Chapter 1501 Substation Intermission

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1501 Substation Intermission

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"I can't put my finger on it, but I have this overwhelming sense that something is going wrong. I was hoping you could help me see into the fates." Yôur favorite stories at

Husarius responded with a tone that was both kind and stern; "Endric, you know that seeing into the fates continuously is a misuse of your Time Candidate abilities. Also, have you forgotten that the fabric of time is delicate and should not be manipulated lightly? We have seen the consequences of doing so in the past. You exist for the purpose of balance."

"I understand that," Endric said, frustration creeping into his voice. "But we're walking into the heart of the Alliance. If something goes wrong, it could mean the end for us—and for Ria."

Husarius was silent for a moment, weighing the situation. "Despite the situation, there could be diverse consequences if we alter the fates once more. It should only be glimpsed upon in relation to situations with the Outworldly. Unless you wish to put your brother in danger again, I don't advise it."

Endric had a thoughtful look upon hearing that. Gustav's safety was extremely important to him but he also couldn't imagine how Gustav would react if they all wind up getting into big trouble here.

"Okay. But can you tell me one thing?" Endric voiced with a low tone.

"What is it?" Husarius inquired.

"Can you at least tell me that we are not currently on a turbulent path?" Endric asked.

"Every path through time is a turbulent part... There is no smooth sailing at any junction, especially when we are getting closer to it every day," Husarius responded cryptically.

"That isn't what I mean. How does our current path end in correlation with the goal of retrieving our friend? Good or bad?" Endric decided to be a bit more specific this time.

"Hmm... That is..." The green dot on Endric's forehead glowed brighter and Endric felt his consciousness expand.

A single image of Ria embracing all four of them appeared in his mind briefly.

Husarius didn't say a single word and only showed that. Endric nodded in understanding, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me. I only showed you a single glimpse. Arriving at that junction is one that won't come easy but when the time comes, you will know what step to take," Husarius responded.

Endric nodded again as he exited the private space and rejoined the others, who were still engrossed in their plans.

E.E. glanced up as Endric approached. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," Endric replied, forcing a smile. "Just needed a moment to clear my head."

They continued discussing their strategy, refining every detail to ensure their success.

The spacecraft thrummed steadily as it propelled them through the vast expanse of space.

As they chatted, E.E. discreetly slipped away, using his vortex to get into one of the private storage points.

The room was dimly lit and filled with various supplies. He quickly located a rack of Alliance Corps uniforms and a small transmission tool, exactly what they needed for the next part of their mission.

Back in the docking bay, Aildris and Falco continued their conversation with Quarn and another officer, a slender figure with silvery skin and luminous blue eyes named Vyra.

"So, what's it like working at a substation?" Falco asked, genuinely curious.

Vyra smiled. "It's a mix of routine and surprises. You get to meet interesting folks like yourselves, but we also deal with the occasional skirmish or emergency. Keeps things lively."

"Sounds like a good balance," Aildris said, nodding. "Well, we should get our supplies and be on our way. Thanks for the help, Quarn, Vyra."

"Anytime," Quarn replied, waving a limb in farewell. "Safe travels!"

E.E. reappeared near the entrance, giving a subtle nod to indicate he had what they needed. They made their way to storage bay 5, collected the necessary resources, and headed back to their ship without arousing any suspicion.

Once they were back on board and safely away from the substation, they breathed a collective sigh of relief.

"That went smoothly," E.E. said, holding up the uniforms and the transmission tool. "We should be able to blend in better now."

"Good job, everyone," Endric said, steering the ship back on course. "We have what we need to proceed. Let's keep going."

As they continued their journey, the ship vibrated steadily, a comforting sound in the otherwise silent expanse of space. The stolen uniforms and transmission tool were securely stored, ready for the next phase of their plan.

Falco leaned back in his seat, looking thoughtful. "You know, that Quarn guy seemed pretty decent. Makes you wonder how many of them are just following orders."

"Probably most of them," E.E. agreed. "It's easy to forget that there's a lot of regular folks caught up in all this."

Aildris nodded. "That's true. But we have a mission, and we can't lose sight of that."

Endric, who had been silent for a while, finally spoke up. "I have a feeling things are going to get more intense from here on out. Let's stay focused and be ready for anything."

The group fell into a contemplative silence, each lost in their own thoughts. The Alliance was a formidable adversary, but they were determined to rescue Ria.

As they approached the next wormhole, the AI's voice echoed through the cabin. "Prepare for entry into wormhole in T-minus one minute."

The ship shuddered slightly as it was drawn into the vortex, the stars outside blurring into streaks of light once more. The journey was far from over, but they were one step closer to their goal.

During the transition through the wormhole, Endric took a moment to reflect on his earlier conversation with Husarius.

'Gotta keep an eye out,' He resolved to remain vigilant and protect Gustav's friends at all costs.

As they emerged from the wormhole, the stars returned to their normal, twinkling selves. The AI announced their successful transition, and they continued on their course.