Chapter 1584 Unfortunate Situation

Name:The Bloodline System Author:
Chapter 1584 Unfortunate Situation

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


In cities around the world, people gathered in community centers, schools, and libraries, discussing potential candidates and casting their votes. The energy was electric, a sense of hope and possibility infusing the air.

Gustav sat in his penthouse, the holographic interface before him displaying a live feed of the nominations and votes. He and the team he had set up, pored over the data, identifying individuals who received strong public support.

"Look at this," said one of his advisors, pointing to a name on the screen. "Dr. Patel Martinez, a leading expert in renewable energy. She's been nominated by thousands of people."

"She seems like the kind of person we need," Gustav agreed. "Let's add her to the shortlist but I'll interrogate her myself later."

As the days passed, the shortlist grew longer. There were doctors, scientists, educators, social workers, and activists from all corners of the globe. Each had a proven track record of dedication and service to humanity.

To E.E surprise, he was also included in the list. He didn't expect it but he already had a lot of votes from people which quite surprised him as he didn't deem himself popular.

What E.E didn't count was the many missions he had gone on and how he usually engaged people in conversations. He was always heartily willing to help others and a lot of people both within and outside the MBO knew how easy going he was.

One evening, Gustav sat down with Endric and E.E to review the final list of potential council members.

"These are some incredible people," E.E remarked while scrolling through the list. "It's amazing to see how many talented and compassionate individuals are out there."

Gustav nodded. "Unlike myself, this council has to made up of people who genuinely want to make a difference."


The next day, Gustav stood in the grand hall of the temporary headquarters for the newly formed independent council. The room was spacious and modern, filled with natural light streaming through large windows.

The atmosphere was a bit tense as the final round of candidate interviews was about to begin.

He was flanked by a team of advisors, each one meticulously selected for their expertise in various fields.

They had spent days sifting through the nominations, narrowing down the list to the most promising individuals. Today, Gustav would use his keen perception and ability to read others to interrogate the remaining candidates and finalize the council.

As the first candidate stepped forward, Gustav gave a reassuring nod to his team. "Let's get started," he said with a calm but authoritative tone.

Aisha Kamara followed, her eyes shining with determination. "Education is the foundation of a prosperous society. We will work to ensure that every child, regardless of their background, has access to everything they should. We will break the cycle of discrimination and unwarranted treatments and empower communities to thrive together."

E.E. took the podium next, his presence commanding and resolute. "Corruption and inequality have plagued our world for far too long. We will clamp down on the societal differences between low and high-graded Mixedbloods. We will eradicate corruption in government and ensure that no one is silenced or unjustly persecuted."

The speeches continued, each council member articulating their vision and commitment.

As the last speech concluded, Gustav returned to the podium. "This council represents a new beginning. We will work together to address the pressing issues of our time and build a future where justice, equality, and progress are the norm. Thank you for your support."

The applause was thunderous, echoing through the grand hall. The world was watching, and the message was clear: change was coming.

Over the next few days, the council members began their work in earnest. Meetings were held to outline their initial priorities, and subcommittees were formed to tackle specific issues.

Gustav juggled his responsibilities with preparing for his postponed trip to Agon. Once he had finished putting a couple of things in place, he would leave everything to the others and finally head for Agon.

"Can you believe how far we've come?" E.E. asked with a smile. "From fighting our way through battles to now shaping the future of the world."

Gustav nodded. "It's surreal. Although, I don't care much for it so you really have a lot of work ahead of you."

"As do you haha. Get back in one piece... In fact, I'll be heading to Agon with you and you cannot refuse," E.E chuckled.

"The world is finally heading in the right direction," He added.

"Let's see if it survives long enough to become something... Better," Gustav voiced with a straight look.


-Days Later

In Plankton City a battle was ongoing between two powerful forces.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

They met in mid-air multiple times with thunderous clashes. The force of their blow caused a shockwave that rippled through the atmosphere, shaking the nearby buildings.

They landed on the rooftop of a deserted skyscraper, the ground beneath them cracking from the impact.

Without a word, they continued exchanging powerful blows as their fists collided with enough force to create sonic booms.