Early morning of the next day, Brother Wolf woke up at the usual time. He opened his eyes, and what he saw was not a dark room blocked by the curtains, nor the fluffy hair of the stupid cat, but the sweet sleeping face of Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood’s eyes had a faint of dark under them, obviously due to the lack of proper sleep last night. Seeing this made Brother Wolf a little distressed, but also joy and satisfaction that he had never felt before.

He hug her tighter in his arms and Brother Wolf closed his eyes again. He knew that he couldn’t fall back asleep, but he liked the feeling of cuddling around on the bed with Little Red Riding Hood. He liked that every breath of the person in his arms was like the touch of a feather tickling his chest.

“Hmm~~” Little Red Riding Hood grunted lightly, her long eyelashes trembled, and her hazy eyes slowly opened.

An indescribable pain instantly shooked Little Red Riding Hood out of her drowsiness. After realizing her current situation, Little Red Riding Hood’s face, which showed discomfort, instantly flushed red.

No wonder that despite it being Bai Xue who made the move on Qin Wangzhi, she ended up looking quite miserable. Little Red Riding Hood understood that this kind of thing was comfortable, but it was too physically demanding.

“Huh??” Feeling that something is moving, Little Red Riding Hood raised her head abruptly and met Brother Wolf’s deep eyes.

“Awake?” Brother Wolf asked.

“Yeah.” Little Red Riding Hood nodded stupidly.

“Then let’s do it again.” Brother Wolf finally knew the sweet taste of pleasure.

“!!” Little Red Riding Hood, who insisted on not refusing, turned pale.

Since he didn’t respond, he concluded that as an agreement. Brother Wolf jumped up excitedly, planning to enjoy his delicious breakfast.

“Hmph… um…” Little Red Riding Hood murmured uncontrollably, clutching the sheets with both hands, and there was a look of defeat in her eyes.

Die or not, anyway she was the one who want it first!

It was already ten o’clock in the morning when Brother Wolf came out of the bedroom. Although he already had some thoughts that he won’t go to the company this morning, to have more mornings like today in the future, he still had a lot of work to do.

“Sir.” Hearing the movement of someone coming out of the room, Xiong Er dared to walk in from the main door holding Hat who had its morning walk.

“You don’t have to go to the company with me today. When Little Red Riding Hood wakes up, take her back.”


Brother Wolf didn’t think about letting Little Red Riding Hood move in, but the place where Little Red Riding Hood lives now is a hospice, which is more helpful for her medical conditions and there also her familiar friends. It is obviously better to let Little Red Riding Hood continue to live in Bianhua Hospice than to live here.

Fortunately, the two places are not far away. Little Red Riding Hood can live wherever she wants. Anyway, if he misses her, he can just go to find her.

Brother Wolf didn’t care about breakfast, he changed his clothes and immediately went to the company. Brother Wolf suddenly spent most of the company’s funds to set up a medical research centre. The research on terminal illness is not something that can be done overnight, therefore a huge amount of additional funds will be needed in the future. He needs to explain it to the shareholders, and he needs to make more money to make up for the research funding.

Fortunately, he has always had some talent in money making.

After Little Red Riding Hood woke up, she knew that Brother Wolf was very busy with work today and might not even have time for dinner with her. After Little Red Riding Hood sent Brother Wolf a WeChat message, she returned to Bianhua Hospice.

When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at the hospice, she happened to meet Xiao Ming receiving the courier at the door. When Little Red Riding Hood saw it, she went over and helped him carry one.

“Thank you.” Xiao Ming hugged the remaining couriers.

“What did you buy?” This hospice has almost everything. After Little Red Riding Hood moved in, she seldom buys things online. Of course, it was also because she was broke.

“Some small gifts.” Xiao Ming introduced with a smile, “You are holding a limited-edition Gundam mecha. These are the full set of Transformers models and the model of the spaceship in the M country movie Starship. “

“No wonder there are so many.” Little Red Riding Hood has seen the movie, and it is estimated that a model will be one meter long when fully assembled. “But… I don’t usually see you playing with models. Why do you suddenly buy so many.”

” I didn’t buy it for myself, but to give it to someone.”

“Giving it away?” Little Red Riding Hood was taken aback, yes, Xiao Ming did say that these were gifts, “Who are you giving it to?”

It hasn’t been that long, but Little Red Riding Hood has a good relationship with these patients, and Little Red Riding Hood more or less knows their personalities. She remembered that Bai Xue told her that Xiao Ming was an orphan and didn’t have any friends.

“University roommate.” The two of them had already arrived at Xiao Ming’s room while they were talking. “Just put it on my bed.”

“That’s right, you’re starting school soon.” Today is August 28th, and in three days, Xiao Ming will go to college.

“Half a month ago, I secretly hacked into our school’s intranet, and checked who among my classmates will be in the same dormitory as me.” Xiao Ming said happily, “Then I did a little research on their preferences. So I bought these according to their preferences, they will definitely like it.”

“You haven’t even gone there yet, but the gifts have already been bought. It seems that you like them very much.” Little Red Riding Hood was also influenced by Xiao Ming’s happy atmosphere.

“Don’t people say that the relationship among dormitory roommates is the best? In the future, we will live together for four years, take classes together, play games together, and chase girls that we like…”

“After graduation, you can also start a business together.” There are a lot of college students that started their businesses in school, but few were successful. However, if Xiao Ming wanted to start a business, he would definitely be successful. After all, Xiao Ming is already well-known in the IT industry.

“Let’s talk about it later.” Xiao Ming smiled and did not take up the topic of entrepreneurship.

Little Red Riding Hood’s room is next to Xiao Ming. Little Red Riding Hood went back to her room, changed into a comfortable dress, and came back to help Xiao Ming to pack the gifts from the courier together. The whole time, Little Red Riding Hood kept teasing that Xiao Ming has such a delicate innocent heart. He even remembered to buy wrapping paper to pack the gifts, which is rare among boys.

“First impression is important.” Xiao Ming replied.

“Probably. If I don’t know better, I would think you are buying your girlfriend a gift.” Little Red Riding Hood teased.

“Brothers are like siblings, women are like clothes, of course…”

“Huh??” Hearing the unpleasant words, Little Red Riding Hood glared dangerously.

“How can it be so simple to give something to a girlfriend? You must prepare flowers, wine, balloons and fireworks, and you can’t be less sincere.” Xiao Ming quickly saves himself.

“Good saves. It’s time for dinner, let’s go eat.” Little Red Riding Hood tied the last bow and stood up.

Xiao Ming looked at the time, it was indeed dinner time, so the two went out to the restaurant, where they met Cao Nuo and Bai Xue again.

“It’s such a coincidence that everyone is here today.” Cao Nuo sighed while holding a dinner plate.

“Still no Wu Ge.” Xiao Ming smiled.

“He is probably trying to hide from Sister Lan.” Bai Xue couldn’t help laughing.

“Who is Sister Lan?” Little Red Riding Hood, who missed yesterday’s good show, asked curiously.

“Sister Lan is Wu Ge’s fiancee.” Bai Xue replied.

“What? Wu Ge actually has a fiancee??” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t believe it.

“Yeah, yeah, I told you yesterday morning…” Bai Xue pulled Little Red Riding Hood to describe every detail of yesterday’s event, and finally said with emotion, “The chocolate was given to us, but we ended up letting Wu Ge do all the job.”

“Then… does this Sister Lan knows about Wu Ge’s illness?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“Supposedly.” Bai Xue looked at Cao Nuo.

“She must know.” Cao Nuo took a sip of the soup and said, “We are in a hospice here. Sister Lan knew that Wu Ge was ill and now she knows that Wu Ge lived here. After yesterday, she called me to ask, so I told her everything .”

“What she said then?” Little Red Riding Hood asked curiously, and Bai Xue and Xiao Ming also looked over.

“Sister Lan quit the movie production and decided to help Wu Ge have a baby before he dies.” Cao Nuo said with a strange expression, “I guess at this time, he is fighting with the media agency.”

” Ah.” Bai Xue exclaimed, “Wu Ge is going to be a father?”

“Wait… but didn’t we can’t have children?” Little Red Riding Hood looked at Bai Xue suspiciously.

“Women can’t do it, but men can.”

“WHY?” Little Red Riding Hood was shocked. Even this kind of thing is unequal between men and women.

“Because from the time we signed the contract with Bianhua, our physical condition stayed on the day we signed the contract.” Bai Xue explained, “So, even if we are pregnant, the body will return to yesterday’s condition the next day. “

“It’s equivalent to a restart in games.” Xiao Ming gave an example.

“Then why can men?” Little Red Riding Hood still didn’t understand.

“Because women have to be pregnant for ten months, but men only need to provide sperm.” Bai Xue said.

“Oh~~” Little Red Riding Hood understood, “So…Wu Ge really wants to have a baby with Sister Lan?”

“What nonsense!” A roar with suppressed anger came from the door, and everyone turned to look. They saw Wu Ge, whose dark aura was about to materialize around him, walked in with a gloomy expression.

“Are you back?”

“So early today?”

“Where’s Little Sister Lan?”

Bang! Wu Ge pulled the chair fiercely, looking at everyone with a very strange expression, especially Cao Nuo who was sitting opposite him.

“Cough…why are you looking at me like that?” Cao Nuo felt guilty for no reason.

“It’s you who told her that I only have less than a year left?” There was no doubt who she was referring to.

“Yeah, I’m not wrong, plus you just finished your mission a few days ago, so now you only have ten months left.” Cao Nuo said stubbornly.

“Do you know that Lingling has been a stubborn girl since she was a child, and it is difficult to change her mind? Do you know how much effort I spent to avoid her?” Wu Ge asked, “Do you know, she’s only twenty years old, she’s just graduated from college.”


“You push her to marry someone who can only live for another 10 months?”

Although Wu Ge’s face is usually very stinky, he has never been like this. It was so scary today, everyone was a little frightened, and finally, Bai Xue turned around and said: “Wu Ge, you don’t have to worry too much. She’s just a little girl. It may just be a feeling of sympathy, not necessarily love, maybe after a while she won’t be arguing about marrying you.”

Wu Ge pursed his lips, and there seemed to be a soft touch on his lips when Lan Lingling forcibly kissed him when he had just returned from the law firm.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at ibastranslation.wordpress.com

“Wu Ge, I will go back and terminate the contract with the production company. No matter how long you can live, I will only marry you in this life.” Sister Lan’s eyes were so pure when she said this, reflecting Wu Ge’s panicked face. , “I know what you want to say. You say that I am young and don’t know what love is, but I still want to marry you. When I was in school, many people chased me, and they all thought I was good-looking and wanted to sleep with me…”


“Don’t be so surprised. I grew up abroad. I saw this kind of thing a lot when I was in junior high school. It’s nothing unusual.” Lan Lingling said, “When I was eighteen years old, I came back to be your family’s daughter-in-law, I don’t want anyone else, I just want you.”

“You were only nine years old at that time, what do you know?” Wu Ge said angrily.

“Then I’m twenty years old now, and I still want to be your family’s daughter-in-law.” Sister Lan said firmly.

Wu Ge was ruthless towards everyone except for her. As long as she cried, Wu Ge would immediately change from a king to a servant and will immediately

follow her orders.

Bang! Wu Ge slammed the table fiercely, accidentally knocking off a porcelain plate, which fell to the ground and shattered.

Everyone looked at each other, knowing that things might not be as simple as Bai Xue said. It seems that the entanglement between Wu Ge and Lan Lingling is more complicated than they thought.

“Actually…it doesn’t matter if Sister Lan wants to marry you.” As the only person here who is in love, Little Red Riding Hood felt compelled to provide some positive thoughts, “You’re so capable, there’s definitely no problem with doing the task. As long as you do more tasks, you can keep earning life points, and maybe you can live for a long time.”

“…” Everyone was silent, such a wonderful idea, but no one took the words of Little Red Riding Hood.

“Everyone should be more positive.” Little Red Riding Hood continued to encourage.

“Have you not read the contract carefully?” Wu Ge finally said aloud.

“What contract?”

“The employment contract of your company.”

“I’ve read it? It’s just one page, but it doesn’t have much content.” Little Red Riding Hood recalled.

“Have you seen the date?” Wu Ge asked again.

“What date?”

“The date when the contract expires.”

Boom! It seemed that a huge alarm was ringing in Little Red Riding Hood’s head, making her completely stunned.

What does that mean? Does the contract have an expiry date? That’s right, there’s no way that there is no expiry date for the employment contract. Didn’t I sign contracts every three years when I was working in the past, so how long is the employment period for this company? Will it be renewed when it expires?

“The contract period is ten years, the expiring contract is void, and it will never be renewed. It seems like you didn’t see it.” Wu Ge said calmly.

“So… we…” Little Red Riding Hood asked in a daze, “can only live another ten years at most?”

“That’s you, I have six years left, Bai Xue has seven years left, and Cao Nuo has five years left.” Wu Ge said one by one, “Xiao Ming was the first to come in. He moved in when he was in his first year of junior high school. It has been six years so there are still four years left.”

“Just enough for me to finish university.” Xiao Ming added with a smile.

The impact of this news was too great, and Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t accept it for a while. She was now thinking about the fact that Xiao Ming could only live for four more years. Xiao Ming was still so young, he just enters college, and he even bought a gift for his roommate, the good brother who will live together with him for four years in the future.

“Oh, why did it suddenly become so heavy.” Cao Nuo said to break the tension, “Which of us here is not waiting to die when we came here? When I first arrived, the doctor said that I can only live for two months, now look, I’ve lived for five years.”

“Me too, I’ve managed to live for three years and opened my own studio.” Bai Xue also said.

“Me too. At that time, the doctor said that I would die at any time. That’s why I thought of doing a big job before I died, and then I used the computer to hack Grandpa Qian’s supermarket account and stole a lot of money from him to go out to eat, drink and have fun. In the end, I didn’t expect to be found by Grandpa Qian, dragged to this hospice, and still alive to actually went to university.” Xiao Ming also looked satisfied.

Wu Ge didn’t speak, but he understood this more than everyone here, and because he understood clearly, he didn’t know what to do with Lan Qingqing.

Back in the room, Little Red Riding Hood quickly searched for the contract, and as expected, she saw the contract date on it, as Wu Ge said, it was only ten years.

Little Red Riding Hood stared blankly and thought about it a lot. She felt that ten years was quite a long time, but she also felt that ten years was actually very short. Her life that she thought she finally gained back suddenly turned dark again, and she is suddenly at a loss. She found that she is more concerned than before.

So people, the more they live, the more greedy they are?

“Brother Wolf…” Little Red Riding Hood called Brother Wolf.

“What’s the matter?”

“Do you think ten years are long?” asked Little Red Riding Hood.

“Why do you ask this all of a sudden?” Brother Wolf was a little puzzled.

“I want to… work hard… and continue living for you for ten years.” Little Red Riding Hood laughed.

“…” Brother Wolf was silent for a while, then suddenly said, “You come out.”

“Huh?” Little Red Riding Hood was stunned. With her phone in her hand, she ran downstairs in pajamas and slippers. She ran across the yard and ran all the way to the front door where she saw a tall figure, standing in the cold night.

Brother Wolf was wearing an office suit with a contract in his hand. He didn’t look like he was here to visit Little Red Riding Hood, but more like a businessman coming to discuss business.

“Brother Wolf, why are you here?” Little Red Riding Hood asked breathlessly.

“I just negotiated a cooperation, and it will be announced tomorrow morning, but I want to show it to you first.” Brother Wolf said.

“What cooperation?” Little Red Riding Hood was curious.

“Huihuang Group officially cooperates with the world’s top ten hospitals to develop and research methods for the treatment of terminal illnesses. This is the contract.” Brother Wolf handed the contract to Little Red Riding Hood.

“Brother Wolf…” Little Red Riding Hood fixedly looked at the contract but didn’t pick it up. She lowered her head just to prevent Brother Wolf from seeing her cry.

“I want you to live, so I made this decision.”

She couldn’t hold back her tears from falling when she saw the contract from the corner of her eyes.

“Honestly, I don’t know how long you can live but I just want to make some efforts while you are still alive.” Brother Wolf continued, “What if the research comes out successful and you are still alive at that time.”

“I…I…” If it was the former Little Red Riding Hood, she would say, I will work hard to do more tasks and try to stay alive until that time, but now, she wasn’t sure if she will survive.

“You said just now…you will live for another ten years for me.” Brother Wolf said, “Then we will sign a contract with you for ten years. Within ten years, we will definitely find a way to treat the terminal illness.”


“After signing the contract, both sides can’t breach the contract. You must live for another ten years, and I will definitely develop a treatment for you.” Brother Wolf promised.

Ten years is not long. Compared with one month, this is 120 times the time. It is a length of time that Brother Wolf dared not even imagine.

If God really gave her ten years, and let Little Red Riding Hood live for another ten years, Brother Wolf swears that he must create miracles.

“Promise me.” Brother Wolf demanded.

“Then, I will survive for the next ten years.” Little Red Riding Hood nodded heavily.


Wtf is this kinda last-minute plot twist. No wonder it feels a little bit too finale-esque. But if they only manage to create the cure in 10 years, what about the rest of the gang?? No….