Brother Wolf’s unexpected answer made Fan Ti’s heart even more uncomfortable. What does it mean to know the feeling of being alive? Have you been a walking corpse in the past few decades??

“Go wash it, Little Red Riding Hood is estimated to take several hours to wake up.” Fan Ti pointed to Brother Wolf’s blood-stained shirt.

“Yeah.” Brother Wolf looked down at his clothes, nodded and turned to the bathroom.

Looking in the direction of the bathroom and at the sleeping girl on the hospital bed, Fan Ti sighed silently.

Bai Xue received several waves of customers in the afternoon so she never thought of Little Red Riding Hood.

She was wondering why Little Red Riding Hood didn’t call her to report the follow-up situation, so when she called and asked, she found out that someone was hospitalized again.

This disease happened too timely. In order to express sympathy, Bai Xue went to the French restaurant in the city centre to pack a dessert and planned to take it to the hospital to visit.

It’s just that this dessert was a little troublesome. They don’t sell it but were given away as a free gift for every order. So, to get this dessert, Bai Xue ordered a table of French food. Under the unbelievable gaze of the staff, Bai Xue said coldly: “Yes, I just want the dessert. You don’t have to cook the meal, just make the dessert for me. Pack it to go and I’ll give you the money.”

“Ma’am, are you sure?” The waiter still couldn’t believe it.

“Sure.” Bai Xue urged, “But please hurry up.”

“Here!” A sweet and delicious dessert suddenly appeared in front of Bai Xue.

Bai Xue raised her head strangely, only to find that Qin Wangzhi in a suit suddenly stood in front of her at some point: “What a coincidence?”

“Well, I was just sitting behind you when I talked to someone about something.” Qin Wang said.

Bai Xue turned around as a reflex and found that on the table behind him, the plate was still not being collected. It was obvious that he had just finished eating, but the person who was talking to Qin Wangzhi seemed to have already left.

“Ma’am, are you still ordering?” the waiter asked.


“No, thank you.” Qin Wangzhi answered the waiter for Bai Xue.

“Then I’ll pack it for you.” The waiter still remembered Bai Xue’s request to pack, and took the dessert in front of Bai Xue to the back kitchen to pack it.

“Thank you.” Bai Xue had no choice but to say thanks.

“No need.” Qin Wangzhi sat across from Bai Xue and said with a smile, “Usually, you didn’t prefer such luxury food before.”

Since he told Bai Xue to be friends again, Qin Wangzhi suddenly found that he had a lot to talk about and he kept creating a new topic to talk about with her.

“Actually, I still rarely do this.” Bai Xue smiled awkwardly.

“You want to take it away, are you going to give it to someone?”

“Yes, I have a friend who is hospitalized. She likes desserts from this place, so I came to buy them.” Bai Xue explained.

“That’s it.”

After a while, the waiter brought the packaged desserts, and Bai Xue took the package and went out of the restaurant with Qin Wangzhi.

“Which hospital should I take you to?” Qin Wangzhi said.

“No, I’ll drive by myself, goodbye.” Bai Xue waved her hand, turned and walked to the place where she parked her car.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, and Bai Xue’s long skirt was blown up by the wind and almost showed what was underneath. Bai Xue hurriedly reached out and pressed down her skirt.

It’s okay, okay, it’s fine now.

Bai Xue breathed a sigh of relief, then looked back at Qin Wangzhi awkwardly.

“Bai Xue.” Qin Wangzhi looked at Bai Xue dumbfoundedly with a strange expression.

“What… what’s wrong?” Bai Xue suddenly felt guilty. Could it be that she didn’t react quickly enough just now and was seen by her ex-boyfriend?


“!!!” Bai Xue pressed her skirt with one hand and touched the top of her head with the other… what happened to the wig????

“I’ll pick it up for you.” Qin Wangzhi was stunned for five seconds before he could react. He ran over at the speed of light to pick up Bai Xue’s wig that had been blown off by the wind, and carefully arranged it before giving it back to Bai Xue.

“Here.” Qin Wangzhi couldn’t help staring at Bai Xue’s smooth head.

“What are you looking at?” Bai Xue suddenly became annoyed and glared at Qin Wangzhi, “I’m pretty even with a bald head.”

“Uh…” Qin Wangzhi was stunned by Bai Xue’s shy and angry glance.

“Humph!” Bai Xue grabbed her hair, turned around angrily and ran away. She drove the car out of the restaurant quickly and drove to Fan’s Hospital. She hit the steering wheel for a long time and couldn’t calm herself down.

It was so embarrassing, how can Qin Wangzhi see her bald head, ah ah ah ah ah!

Forget it, he’s not my boyfriend anyway, who cares what he thought.

But it’s still so embarrassing, I really want to die!

And Qin Wangzhi looked at Bai Xue fleeing in a flash, and was stunned for a long time before whispering to the empty parking lot: “Well, your bald head is beautiful.”

Just like I once imagined.

“Why do you like black sesame paste so much?” Qin Wangzhi was very strange about his girlfriend’s obsession with a bowl of black sesame paste every day.

“Because black sesame paste nourishes hair.” Bai Xue replied. (t/n: apparently this is true?)

“Your hair is already very good-looking.” Qin Wangzhi stroked the dark shiny black hair.

“I’m afraid it will fall out. Every time I wash my hair, I lose a lot of it.”

“If it falls, it will grow back.”

“I’m afraid I will become bald.”

“No, why do you think so?” Qin Wangzhi was a little confused about Bai Xue’s unfounded worries.

“But what if I become bald?” Bai Xue asked, “Is it not good-looking anymore?”

” No.”

“In case, can you imagine what it would be like for me to be bald? “Bai Xue forced Qin Wangzhi to imagine.

“Well…” Qin Wangzhi frowned in embarrassment, “You look bald…”

“Ah, it doesn’t matter, my bald head must also be very beautiful.” Bai Xue did not wait for Qin Wangzhi to answer and just conclude on her own.

“Yes, your bald head is also beautiful.” Qin Wangzhi smiled helplessly.