Chapter 1500 Second Death

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1500 Second Death

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Gustav heart pounded with desperation as Angy blade approached at a speed quicker than he could activate his dimensional bracelet.

[ Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated ]

As he triggered the Lightning Blitz, his form dissolved into a streak of lightning, racing away from her. He reappeared over a thousand miles away in an instant, basking in the change of scenery.

Before he could even process his next move, a sharp pain erupted in his chest.

Angy's blade, dark and malevolent, had followed him through space and time, stabbing deep into his heart.

His eyes widened in disbelief as he looked down at the blade protruding from his chest. Dark, corrosive energy spread rapidly from the point of infiltration, coursing through his veins and seeping into his very being.

"No... Angy..." he whispered, feeling the life force draining from him.

He dropped to the ground with his body convulsing as the dark energy continued to spread, snuffing out the light within him.

Angy stood a short distance away, her blade still connected to him through a thin, almost imperceptible thread of darkness. Her eyes were blank, devoid of the warmth and life that had once defined her.

In the depths of her mind, a voice whispered, "Good human... You have destroyed the Outworldly."

Suddenly, Angy's eyes flickered with recognition. The haze clouding her mind began to lift, and she stared in horror at Gustav's lifeless form.

Tears welled up in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks as she fell to her knees beside him.

"Gustav?" Her voice broke with emotion.

The voice in her head persisted, cold and unyielding. "Now, kill yourself as well."

Angy clutched her head, "What have I done?"

"Kill yourself!"

She raised the blade towards her neck in the next instant.

Meanwhile, in the void of darkness that was now Gustav's consciousness, he floated aimlessly. The system's voice echoed around him.

("You have died, Gustav. The darkness from the blade is interfering with your regeneration and reincarnation abilities.")

"Does that mean, I can't come back to life?" Gustav questioned.

("If your reincarnation bloodline doesn't kick in... You won't.")

"No no, this can't be the end. There must be something that can be done."

The system responded, its tone almost apologetic. ("I do not know of any solution. The dark energy is too powerful.")

The process continued for nearly an hour, the struggle evident on both their faces. Slowly, Angy's dark form began to meld with Gustav's, her features blending into his own. His skin took on a pale hue, and dark tendrils of energy swirled around him.

Finally, with a final, agonizing surge of power, Gustav completed the assimilation. His body now bore a mixture of his and Angy's features, a stark contrast of light and dark. He gasped for breath, feeling the surging darkness within him.

Without hesitation, Gustav plunged his hand into his chest, gritting his teeth against the searing pain.

His fingers wrapped around something solid, and with a fierce tug, he pulled out an entirely human Angy.

She emerged from his body, collapsing to the ground, unconscious but free from the dark influence that had consumed her.

Gustav, now bearing the full brunt of the darkness, fought to contain it. The black energy roiled within him, threatening to overwhelm his senses. His vision blurred, and he felt himself slipping into unconsciousness.

~ "Kill! Destroy! Kill! Destroy! Retrieve the dark angel! Cause catastrophe! Kill the strongest!" ~

His mind raced with all sorts of thoughts that sought to consume him.

Jack rushed forward, catching Gustav before he hit the ground. "Gustav! Stay with me!" he shouted.

Gustav's eyes fluttered open for a moment, his voice barely a whisper. "Jack... Take care of her... She's free now... I have to put myself to sleep... Or the voices will overwhelm me... Help them..."

With that, Gustav's body went limp, the darkness still churning within him.

Jack carefully laid him down beside Angy, both of them unconscious but alive. .

As the wind howled around them, Jack took a deep breath. His thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief. "This kid, you truly are something else," he muttered.

'But what did he mean by help them?' Jack wondered internally.


Inside Gustav's spacecraft, E.E., Aildris, Falco, and Endric were gathered around the central control panel.

The ship AI's voice echoed through the cabin, informing them that their journey would take approximately three days, after passing through designated wormholes.

"Three days," E.E. said, tapping the console thoughtfully. "That gives us enough time to review our plans and ensure we're ready for anything."

Aildris nodded, his eyes shimmering with determination. "We've gone over it countless times, but we need to be absolutely certain. There's no room for error."

Falco leaned back in his seat as dark energy swirled subtly around his fingers. "I just hope there won't be any mishaps. Ria is counting on us."

Endric, sitting slightly apart from the others, felt a gnawing unease that he couldn't shake.

He didn't want to alarm the group, so he kept his concerns to himself. As the conversation continued around him, he excused himself quietly and made his way to one of the private spaces in the ship.

The room was dimly lit, providing a quiet retreat from the bustling activity outside. Endric took a deep breath and communicated with Husarius.

A glowing green dot appeared on his forehead, pulsating gently.

"Husarius," Endric called softly, his voice echoing in the small chamber. "I need your guidance."

The familiar, calming presence of Husarius filled his mind. "Endric, what troubles you?"

"There's something... off," Endric admitted.