September 1st.

Nobody knows if there is any significance for the country to set this date as the day of college entrance. Despite that, the blue sky will always appear clear on September 1st.

On this day, the group of patients at Bianhua Hospice agreed to take a leave off their work for half a day. Everyone was taking their time to send Xiao Ming together to his new college.

Fancy cars, beautiful women, plus the elite aura of lawyer Wu Ge. In addition to that, Cao Nuo, who is still good-looking despite only working as an extra, also became the focus of the campus as soon as they appeared.

“I told you guys that we would be very eye-catching.” Xiao Ming was carrying a backpack while looking anxiously at the university seniors who kept casting eyes around him.

“You should be more appreciative. Because I agreed to send you off, I cancelled one of my auditions for a movie.” Cao Nuo didn’t forget to take off his sunglasses while speaking. He gave a wave at the young and cute female college students around him who shriek and blush when they saw him.

“Anyway, even if you got the audition, you’re just a passerby who appeared less than two seconds.” Xiao Ming complained.

“Let’s go and report first.” Wu Ge said while glancing at the sign that showed the new student reporting office.

“Come on, I’ll help Xiao Ming take his luggage down to the dormitory first.” Bai Xue glanced at Xiao Ming and confirmed, “It’s the sixth building of the boys’ dormitory, right?”

“Yes.” Xiao Ming was probably the only one who hadn’t reported yet. All the new students already know where they live.

Bai Xue signalled Little Red Riding Hood, drove around the campus in her red BMW, and finally stopped downstairs in the boys’ dormitory No. 6. Because Xiao Ming hadn’t come over with the dormitory key, Little Red Riding Hood and Bai Xue had to wait downstairs in the dormitory.

But these two ladies were restless. Saying that if they want to wait for someone, they should wait in the car, but both have dressed up beautifully, it will be a waste to just sit inside the car. So, two beautiful ladies leisurely stood outside the car and wait while watching the young boys that were passing by the parking area. All of them stared straight at the door of the dormitory but were reluctant to enter.

“When I was in school, the male classmates also peeked at me like this.” Bai Xue said, reaching out and brushing her hair, which was immediately swayed by the wind.

“Me too.” Little Red Riding Hood tilted her head with a smile and jumped in an instant as the buckets, washbasins, mops and brooms that were all newly bought fell on the floor.

On the other hand, Wu Ge accompanied Xiao Ming to pay the tuition fee, Xiao Ming handed over his admission notice, and then took out his bank card to prepare to pay the tuition fee.

“Classmate, why don’t you use our school’s unified Hawthorn bank card?” the teacher asked strangely. (t/n: this is a real bank)

“Is this card not good?” There was indeed a Hawthorn Bank bank card sent along with the admission notice, but Xiao Ming didn’t use the new card as he didn’t deposit his money in it.

“Our school uses Hawthorn bank cards. In the future, when you go to the cafeteria or the commissary to buy things, you will need to use the Hawthorn bank card.” The teacher said.

“Alright, then I’ll go and open one.”

“This teacher.” Wu Ge, who was standing on the side, began to frown after hearing a few words, and he asked very seriously, “The school is forcing the students to use the Hawthorn bank card?”

“We don’t force it, but our school has a lot of business cooperation with Hawthorn Bank, so we suggest that students better get one.” The teacher smiled.

Wu Ge smiled, took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to the teacher: “According to my professional judgment, I have every reason to suspect that your behaviour is illegal, you…”

Wu Ge babbled and after talking for full 15 minutes, the teacher in charge of registration turned white, and finally said nothing, swiped Xiao Ming’s card and quickly dismissed the person.

“Brother Wu, if you do this, the teacher will remember me in the future  as long as I’m here.” As soon as he offended the teacher, Xiao Ming had a bitter face.

“If they dare to embarrass you, I will tell him to change the principal.” Wu Ge snorted coldly.

“…” Yes, you are awesome, you are amazing.

At this time, Cao Nuo also came over with Xiao Ming’s camouflage uniform in his arms, and said with a smile, “Get your clothes for you, let’s go to the dormitory.” (t/n: its like those military uniforms but this one is for students. something like extra curriculum activity)

The two beauties who were “combing their hairs and making poses” suddenly had black lines all over their heads.

“No wonder you want to come to the boys’ dormitory early.” Cao Nuo understood, “Those young children can’t resist the temptation of a mature woman.”

“Boring!” Wu Ge rolled his eyes.

“It’s over.” Xiao Ming will have no lover. He could guarantee that after today, all the boys in Building No. 6 would recognize him.

“Xiao Ming, is the registration complete?” Little Red Riding Hood waved to Xiao Ming with a smile.

Bai Xue also turned around gracefully, took off the sunglasses that had been covering her eyes, and finally revealed her long-awaited true face. A pair of clear eyes with a beautiful smile. The smile is gentle and warm, it seems that a breeze was blowing, as her skirt and hair were swaying gracefully. In the summer sunshine, in front of the red BMW car, two girls, one graceful and one charming looked like a living painting.

All the freshmen present came up with a unison conclusion: Going to college is great.

“Stop pretending.” As a veteran in the entertainment industry, Cao Nuo saw the pretence of the two at a glance.

“Go out quickly.” Xiao Ming wanted to pretend he didn’t know them, but it was too late.

Why did they have to send me to school today??!!

No. 506, Xiao Ming will live in this dormitory for the next four years. When the group entered, the other three people in the dormitory had already arrived.

“Hello, I’m Xiao Ming’s eldest brother.”



“Eldest sister.”

“Second sister.”

“We will trouble you to take care of him in the future.” The four introduced themselves enthusiastically one by one.

“Isn’t there family planning now? How many children do you have?” There are always nerdy classmates who are not tempted by their beauty and loudly say the thing in their minds. (t/n: he’s asking about the one-child policy implemented by the Chinese Government, but this policy already ended around 2015)

“Do I need to show you the household registration book?” Wu Ge glanced at this very strict classmate.

“No… no need.” The nerd classmate was startled.

Xiao Ming put his hand on his forehead and was ashamed to face his future roommate.

But fortunately, except for Wu Ge, the EQ of the other three people is not bad, especially Cao Nuo, who was already close with the other three roommates in only five minutes. When the registration time almost ended and the guardians were told to leave, Cao Nuo even left a piece of paper for the three classmates with the contact information of the four of them.

“Xiao Ming’s health is not very good. If he suddenly faints or shivers, please contact us as soon as possible.” Cao Nuo urged.

“Okay, second brother, don’t worry.” The teenagers agreed enthusiastically, and at the same time secretly decided that they must take special care of the frail and sick classmate, Xiao Ming, in the future.

“We’re leaving but you have to come back for at least one day on weekends.” Bai Xue patted Xiao Ming on the head.

“I know, hurry up and go.” Xiao Ming said in disgust.

Everyone smiled, waved at Xiao Ming’s roommate and left, the dormitory was quiet again, and Xiao Ming breathed a sigh of relief when the group was gone.

“I’m so envious.”

“Yes, there are so many brothers and sisters in the family who care about you.”

“And they all look handsome and beautiful.”

“It’s just fine.” Despite almost losing his patient, Xiao Ming also felt a little proud.

Xiao Ming was twelve years old when he started living at the Bianhua Hospice. He was the youngest child in the courtyard and was still in junior high school. When he was reporting in junior high school, he reported to the school alone. At that time, he was still young, and he was very envious that his classmates had their parents to accompany them to sign up. That year, Xiao Ming was the last to register. There was not much happy memory during that time.

Until his second year when Cao Nuo suddenly grabbed Xiao Ming who was playing with the cats in the courtyard: “Little boy, I heard that your school starts today, have you signed up?”

“I’ll go later.” Thirteen-year-old Xiao Ming returned road.

“It’s already afternoon. You’ll be there for a while, and the teachers will be off work soon. Are there any tuition fees? Come on, I’ll help pay it for you.”

When Cao Nuo went there, the head teacher of Xiao Ming’s junior high school didn’t know who is Cao Nuo and just concluded him as the guardian. Since then, whenever there is any activity in the class that needs to be notified to the parents, Cao Nuo will always be the one on the phone.

Then in the third year, Wu Ge came in. Although Wu Ge usually looked cold, he still joined the parent group requested by the head teacher. The reason said was that the teacher was afraid that he would be under too much pressure for the junior high school entrance examination, but in fact, Xiao Ming just slept every day in class. But due to his outstanding grade, he still got admitted to a great high school.

Then in the fourth year, Bai Xue came in, and Xiao Ming’s classmates always envy him due to his ‘beautiful and gentle’ sister, although Bai Xue is completely different in private.

Just like this, one by one came into his life. Today, he has four older brothers and sisters who love and care for him.

After leaving the school gate, the brothers and sisters went their separate ways without even having lunch. Wu Ge continued to go back to his office to work overtime, Cao Nuo went to interview for another film production, Bai Xue went to talk to a famous actress about the red carpet dress, and Little Red Riding Hood went back to the studio to help Bai Xue with other things.

“In the afternoon, Director Lin had called to discuss cooperation between the companies.” Little Red Riding Hood reported to Bai Xue about her work this afternoon, “They are planning a fashion film, and the heroine is a costume designer, so they want you to help them design all the clothes in the show.”

“They want my design used by the heroine?” Bai Xue asked.

“That’s right.”

“One of my dresses will cost several million if they want me to help them design them. How much are they going to spend?” Bai Xue asked.

“They said they could help you promote it.”

“Do I still need them to promote Bai Xue?”

“The male and female protagonists are very popular stars recently, and this show is expected to be popular,” said Little Red Riding Hood.

“No money, no talk.” Bai Xue decisively refused.

“Okay, then I’ll just refuse.” Little Red Riding Hood said while making a note on the notebook, “By the way, I want to ask for leave tomorrow.”

“Have a new task?” Bai Xue asked.

“Yeah, the old dean just called me and asked me to go to the office tomorrow to find him.” Little Red Riding Hood said with anticipation and fear, “I hope this one won’t be as difficult as Brother Wolf.”

“This time, don’t try to marry your target.” Bai Xue laughed.

“Fuck you.” The two teased a few words, and Little Red Riding Hood hung up the phone, packed up her things, and planned to go find Brother Wolf for dinner after work but who knew that when she went out, she ran into the pitiful Qin Wangzhi.

That’s right, ever since she knew that Qin Wangzhi was drunkenly spoiled by the brutal Bai Xue, Little Red Riding Hood felt a little pity for Qin Wangzhi.

“Hello.” Qin Wangzhi nodded politely at Little Red Riding Hood.

“President Qin, you’re here to find Bai Xue, she’s not here today.” Little Red Riding Hood said with a smile.

“I know.” Qin Wangzhi smiled bitterly, “she hasn’t been here for the past few days.”

“Uh…is that so?” Little Red Riding Hood knew that Bai Xue was hiding from Qin Wangzhi recently, even though the woman will never admit it, even if her life is on the line. That’s fine, but, even if you are not afraid of dying, the studio won’t work if you don’t come in.

“I’m here to find you this time, can I chat with you?” Qin Wangzhi asked.

“Sorry, I have an appointment with my boyfriend for dinner.” Little Red Riding Hood refused.

“It won’t delay you for a long time, five minutes is enough.”

“Five minutes…” Little Red Riding Hood looked at the time and said, “Okay, you can talk.”

“I want to get back with Bai Xue, I hope you can help me.” Although Qin Wangzhi said it simply and direct, his tone was very sincere, “Please.”

“Uh…” Little Red Riding Hood was taken aback and hesitated to decide whether or not to interfere in Bai Xue’s affairs without permission, so she politely declined, “Just go after her if you are really interested in her. If Bai Xue likes you, she will naturally give you a chance.”

“Bai Xue only has less than half a year left, I’m afraid it will be too late.” Qin Wangzhi’s voice became obviously hoarse when he said that it was too late.

“Even if you get back together, you can only be together for half a year.” Little Red Riding Hood tentatively said, “After half a year, if Bai Xue is gone, what will you do?”

“I don’t know.” Qin Wangzhi didn’t dare to think about it in the future. He felt a little difficult to breathe.

“Will you… follow Bai Xue?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

“Huh??” Qin Wangzhi raised his head in shock, somewhat unresponsive.

“I’m so surprised, it seems that you never actually thought about dying. You really just sweet-talking to coax her.” Little Red Riding Hood finally understood Bai Xue’s feelings. Since it is certain that Qin Wangzhi will not die because of Bai Xue’s departure, why not…

” Okay, I’ll help you.” Little Red Riding Hood raised two fingers with a smirk, “In two days at most, I’ll help you deal with Bai Xue.”

“!!!” So you agree?


Awww they all taking care of the youngest brother together… How sweet… Xiao Ming hands down got it the worst lol. Also, 2 more chapters to go until the finale then we can end the series with 1 extra chapter! Woohoo!