The morning dawned after a whole night of agonizing over Leohart’s disturbing offer.

Although I was physically fit enough to stay up all night, I was still a little sleepy when my father, who had finished eating before me, muttered something to me.

“I heard that Lars escaped last night.”

“…… yes?”

Lars. Speaking of Lars, is it Lars Druids, the son of the Duke of Druids (stripped of his status), who is currently living on his estate with his father, the former Duke of Druids (stripped of his status), because of his infatuation with Elizabeth in the recent “Otohoshi” fiasco, and his father’s anger?

I want to confirm this, but when I heard the part about “falling in love with Elizabeth,” I remembered my father’s seriously angry face, and keep my mouth shut.

“The Druids have send their knights to inform us.”

Father holds out a piece of paper in his hand. On it, indeed, was written in trembling letters by the former Duke of Druids about the fact that Lars had disappeared, leaving behind an inexplicable magic circle.

After explaining the situation on the letter, he continued to beg for his life and make excuses, saying that he does not know what Lars is up to, that he is not involved in any way, and that he would not complain about any blame that might be placed on Lars.

I see. So this is the reason Father let them live together.

If either one of them makes a suspicious move, the other one, in a fit of self-preservation, would report it. I heard that the Duke of Druids was really scared because he knew that it would be more profitable for him to tell the truth than to hide it from the public.

“Then the magic circle……”

“I know. Domenic is on his way.”

“So we’ll be hearing from him soon?”

Marquis Domenic Marshall is the head of the Ministry of Magic and my tutor, so he is very competent. The only drawback is that his son is a pervert.

“So, what can I do for you?”


“What do you mean?”

“It means what it means. There’s nothing more than you and I can do.”

“Why don’t we take measures to catch Lars?”

I ask in surprise, but my father is leisurely picking up a piece of fruit.

My blood rushes to my head.

“If Lars has escaped, there is a good chance that Elizabeth will be targeted. Father knows that much. We must find out where Lars is and protect Elizabeth.”

I know I’m getting a bit rough, …… but after learning everything, the only thing in my mind is, I have to do something.

Yes, Lars has a 99.9999…% chance of showing up at Elizabeth’s doorstep. I’m not sure why Father knowing that she could be in danger doesn’t take any measures to prevent it.

“His Excellency the Duke of La Montlivre, as well as his daughter Elizabeth, have arrived.”

“There they are. Come in.”

I become a little surprised hearing the steward announcing that Elizabeth and her father have arrived. I didn’t know that my Father would be calling them to discuss this matter.

The door opens with Father’s permission.

There, standing behind the open door is the Duke with a raised eyebrow and Elizabeth standing next to him with an anxious expression.

And then there is the little black dragon beside Elizabeth, flapping its wings happily as it tries to catch Elizabeth’s gaze – wait, a black dragon?

“I am sorry to inform you of our arrival so early at this time of day, Your Majesty.”

“It’s okay. The appearance of the dragon is a matter of national importance. At last you have been persuaded.”

“The dragon is very fond of my daughter. It will go wherever she goes.”

“Good morning, His Majesty the King, Your Highness Vincent. I hope you will forgive my unexpected visit.”

Elizabeth folds her knees with confusion on her face as she was suddenly directed to speak.

I manage to return the greeting with a “Oh, good morning”. But as soon as I spoke, however, the dragon let out a high-pitched “squeak” and its eyes blazes with something that I’m not able to catch up.

The black eyes turns red like flames, not figuratively speaking. But it’s …… perfectly intimidated.

A bad premonition, no longer a premonition, appears before my eyes.

Lars’ escape, the remaining magic circle, Elizabeth’s visit, and the black dragon that is fond of her …… what can be derived from these?

“La, Master Lars! Please don’t hurt His Highness Vincent!”

With an impatient voice, Elizabeth stands in front of me with her hands outstretched both sides. Her slender back is filled with a sense of desperation that is very moving. I’m simply touched, my Elizabeth…

In addition, she seems to have realise that she is not tall enough to protect me from the floating dragon, so she shouts sharply, “Your Highness, crouch down, behind me!”

How cute~ I’m fainting in agony.

No wait …….what did she just say?

“That dragon, is it Lars?”


When I call his name, the black dragon responds with a cute squeak that does not sound like Lars. But if it is responding, then it must be Lars, after all.

When I call Lars’ name and stare at the dragon closely, the black dragon also tilts its head and looks at me. I can’t see much intelligence in its dull eyes but the seed of doubt that’s been planted in my heart began to sprout.

“It’s all right, Elizabeth. Lars is not considered a danger. …… yet.”

“Is that so? But even Lord Domenic could not catch this dragon. He scratched his face. ……”

“He didn’t use magic, did he? He will gradually build it up, but right now he can’t do anything.”

“Yes, Your Majesty is right.”

Father nods in agreement. The black dragon seems to know or recognise anyone except Elizabeth.

In addition, his memory as Lars seems to be fuzzy.

He seems to be attached only to Elizabeth, and is hostile to me, but even he (?) doesn’t seem to understand why.

If Lars’ personality is still intact, it is not surprising that he would accumulate power and even kidnap Elizabeth by force. If that is what he wanted, and that is why he lost himself to the dragons, then he can do anything bad now, but…….

But you know what? ……

I look at Lars, I mean, at the dragon again. The body of the dragon is covered with jet-black scales, and although only the eyeballs were seen red earlier, the features that burn red in response to anger are those of like the Fire dragon Ivelisse as told in mythology.

This evil Fire dragon Ivelisse is said to have been sealed by a holy king when the continent, now divided into countries, was one.

Evil dragon.

I have only recently heard of it, or rather read in a letter from Miss Serena, the sound of a word that only appears in fairy tales.

Lars …….

You’re going to be an evil dragon!!!

I didn’t say it out loud, only in my mind, but that doesn’t mean I’m less serious about it.

According to Miss Serena, the author of “The Sacred Maiden Sends Down Stars into the Night Sky,” there is a sequel to the novel, in which a duchess whose engagement is broken and who has been exiled from her country colludes with the Dark Order to summon an evil dragon to seek revenge against the Crown Prince and the heroine.

Of course, the evil dragon gets his revenge. It is the power of the heroine’s Star Blessing that slays the evil dragon.

I am surprised to find that the man who tried to set Elizabeth up turned into an evil dragon and is now crouching down to her.

Since Miss Serena felt so responsible for the “Otohoshi” fiasco, I guess she will write a “Lars Humanization Novel” when she finds out that Lars has become a dragon.

Haha. ……

I let out a sigh that I normally don’t let out. I remember that I havenn’t been getting enough sleep, so fatigue is rushing over me like a tide.

I have to go to the Royal Academy in one more minute, but I need to confirm if the dragon is really Lars or not again before then. If he goes to the academy with Elizabeth, he will cause a panic.

Then I have to take some measures before Lars grows up with full-fledged magical power. ……

……Royal Academies…… Attending school.

Come to think of it, I think I’m forgetting something.

I suddenly feel something flashing in the corner of my mind and raise my eyes.

I look up only to see Leohardt and Miss Risha enter, accompanied by their mother.


Now I remember what I was forgetting.