Mother and Leohardt’s gazes catch Elizabeth’s and shine.


Miss Lisha screams when she sees Lars, the Black Dragon.

Mm, it’s going to be chaos. What should I do now?

Just as I was about to think of a plan to handle the situation, I see Leohardt walking towards me.

Without giving even a single glance to Lars, he quickly approaches Elizabeth and bows down.

It is a graceful bow.

“My name is Leohardt Berlioz, Second Prince of the Kingdom of Orion. My Lady can call me Leo.”

“My name is Elizabeth La Montlivere, daughter of the Duke La Montlivre. Next to His Majesty the King. …… Well, Master Lars! Please don’t do that! I beg your pardon, he didn’t mean it.”

Elizabeth was perplexed at the sudden introduction of the neighboring country’s Prince but she still introduces herself elegantly. But Lars, who again takes a threatening posture seeing another unfamiliar person in front of Elizabeth, glares at Leohardt with red eyes. Elizabeth quickly tries to stop him and apologies to Leohardt, and father from his behalf. She also apologizes to Miss Lisha, whose face is turning increasingly pale.

“What a beautiful name. You are not only beautiful in appearance, but your name is also beautiful. May I call you by your …… name?”

Leohart asks, while looking straight at Elizabeth with an innocent smile on his face.

What? Wait a minute. Was he serious when he said he was looking for someone with blond hair and purple eyes?

“Leohard, Elizabeth is my–”

“Elizabeth. Please marry me.”

Before I could finish my words, which I tried to nail down and clear any misunderstanding of Leohard about Elizabeth, he opens his mouth and proposes to Elizabeth. His voice echoes in the hall, vibrating in my ear as I look at him completely shocked.


We will break the engagement between you and Eli-chan. We will adopt her as our daughter and choose a man suitable for the Princess as our son-in-law from a neighboring kingdom.

The voice of my father, which I have he heard in my dream, comes back to me like a raging storm. I am suddenly overcome by a flash of fear as if a thunderbolt just ran through my body, making it rigid and motionless. When I manage to turn my head to look at my father, I see that he is watching the situation with emotionless eyes. In other words, he is not angry even a little bit like before, when someone tried to harm Elizabeth. He could have silenced him with a single glance, but he didn’t.

Mother, too, remains silent as she leans in close to Miss Risha as if they are watching a soap opera and discussing among themselves. There is no sign of any objection to Leohardt’s marriage proposal to either of their faces.

And Harold…. Harold’s face is as icy and expressionless as usual.

Everyone becomes silent. The hall is filled with an uncomfortable silence, that is enough to suffocate me, who is at the verge of panic attack.

No way, are they really thinking making Leohardt the husband of Elizabeth’s? And their son-in-law ……?

I’ve been watching the shy and smiling Elizabeth for all my life. I’ve been in love with her for more than ten years. And now, I’m branded as disqualified to be her future husband?

No, this is no time to be caught up in nightmare delusions. I have to do something. If they think I’m unworthy of Elizabeth, I’ve to prove them it’s wrong. Even though it’s more or less true…I have to prove my worth. I can’t give up now! Not when I have already confessed to Elizabeth and waiting for her answer!

I manage to pull off the glued jaw and open my mouth.

“Leohardt, Elizabeth is my–”

“Thank you for the offer, but I am afraid I have to reject it.’

My words are interrupted again. This time, however, it is Elizabeth’s soft voice that interrupted me.

Elizabeth, looking at Leohardt with a straight back and a smile on her face, looks like someone with full of pride and dignity, who carries the burden of the nation.

Aww …… Elizabeth uuuuuhhh ……!!!!

You are the only one who tries to protect me in a situation where no one is on my side. ……

I was so lucky to be fallen in love with her. If I have the chance, I will fall in love with her again and again. I, who is at the brink of tears look at Elizabeth who is refusing Leohardt calmly, like a proper noble lady.

“I am His Highness Prince Vincent’s fiancée, and I am not going to let Prince Vincent–”

After saying this, Elizabeth suddenly stops talking. She looks around. At me, my parents, her father, Leohard, Miss Risha, Harold, the household servants, and the maids.

Noticing everyone’s gaze at her, as she was attracting the attention of everyone present, her lovely lips tremble.

The next moment, she turns red so quickly that she seems she is about to burst with a bang.

…… Oh, now that I think about it.

I guess she forgot that I confessed to her, Elizabeth. I had also completely forgotten about it due to the whole Evil Dragon fiasco.

Lars squeaks in protest next to Elizabeth, who has turned bright red. Instinctively, he could feel that something had happened between us.

I look again at my father and mother, both of whom are covering their faces with their hands. I wonder if the earlier silence of them was because they were waiting to see Elizabeth’s embarrassed face.

Elizabeth’s friends are all royal guards who have been placed behind her per my request. They must have been the ones who reported what was going on at the school.

Father notices my gaze and touches his chin as he ponders. He gives me some kind of sign with his thumb and index finger, but…. I can’t understand what it means. He probably means, “Leave this to Eli-chan,” so I keep quiet.

“Sorry, I’m sorry, I’m not at ……”

Elizabeth presses her palms on her face to dissipate the heat in her cheeks and takes a deep breath.

Father and Mother shake their heads with gentle gazes. They are throughly enjoying the moment, but thankfully, Elizabeth doesn’t notice.

“I cannot accept your offer. There must be someone who is more suitable for Prince Leohardt.”

Elizabeth breaks off the conversation somewhat forcefully and bows her head, which indicates that this conversation is over.

But instead of backing down, Leohardt takes a step forward to her. His eyes turning more and more passionate, even though he had been rejected.

“No, no one is more suitable to be my side than you. Please forget Vincent and take my hand.”


The words that leaves his mouth is not bearable to me, the Crown Prince.