Chapter 494: Fantasy future

Successful sequels of horror movies, in addition to small investment and high returns, are a universal situation. Horror movies are typical short-lived theater movies, and most rely on the accumulation of previous works in the theater and offline markets. The sequel of the fans is even more typical.

Like this kind of film series, because of the serious pattern and homogeneity, fans are definitely losing, but theater screenings and the huge offline rental market will continue to bring new audiences.

These will account for 70% or even higher audience share of the horror sequel.

Under normal circumstances, this part of the audience will definitely flood the theater in the first week of the movie.

So, the first week of the sequel will look pretty good at the box office.

But after the enthusiasm of this part of the main audience is almost consumed, the film's box office will quickly decline.

The box office of "Human Elimination Project 3" plummeted by 65 percent the next weekend, and only $12.65 million was received. Compared with the $36.15 million during the opening weekend, it gave a feeling of high diving.

Fortunately, this is just a small production with a very low cost, and the total box office in North America has reached US$60.03 million after being released for ten days.

Although according to the current trend of large fluctuations, it is almost impossible for the North American box office of "Human Clearance Project 3" to exceed 100 million US dollars, but the current North American box office has already generated large profits.

For film companies and investors, profitable movies are always good movies.

Also in this week, Universal Pictures this year's number one heavyweight work, "Hulk", which has been placed with great expectations, also ended its North American screening trip. The North American box office stopped at the figure of $121.56 million.

In this era, the number of Hollywood movies with a box office of hundreds of millions in North America is very small. If you encounter some movies in a small year, you may not get ten in a year. Even if it is a big year, there are only 20 movies a year.

Under normal circumstances, movies with a box office of more than 100 million in North America can be said to have achieved commercial success, but there is a premise that depends on the scale of investment.

There is no doubt that "The Hulk" is a failed work.

North America is more than 120 million U.S. dollars, and the current global box office total is just over 200 million U.S. dollars. The actual total investment may be around 200 million U.S. dollars. This film can be said to make investors vomit blood.

From Universal Pictures to investors in all fields, it is estimated that the losses are not small.

In the office of Relativity Entertainment, Robert Lee, who has been following Universal Pictures and "Hulk", came to Ronan to report on the situation.

"Universal Pictures has reached a consensus within." Robert Lee said of the news he had received: "They will not cooperate with Ann Lee on any projects in the future."

Ronan nodded slightly, and did not take these words seriously. When Ang Lee rises again, he will become a popular director in Hollywood again.

It is very likely that Universal Pictures will not cooperate with Ang Lee in commercial productions in the future.

"The Hulk" actually made it clear to many people in the industry that Ang Lee is not suitable for directing such a purely commercial film.

Art directors can’t play commercial films that they think are simple and brainless, and this is nothing new.

Every year, after winning the grand prize, an art director who was stimulated by money turned to directing a commercial film, and then fell down and couldn't stand up anymore.

"What about movie rights?" Ronan asked, "What is Universal Pictures' thinking about Hulk's movie rights."

Robert Lee was the first to be good at inquiring about news. In the past few years, he has become an expert in this area. He can sometimes find out many secrets or undisclosed news in a small area.

He summarized the news from various aspects and said: "Universal Pictures first established the project of "Hulk". Like the current "Spiderman" movie, it has a plan to shoot a series of movies. The initial plan is also three. Song, even the second script has a framework, and it is said that General Ross hunts down Hulk as the main line."

Ronan couldn't help laughing: "It's impossible to shoot a sequel now, right?"

Robert Lee nodded: "Universal Pictures has stopped the sequel plan and intends to shelve the "Hulk" movie indefinitely. I think if there are no special circumstances, Universal Pictures will not consider shooting new ones for at least ten years. The Hulk movie, but they have no plans to sell the copyright for the time being. What I learned from Marvel Comics, Avi-Allard had communicated with the senior management of Universal Pictures and wanted to take back the copyright of the Hulk movie. But it was rejected by Universal Pictures."

He told the truth: “We want to take the copyright of Hulk TV, unless we can sell the price that Universal Pictures is tempting, otherwise we are very likely to encounter the same situation as Marvel comics.”

Ronan slowly said, "Even if "Hulk" fails at the box office, how much does it cost to make a company like Universal Pictures tempted?"

If it were not for the film's failure, the possibility of getting the Hulk copyright from Universal Pictures is basically zero.

Robert Lee added: "I'm still inquiring about more relevant information so that I can find the best time."

Ronan believed in Robert Lee's ability and was very relieved of him, saying: "As long as the time is right, you decide to make contact with Universal Pictures."

"I also got a gossip. The news has not spread so far, and it is impossible to judge whether it is true or false." Robert-Lee said directly: "The French Vivendi Group, to which Universal Pictures belongs, has problems with its capital turnover and may sell Universal Pictures. To cash out in order to solve the pressing debt problem."

This remark immediately caught Ronan's attention: "Who does Vivendi want to sell Universal Pictures to?"

Robert Lee shook his head slightly: "I don't know this, there is no news in this regard."

Ronan seriously considered that Universal Pictures is going to be sold. Will one of the six major Hollywood companies change hands?

Now Universal Pictures’ parent company is the Vivendi Group in France, but he remembers it clearly. Later, Universal Pictures’ parent company was called NBC Universal Entertainment Group, which was part of General Electric.

This is not General Motors, which was once half-dead, but the General Electric Group founded by Edison, the company that ranked first in the world by market value for many years.

Of course, according to what Ronan once learned, this acquisition has little to do with General Electric. General Electric is involved in many industries. Among its many subsidiaries, there are also companies specializing in media and entertainment. The current NBC TV station is one of them. One.

Ronan said to Robert Lee: "You are focusing on this aspect, and let me know as soon as I have news."

Robert Lee, Ronan's old subordinate, could faintly guess Ronan's thoughts, and immediately said, "I will focus on this aspect."

Ronan's mind became lively, because he knew very well that if the news was not true or false, it was very likely to be true.

Ronan did not know exactly when Vivendi sold Universal Pictures, but he remembered that Universal Pictures later became NBC Universal Entertainment Group, indicating that Vivendi did sell Universal Pictures.

So, will Relativity Entertainment have a chance?

Facing Universal Pictures, one of the six major Hollywood companies, Ronan said that he had no idea, it must be fake, and he even wanted to swallow a big company like Universal Pictures in one bite to reach the top.

As long as you become one of the six major Hollywood companies, many things will no longer be troublesome.

Just like the previous Viacom, Sony Entertainment and News Corporation, if you win one of the six major companies, you will have the right to speak in this industry.

When Ronan thought about this, his mood was very agitated, and he even became excited. He was no longer calm as before. He couldn't sit on a chair, stood up and walked around in the office. For a time, his head was all about Universal Pictures. Fantasy.

Such an opportunity is too rare, and Universal Pictures is too heavy.

Winning Universal Pictures means that the film library, studios, parks, and MPAA seats will all be included in the bag.

Even if Ronan is a calm enough person, thinking about the possible future, he can hardly be excited.

Even, he didn't think about how to acquire Universal Pictures for the time being. It was all the benefits of taking Universal Pictures.

In the future, with streaming media like Netflix, there will be a high-start social media business that started earlier than others, coupled with an established company like Universal Pictures and the movies in his head, the beauty is beyond imagination.

This is more than just a rhythm to the peak of life?

As long as it works well and develops for a few years, you can have a dominant one in Hollywood!

What used to be Walt Disney, what Warner Bros. and Sony Entertainment, all stepped down!

Punch Paramount, kick Disney, step on Columbia, beat Twentieth Century Fox, suppress Warner Bros, and dominate Hollywood?

This thought flashed through Ronan's mind.

It was this seemingly beautiful idea that made Ronan regain consciousness from his brief fantasy.

Ronan knows very well that even if Vivendi Group really wants to sell Universal Pictures, Universal Pictures is still quite far away from Relativity Entertainment.

To achieve this goal, in terms of the strength of Relativity Entertainment, the possibility is very small, even ten times more difficult than digging into Disney's corner and winning the Pixar studio.

There is a chance, but it is very small.

Ronan is not a person who is easy to say and fail has not done it yet, and no one can guarantee 100% success or failure.

Regardless of success or failure, always try, even if it fails, there is not much loss.

And actually participating in it is not without benefits, maybe you can take the opportunity to get something.

Also, increase the operation experience of Relativity Entertainment's field acquisitions!

Even failure is a valuable experience.

Thinking of this, Ronan first called Robert Lee, who had just left, and asked him to focus on the developments of Universal Pictures. Then he called his assistant Connie to collect information about the French Vivendi Group and Universal Pictures. Details.

After doing this, Ronan left the office and found Robert Iger.

Compared to his half-hearted level, Robert Iger is more professional and experienced in this area.

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